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Communication/Mass Comm/Journalism

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Hello everyone, this is my first post.

I'm curious if anyone has received any letters from Michigan State (Media & Information Studies PhD program) and Northwestern (Media, Technology & Society PhD program). I am running out of patience now...

Any info would be greatly appreciated! All the best to everyone!

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Hello everyone, this is my first post.

I'm curious if anyone has received any letters from Michigan State (Media & Information Studies PhD program) and Northwestern (Media, Technology & Society PhD program). I am running out of patience now...

Any info would be greatly appreciated! All the best to everyone!

I was offered an interview with Northwestern's MTS program, but declined since I will be going else where...they had their interview weekend around March 6th I think.

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Well that sucks. Wait-listed at Columbia.

I might shed a couple tears later when I get home from work.

Is Columbia your first choice?

I withdrew from a waitlist because I am pretty tired of the waiting game!

(And I am very happy with the choices that I do have, which helps!)

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Is Columbia your first choice?

I withdrew from a waitlist because I am pretty tired of the waiting game!

(And I am very happy with the choices that I do have, which helps!)

Syracuse was my first realistic choice, but Columbia was my dream choice. I don't know if that makes any sense, haha. It meant a super lot to get in for personal reasons, and just my academic, emotional, an family history, but...guess wait-listed is as close as I can get. Oh well. I spent a good 20 minutes sobbing yesterday before dramatically going to be at 6:30 (after posting emo Facebook status messages) but I'm over it now. Gotta move on! I'm happy with my other admittances, so life is still good. :)

The whole waiting game thing doe suck, though, but congrats on your other choices!

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Michigan State TISM and COM are having their visiting weekends this weekend, for whoever was asking. They may still make offers to second-tier people later in the year, although that is not for sure based on available funding.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all

I'm a comm student as well. My thesis revolves around the role of dialogue in the process of peacemaking/peacekeeping/peacebuilding; so, a little bit of rhetoric and dialogue, organizational comm, government communication, non-profit communication, and international and intercultural communication rolled up in one nice package for me. :roll:

Anyone else with similar interests? I'm new to the forum and wouldn't mind a few new friends. :D



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Hey there, I am approaching my final year of my M.A. in communications program. I have 5 more classes + thesis left. I can't decide if I want to write the thesis in the fall or spring. I could do a better job if I waited until the spring, but I would like to have the thesis as a writing sample for my apps when I apply, since Apps are due in January at most places. What do you guys think I should do?

Also, I took the GRE my senior year of college. Thus, I have had a full year of undegraduate education and a year of graduate level education at a top-15 university with a relatively unknown comm program, so I imagine that my score would improve if I retook it. I got a an 1110 two years ago (630 verbal, 480 Math, 5.5 Writing). I took it in September of 2007. The program requires 10 courses + thesis. My program does not calculate a GPA, but so far my grades are B+, B+, A, A-, B...thus, my cumulative is technically 3.46 which I would like to improve to at least a 3.6 before I apply for Comm Phd programs. I am not slacking, my program is insanely rigorous!

Obviously, my math GRE score needs to improve and my verbal/writing is about where it should be. Do most graduate programs take the better scores or average them? Should I wait until late fall (since I am taking 3 classes this summer and more this fall)? I am done with my statistics classes so my math skills are probably better now but my verbal will improve as I read/write more and learn new words just by nature of being in a master's program.

I'd love to network with other people applying for PHD programs this upcoming year. So far, I need funding to go anywhere (can't take out any more loans). I am kind of unsure as to which programs I am qualified for (a lot depends on my GRE retake). Let me know what you think of the programs I am applying for/whether they are matches or complete reaches. UPenn and Stanford seem to want a 1300 on the GRE, so I probably won't bother applying unless I get at least a 1250 on my retake.

UPENN, Annenberg




U. Miami



Columbia (PHD in journalism, not sure about this program since I am interested in all aspects of mass communication)



U. Washington

U. Maryland (?), Michigan (?), Wisconsin (?), Northwestern (?)

LSE (doubt I would move to London since I know no one in the UK, but I like that they don't require GRE scores)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all,

I would also be interested in getting to know the Fall 2010 Mass Comm/Comm applicants. I am currently working on my M.A. in media studies (formerly Mass Comm at my school). I plan on applying for PHD programs in Mass Comm/Comm for entry Fall 2010. Would love to plug into an online support network. I also have my law degree and when I applied to law school I wish I would have had some emotional support during the process.

