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    Theology, mythology, bumpology, morphology, philology, monkeys, coffee, more monkeys.
  • Application Season
    2017 Fall

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  1. I was notified of admission as late as April 1 on my last round of applications, from Columbia. That was the outlier; I had heard from my other programs by mid-March.
  2. That really depends on the program. On my first round on MA applications in 2012, I was accepted without interviews to two UChicago programs (Divinity school and the Division of the Humanities) and Columbia. This round, I was accepted without interview to SAIC, and accepted after interview to SFAI. I was not invited to interview at Bard (rejection) and flat-out rejected from Maine. Some programs interview as a matter of course, others only interview if they see a strong candidate but aren't sure about how they'll fit in the program, or to break a tie between two attractive candidates. So short answer: no, it's not weird to get accepted without an interview.
  3. I'm touring the SAIC graduate studios and meeting with the program director on Monday (I've got two equally attractive admits, so the decision is basically going to come down to funding) and I'm hoping they'll have some sort of answer then. I emailed FinAid, but got the form letter saying that they won't send out funding info until after the 3/10 FAFSA deadline. Still, I'm like 80% sure that I'll be going to Chicago instead of San Francisco.
  4. I'm both a SAIC and a UChicago alum and...whoo boy, there is a lot of ego at both schools. Overall though I was very happy with both.
  5. Accepted into the San Francisco low-res program!
  6. Have you gotten funding info from SAIC yet? I've also been accepted into the low-res program, but no funding info yet.
  7. Welp, rejected from MECA. Which is a shame, because the program was very attractive to me. At least I have the consolation of a SAIC admit. Still waiting on a decision from SFAI after my interview, too.
  8. I interviewed by phone, with a single faculty member.
  9. I asked for my interviewer's email during our conversation. It came up naturally when she told me to call her if I had any more questions.
  10. Thanks for the info! I guess I'll stop refreshing my email and...go do something productive?
  11. Just got their rejection email a few minutes ago.
  12. Has anyone heard anything from Maine College of Art (MECA)?
  13. Well, crud. Do you happen to know if they notify via email or post?
  14. Thanks for posting this, Turnip! I had my interview with SFAI yesterday, and I prepped largely by printing out your questions and making extensive notes on them. While we were talking, I was able to reference those (and they asked a LOT of the questions you listed!), and it made me feel so much more confident and relaxed during the process. So basically, if I get accepted, you're getting the credit. Thanks again!
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