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PhD / DrPh Fall 2022

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25 minutes ago, futureepiphd28 said:

Hi everyone, this is my first post to this forum. I am getting anxious about this application szn being that I have heard nothing from any school. Here are the schools I have applied to:

Harvard PHD-Epi

Boston Uni PHD-Epi



Columbia PHD-Epi


UTHealth PHD Epi

Has anyone heard from these schools and should I email them? Thanks

I have Harvard, BU, and Columbia in common with you and also have not heard anything back at all! I heard that Harvard already sent out interview invites. As for BU and Columbia, it's been completely silent- I'm also getting a bit anxious!

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On 2/5/2022 at 6:27 PM, gipa said:

Applicants of unc drph online program, has anyone received interview invite?

Someone, not me, did receive an invite the morning of Feb 1. I also applied to this program and have checked my email constantly since that morning and haven't received anything. When I last spoke with them I failed to ask if all potential candidates receive interviews or just some (like Hopkins - they only interview as needed and admit without them). I was told that interviews are held in Feb and decisions sent out in March. I'm losing hope for that one, unfortunately. It's such a great program. :'-( 


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15 minutes ago, publichealth22 said:

I have Harvard, BU, and Columbia in common with you and also have not heard anything back at all! I heard that Harvard already sent out interview invites. As for BU and Columbia, it's been completely silent- I'm also getting a bit anxious!

I believe Harvard already sent out acceptances (though maybe not for all tracks), BU interview day is Friday 2/11, and Columbia has conducted interviews over the past couple weeks ?

Edited by ldg71
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18 minutes ago, DrPHPlans said:

Someone, not me, did receive an invite the morning of Feb 1. I also applied to this program and have checked my email constantly since that morning and haven't received anything. When I last spoke with them I failed to ask if all potential candidates receive interviews or just some (like Hopkins - they only interview as needed and admit without them). I was told that interviews are held in Feb and decisions sent out in March. I'm losing hope for that one, unfortunately. It's such a great program. :'-( 



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Just now, gipa said:


Sorry im new to this site. Learning how to reply.  I'm wondering if they're still reviewing applications and they're just contacting people in the order of review. I imagine they have hundreds of applications to review and they're probably having to also wait on letters of recommendation. They sent me an email saying that they need letters of recommendation by the 31st of January. So I'm still hopeful but I'm frustrated too. I meant to ask the admissions director that question to about if everyone has to interview.

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2 minutes ago, gipa said:

Sorry im new to this site. Learning how to reply.  I'm wondering if they're still reviewing applications and they're just contacting people in the order of review. I imagine they have hundreds of applications to review and they're probably having to also wait on letters of recommendation. They sent me an email saying that they need letters of recommendation by the 31st of January. So I'm still hopeful but I'm frustrated too. I meant to ask the admissions director that question to about if everyone has to interview.

Ooh, it's interesting to know that you had until the end of Jan to get LsOR in. I think I'd forgotten that part, and had all of mine in by the app due date. That leads me to agree that they may still be reviewing applications. I'll admit I have become completely unreasonable and dramatic getting discouraged so early, when decisions really aren't sent out until March. I think maybe being here with all the PhD students getting earlier decisions has been bad for my mental health. And yet, I'm still here. ?

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38 minutes ago, DesireeBBanks said:

Hi everyone,


New here. Anyone  heard from Columbia Drph and JHU Drph yet?

Columbia interviews this month and plans to send out acceptances by the end of the month or early March, at least that's what the Global Health & Humanitarian Systems track folks said in my interview last month. 

Edited by DrPH Hopeful 2022
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15 minutes ago, DrPHPlans said:

Ooh, it's interesting to know that you had until the end of Jan to get LsOR in. I think I'd forgotten that part, and had all of mine in by the app due date. That leads me to agree that they may still be reviewing applications. I'll admit I have become completely unreasonable and dramatic getting discouraged so early, when decisions really aren't sent out until March. I think maybe being here with all the PhD students getting earlier decisions has been bad for my mental health. And yet, I'm still here. ?