Wildewit- Your interests are very close to mine. My research interests are in government communication/military press relations/IR & Media. My teaching interests though are in public relations/integrated marketing/international communication. I love your interests. I would be interested in hearing more.

rparkerV- Those are awesome schools you are looking at. Do you have any practical experience in the field? I think GRE scores are somewhat important, but I find schools in mass comm/comm highly value prior practical experience, academic conferences, and obviously research interest fit with faculty. I also need to retake the GRE, but to be honest (we have the same verbal score!) I just want to get a respectable score in the math section ( I didn't need that section for my M.A. program and I am not so adept at math-but need to turn that around.) I don't plan on applying to most of the schools on your list. Most of the ivies and higher ranked schools don't have programs or faculty that specialize in public relations, except for U of Maryland and USC and I am not wasting my application money by applying to ivy league schools (I don't have a slingshot to shoot that high lol). I have had classmates ahead of me in the M.A. program here who just got into top ranked schools with 1000-1100 GRE scores (and full funding I may add). I think their unique research interests and fit within their respective departments really is what got them where they are. Not to say GREs are not important (obviously I am retaking mine too) but you are not as worse off as you think!

Hope to make some new friends and colleagues here :D



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

Happy to have found this forum :)

I'm a prospective Fall 2011 applicant who is having second thoughts about pursuing a doctorate in Comm, mainly because I get the impression that a PhD is primarily for those interested in teaching. Please correct me if this belief is misguided. I would like to know: Would you recommend pursuing a PhD to someone who is more interested in research or consulting work, say for international organizations or private companies? Is it possible to land an industry job after completing the PhD, or is it the norm to go the academia route and parlay the experience into research/consulting jobs? I was thinking this could be possible, given that my interest is in health communication and projects in this area *seem* to get good funding from the likes of NIH and CDC.

Also, I would be glad if you could weigh in on my list of potential schools / suggest other schools that have strong health communication programs. Here are my early choices :

1) Annenberg (UPenn)

2) Penn State

3) University of Georgia

4) University of Connecticut

5) University of Maryland - College Park

6) George Mason University

Thank you very much!



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Hello Jan,

Welcome to the board. I am sure things will pick up here around September! About your questions:

I would like to know: Would you recommend pursuing a PhD to someone who is more interested in research or consulting work, say for international organizations or private companies? Is it possible to land an industry job after completing the PhD, or is it the norm to go the academia route and parlay the experience into research/consulting jobs? I was thinking this could be possible, given that my interest is in health communication and projects in this area *seem* to get good funding from the likes of NIH and CDC.

My M.A. professor gave me some good advice. He told me that I could be successful in academia by being good in two of the three areas: Teaching, Research, Service (community involvement, etc). He went on to say that of the three areas, ONE area that I will focus on HAS TO be Teaching or Research (meaning be a research superstar or a teaching superstar-preferably both but those people are far and few between). My interests differ from yours, in that I enjoy teaching much more than I do research. Meaning I do publish and research, but really "enjoy" myself in the classroom, student development, etc..With that said, a PHD is really nothing but research, with teaching to pay the bills. This should be right up your alley, if you enjoy research. Also remember that in our field-communication, mass communication, etc-we have a pretty active research component in the more practical industries. While you may not NEED a PHD to work in the communication industry, it will be a huge plus and if you plan on being a director or lead team member in a research-oriented communication position, then a PHD will not only set you apart but may be desired at the higher levels. A friend I went to undergrad with, got her PHD in mass communication with an emphasis in public opinion. She is now working for RAND. Her position desired a PHD. In short (hahaha) if you like research, then you are probably the perfect PHD student. I am in the position of having to deal with my average interest in research so that I can translate that into classroom teaching. You are in a much better position believe me! :D

Your second question: These programs are tops in your field, but there are others that were ranked by NCA (National Communication Association). I placed a short list at the bottom . A longer list can be found at their site. By the way, why is everyone interested in Upenn Comm? You'd think they were the only communications program in the US. Sure they are the best in several areas, but geeeesh! (This is my way of saying there is no way I would get in so I envy those who have a chance to buck the 300 applicants a year statistic lol) I guess Americans love their ivys! :wink:

Good Luck! I hope to hear more from you this year. Many of us will be trying to get into PHD programs for Fall 2010.

