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MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum

Michelle Santa Cruz

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8 hours ago, annaconda said:

I also only applied to one school, @Forms Without Formula, and I think I also didn't get in (no interview request, UW Madison). It's kinda confusing how everyone emphasizes the importance of finding a great fit for MFA programs. So I decided on the best program for me but... now kinda feeling like any program might be better than no program ?  Oh wells. Now we know for next year (if we decide that trying again is the right path for us :)). 

Yeah, I think I focused too much on price, location, and studio size and not enough on how my art would fit it. Felt all along that my style of art was different than what I was seeing but kept telling myself everyone's style of art is different. Next year I'll focus somewhere I can see myself fitting in aesthetically and worry less about the price tag cause if they want you they'll give you money! Good luck with the torturous waiting, hope you end up getting accepted but if not see you next year maybe!

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15 hours ago, Pickle95 said:

Invited for a second interview (in-person) with Stanford. Didn't realize they did second interviews.. Someone asked about UCLA, I had my interview for painting last week but nothing in my portal has changed and all of my exchanges have been with the painting faculty directly. That must mean it's a departmental thing, unlike how other programs have been functioning. Had Yale interview on Monday, think it went well! Very anxiously awaiting results now!! ?

I also just want to say (sorry if this is like sappy or unnecessary, I just think maybe it's important to say) this is my second time applying to grad school. The first time I got rejected by half of the programs I applied to. It was devastating and felt very bad about myself/art. I then just decided to take a year off from applying and focus on making work. I still haven't gotten accepted anywhere (hopefully I'm not jinxing myself) but all I'm trying to say is that if things don't work out the way you'd hoped they would, you can always try again! These programs aren't going anywhere, though I completely understand not wanting to apply more than once, it is such a long and vulnerable process. Alternatively, sometimes things happen the way they're supposed to happen! 

Okay, my little rant is over thanks for your time lol!!!!!

Congrats and thank you! It’s reassuring to hear! 

If it’s okay to ask, how do you feel your work has developed over the year? Any tips on how to strengthen applications for next year? I think I might reapply a second time next year or maybe wait and make more work! 

Also, curious to hear more about what your Yale interview was like, the questions that were asked.. :)

Hope you get accepted! ?

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I am waiting for the interview, and I am not sure I am rejected or not.


I interviewed - SVA (POD)


WAITING - RISD(industrial design)  / PRATT(interaction) / NYU(ITP) / Parsons (Industrial design)


Do anyone know about the interview statues? Please share with me.



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Hi everyone!

Any news from UC Irvine? I haven't heard much other than one of us lucky cats has recently interviewed. 

Honestly, I don't know why I ask because I won't really know until I know... but somehow I find myself seeking answers instead of patience? I think I want to save myself from false hope that they may still be in the process of sending out interviews. This waiting game is torture. UCI is the only school I applied to. Next time I will apply to more even if just for the fact that I will have more to focus on during the waiting game. The crickets are loud! Good luck and congratulations everybody!

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On 2/16/2022 at 7:32 AM, medsuppy said:

I also only applied to Bard. What discipline did you apply into?

@medsuppy, I applied for sculpture. I applied to several grad schools (not including Bard) a few years ago for painting, but my practice is really interdisciplinary and my paintings are sculptural, so I think this may be a better path for me. You're applying for painting, yeah? What made you choose Bard as the one to apply to this year?

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Hi All,

I am a 2D artist (drawing/painting) in California, first year applying to MFA programs. Here are my schools:

     UMN Twin Cities - rejected

     Columbia College Chicago - Zoom interview on 2/8

     UIUC - Zoom interview on 2/11

     Carnegie Mellon - Zoom interview on 2/26

     UIC - tbd

     GSU Atlanta - tbd 

     UMass Amherst - tbd

     UT Austin - tbd

Good luck everyone! ❤️


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Hi, guys. I've not been around here for a while so I just spent some time reading two days old messages.

I read a message here that, two days ago, someone received an interview invitation from Columbia. I wondered why I hadn't received mine, so I went to check my application page, perhaps there'd been some update. Lo and behold, I discovered I didn't submit any application to Columbia. I only submitted a portfolio. I just discovered that moments ago. How careless of me, lol.

Anyway, I had come online to share some good news. A few hours ago I received an acceptance email from RISD. They have awarded me a Society of Presidential Fellowship, which covers all my tuition for both my first and second year. I have also been given a TA position that comes with a purse of 5000 USD per annum, although I think every candidate gets that. 

I am still looking forward to hearing from SAIC, following my interview with their chair of painting department last Sunday. Although, at this point, I have made up my mind to go to RISD. 

Since this might be my last message on this forum, I want to share from my experience that I applied to all these schools (Yale-rejected, SAIC-interviewed, RISD-accepted) without holding a bachelor's degree. A year ago I had emailed several schools, requesting to know whether it was possible to get into their MFA without a bachelor's and they'd tell me that would be impossible. I thank God for helping my heart and for all the guidance and encouragement and prayers I received from a few people around me. 

And I hope someone out there receives some good news soon! Thank you, thank you. ?

PS: My academic qualification is a certificate in education in Fine and Applied Arts (double majors).



Edited by _redrabbit7
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On 2/14/2022 at 7:18 PM, seelamfa22 said:

How did your Northwestern interview go? I had mine on Saturday, and it was pretty tough. I thought the questions that they asked were some of the deepest questions I have received in an interview.