That was me that received the UNC DrPH interview invite. I don't know exactly what their selection/admissions process is, but the email did confirm that decisions will be made early to mid-March. I do know that not everyone invited to interview is accepted.

Us DrPH folks are definitely outnumbered by the Epi/PhD crowd and those programs seem to be on earlier decision/acceptance schedules than ours. Don't let that discourage you during the waiting game. Keep your chin and hopes up! ??

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20 hours ago, healtheconphd said:

Also waiting to hear form JHU this week - good luck!

I know Harvard interviews have already occurred, but has anyone heard anything from Yale? Are they doing interviews?

Are you referring to JHU decisions or regarding interviews? I applied to a couple of their health policy phd tracks and I am getting unreasonably antsy. I'm hoping we get word soon. I keep seeing March mentioned for JHU but I think that's DrPH?

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3 minutes ago, GenoTheCat said:

Are you referring to JHU decisions or regarding interviews? I applied to a couple of their health policy phd tracks and I am getting unreasonably antsy. I'm hoping we get word soon. I keep seeing March mentioned for JHU but I think that's DrPH?

JHU decisions for the HPM department supposedly come out this week. I believe they interview everyone who they are shortlisting to accept.

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3 minutes ago, GenoTheCat said:

Are you referring to JHU decisions or regarding interviews? I applied to a couple of their health policy phd tracks and I am getting unreasonably antsy. I'm hoping we get word soon. I keep seeing March mentioned for JHU but I think that's DrPH?

I interviewed with JHU for the econ track back in mid-January and they said they would have decisions around the first week of February.

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On 1/24/2022 at 12:03 PM, Winniemp said:

Anyone else applying to state universities and waiting for results?


Hey! I applied to USF for DrPH. I know from previous year's threads that USF's DrPH program tends to be announced on the later side (March - May). Just wondering if anyone had any new or different information about this!

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4 hours ago, GenoTheCat said:

Sorry for delayed reply, I typed this up but apparently didn't submit. I didn't get any info, and have not been able to find any either, either in their website or the accepted student portal. I have heard that about them as well (after applying) which is unfortunate. 

Thank you for your reply. I've heard that they offer new students scholarship to incoming Ph.Ds but mostly not fully funded. Good luck to us on these scholarships!

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6 hours ago, medception said:

Yea its honestly pretty frustrating that they don't advertise this info on their website or on SOPHAS before people apply, because they know if they did post the bit about limited funding, very few people would apply and thus they wouldn't get their app fees. Dishonest AF. It just rubbed me the wrong way.

I actually really doubt they don't advertise it just so that they get their application fees. They want the best candidates applying to their school. They want to be able to accept the best possible candidates. Advertising that funding is limited could deter potential candidates who would be an excellent fit. Why would they want to deter students from applying to their program??

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I saw a result posted for Columbia SMS PhD for an interview, and student panel this Friday (2/11). Does the person who posted or anyone else know more info about this? I am wondering if that means they are sending out all the acceptances this week. I'm also wondering if it's OK to reach out about the status of my app. Any feedback is appreciated!! Thanks

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On 2/3/2022 at 5:32 PM, XXXXXXphd2021 said:

Just received interview invite via email to NYU Social and Behavioral Sciences. Interview orientation day is Feb 14. (Do not know if they send out interviews in different batches)


Since NYU SGPH interviews will be held on February 14, has anyone received an interview invite for NYU HPM yet?


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15 minutes ago, Public_health_and_cats said:

Hey! I saw someone post today on results about an acceptance to University of Toronto SBS from January 27th. This is the first I have seen from them (no one posted about interview invites or anything else). Are these rolling admissions? Thanks!

Is SBS social behavior? On their website it says admissions start going out in February 

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