Top 12 (according to NCA) in Health Comm

1) Pennsylvania, University of Annenberg School for Communication

2) Pennsylvania State University Department of Comm Arts and Sciences

3) Michigan State University College of Communication Arts & Sciences

4) Illinois, University of-Urbana-Champaign Department of Speech Communication Georgia, University of Department of Speech Communication

5) Kentucky, University of College of Comm and Info Studies

6) Texas A&M University Department of Communication

7) Purdue University Department of Communication

8) Rutgers University Department of Communication,

9) Ohio University School of Communication Studies

10) Southern California, University of Annenberg School for Communication

11) Ohio State University School of Journalism and Mass Comm

12) Oklahoma, University of Department of Communication

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thrilled to have found this forum! I started my applications for Ph.D. programs yesterday.

1. University of Pennsylvania: The Annenberg School for Communication

(Ph.D. in Communication)

2. The Pennsylvania State University: College of Communications

(Ph.D. in Mass Communications)

3. The University of Florida: College of Journalism and Communications

(Ph.D. in Mass Communication)

4. Indiana University: Department of Telecommunications, College of Arts and Sciences (Ph.D. in Mass Communications)

I did my M.A. in TISM at Michigan State. I've been teaching and managing campus radio/tv facilities at a medium-sized university in Georgia for 2 years.

GPA: 3.7 for M.A., 3.6 for B.S. Two of the programs above asked for junior/senior year GPA, which was 3.4 for me.

GRE: 650v, 720q, 5.5aw

One conference paper, one in progress.

Research interests: media selection, use, and participation; policy and management

With a reported 350 applicants to UPenn last year, could we see 400 this year? What are my chances?!?!? I'm looking forward to commiserating with the other 2010 applicants in Communication for the next 7-8 months. :-D

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GPA: 3.7 for M.A., 3.6 for B.S. Two of the programs above asked for junior/senior year GPA, which was 3.4 for me.

GRE: 650v, 720q, 5.5aw

One conference paper, one in progress.

Research interests: media selection, use, and participation; policy and management

With a reported 350 applicants to UPenn last year, could we see 400 this year? What are my chances?!?!? I'm looking forward to commiserating with the other 2010 applicants in Communication for the next 7-8 months. :-D

Naptown, those are stellar stats. Welcome to the board, good to see another PHD hopeful. I envy that GRE score, very good, and your work experience "in the field" will give you a further edge. I can't speak for UPENN because let's face it, with that many people applying, they will have to turn away a good chunk of well-qualified applicants. With UPENN it will come down to fit with department and faculty. As far as the other schools are concerned you are very competitive. One of my classmates (in the class ahead of me) applied to Indiana and U of Florida with similar stats (though no work experience) and was admitted to both with full funding (she ended up turning both down and taking a job with Warner Brothers. Not sure if she was silly or smart!) I recently visited Indiana University and I love the campus and program there, but unfortunately the program isn't a fit for my research interests. U of Florida is tops as well and one of the only programs that have my research interest with a sizable cadre of faculty dedicated to it. Penn State is one of the best in the mass comm field and they consistently rank in the top and I would love to work with a couple faculty members there, but I most likely will not throw my hat in that ring. How did you choose those particular schools? Did you look at faculty or did you chose the schools based on overall reputation?

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PRguy101: Thanks for the support!

To address your question, I guess I would say that I chose based on 3 things:

Multiple faculty with interest in uses and gratification, reception, attention processes, and the like. Penn State is the weakest in this regard, but they have a policy/management area that appeals to me, too. I think the other three are a solid fit - as long as I'm able to articulate my interests in a way that is specific enough and makes sense to the committee.

Geography - family in PA, FL, and IN, and all are reasonably affordable/warm locations where my spouse and I would want to live for 5+ years.

Well-regarded and well-funded (major research institution) departments and universities.

So what programs are you applying to, and why?

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Where are all the previously active posters in this thread (Fall 2009 applicants)?

StudyMom, Stevie, CopperBoom and the rest, where did you finally decide to enroll? Would really appreciate it if you could check in from time to time and inform us PhD hopefuls of your experiences in grad school :)

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