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Everything posted by EastCoasting

  1. My friend who has completed the NYU masters says not to do it. Students in the program are often miserable, and they pretty much accept anyone.
  2. I think I remember seeing that many programs required three courses, with two of them being stats and experimental/research methods. You could also take the psychology subject GREs.
  3. Thanks. Would you mind PMing me you POI?
  4. Has anyone interviewed at NYU, and heard anything (either acceptance, rejection, or waitlist)? Thanks!
  5. I did, and I received no response. I wish I had a better story to share...
  6. try the Psi Chi Journal of Research
  7. One can also use a social PhD to work in the industry.
  8. A friend got into a clinical doctoral program at age 47. I think if you are really good, and you can prove it with experience and good, testable ideas, that you have a decent shot. But then again I'm just an applicant myself (and check out Adam Cohen's work if you haven't seen it yet)
  9. I can tell you that I have found myself in a situation that a school I thought I had little interest in attending shot up to a top choice following my visit. Attend with an open mind, because you really never know (and if you really do know you should not go).
  10. I don't have the answer, but I do love Octavia Butler...
  11. I would look at Dan Ariely too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Ariely
  12. I always change either right after disembarking, or if I have less time then on the airplane right before landing
  13. For me the second time around really is not as bad. Maybe because I am more busy in general, or maybe because I feel more confident that I applied to more suitable programs this year (or maybe because I have many more interviews). I don't think that I would apply a third time, but I am happy I went through this again. BTW starting to exercise regularly, and watching what I eat, helped me with self control (and to lose weight and shape up!). However before hearing anything from schools I was far more nervous, but I think the unknown will do that to you...
  14. Out of curiosity: does anyone know what the average funding looks like for psyc doctoral students (say school, social, developmental, but really anything). I know NYU has on their site that they give a (I think) about 22.5K stipend a year, but that was the only funding info I have seen online to date. If anyone knows what other school generally offer, or what is considered an incredibly good funding package, I would be extremely interested in the information.
  15. I recommend that people asking for a POI at a school also mention the subfield that they are interested in.
  16. Thanks. I already resolved my problem, so this is no longer relevant.
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