I also interviewed with Northwestern on Saturday and thought their questions were very insightful and critically engaged. Almost felt like critique, haha. It was tough but nourishing. I found the faculty to be very friendly though. 

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7 hours ago, MMING said:


I am waiting for the interview, and I am not sure I am rejected or not.


I interviewed - SVA (POD)


WAITING - RISD(industrial design)  / PRATT(interaction) / NYU(ITP) / Parsons (Industrial design)


Do anyone know about the interview statues? Please share with me.



ITP told me there are no interviews this year. So... we just wait :)

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26 minutes ago, _redrabbit7 said:

Hi, guys. I've not been around here for a while so I just spent some time reading two days old messages.

I read a message here that, two days ago, someone received an interview invitation from Columbia. I wondered why I hadn't received mine, so I went to check my application page, perhaps there'd been some update. Lo and behold, I discovered I didn't submit any application to Columbia. I only submitted a portfolio. I just discovered that moments ago. How careless of me, lol.

Anyway, I had come online to share some good news. A few hours ago I received an acceptance email from RISD. They have awarded me a Society of Presidential Fellowship, which covers all my tuition for both my first and second year. I have also been given a TA position that comes with a purse of 5000 USD per annum, although I think every candidate gets that. 

I am still looking forward to hearing from SAIC, following my interview with their chair of painting department last Sunday. Although, at this point, I have made up my mind to go to RISD. 

Since this might be my last message on this forum, I want to share from my experience that I applied to all these schools (Yale-rejected, SAIC-interviewed, RISD-accepted) without holding a bachelor's degree. A year ago I had emailed several schools, requesting to know whether it was possible to get into their MFA without a bachelor's and they'd tell me that would be impossible. I thank God for helping my heart and for all the guidance and encouragement and prayers I received from a few people around me. 

And I hope someone out there receives some good news soon! Thank you, thank you. ?

PS: My academic qualification is a certificate in education in Fine and Applied Arts (double majors).



Bravo! Congratulations on the admission AND scholarship. RISD needs artists with unique backgrounds like yours. 

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16 minutes ago, limpcigarette said:

I also interviewed with Northwestern on Saturday and thought their questions were very insightful and critically engaged. Almost felt like critique, haha. It was tough but nourishing. I found the faculty to be very friendly though. 

I agree that it was tough but extremely thoughtful. I didn't know much about the faculty at NU, but after the interview, I loved the program even more because of them. I wish you good luck and hope you get a great offer from them.

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6 minutes ago, seelamfa22 said:

I agree that it was tough but extremely thoughtful. I didn't know much about the faculty at NU, but after the interview, I loved the program even more because of them. I wish you good luck and hope you get a great offer from them.

Same to you! ?

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On 2/16/2022 at 4:06 PM, reddish said:

Hey everyone, I’ve been lurking on this thread since January, thought I would share my own experience so far. I received my BFA in painting in 2019 and this is the first time I’ve applied to MFA programs. Here’s the run down on who I’ve heard from so far and who I’m waiting on.

-Ohio State, waitlist

-Northwestern, rejected

-University of Arkansas, interviewed on 02/05, waiting for decision

-RISD, interviewed on 02/09, waiting for decision

Still waiting to hear from: UConn, Syracuse University, Michigan State, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Anybody in painting hear from those folks yet?

Good luck everyone!




Do you remember what UArk said their timeline was for admissions decisions?

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2 hours ago, Mfanymph22 said:

Heyy has anyone applied to Columbia Sculpture|expanded media ?any results?interviews? 

Thank you,I hope everyone is fine and high spirited,it turns out that this process is way more stressful than it seems.

I'm in the same boat.. just waiting. I know this year they combined Sculpture and New Genre into 1 department (and in the past those 2 departments sent interview invites on different days) so I wonder if that may also affect the time line. 

Also in the past I noticed people talking about the 'MFA' being taken off the slideroom title if you were rejected prior to interview? But noone in last year's forum mentioned this, so I wonder if that information is still valid. Has anyone noticed this?

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21 hours ago, _redrabbit7 said:

Hi, guys. I've not been around here for a while so I just spent some time reading two days old messages.

I read a message here that, two days ago, someone received an interview invitation from Columbia. I wondered why I hadn't received mine, so I went to check my application page, perhaps there'd been some update. Lo and behold, I discovered I didn't submit any application to Columbia. I only submitted a portfolio. I just discovered that moments ago. How careless of me, lol.

Anyway, I had come online to share some good news. A few hours ago I received an acceptance email from RISD. They have awarded me a Society of Presidential Fellowship, which covers all my tuition for both my first and second year. I have also been given a TA position that comes with a purse of 5000 USD per annum, although I think every candidate gets that. 

I am still looking forward to hearing from SAIC, following my interview with their chair of painting department last Sunday. Although, at this point, I have made up my mind to go to RISD. 

Since this might be my last message on this forum, I want to share from my experience that I applied to all these schools (Yale-rejected, SAIC-interviewed, RISD-accepted) without holding a bachelor's degree. A year ago I had emailed several schools, requesting to know whether it was possible to get into their MFA without a bachelor's and they'd tell me that would be impossible. I thank God for helping my heart and for all the guidance and encouragement and prayers I received from a few people around me. 

And I hope someone out there receives some good news soon! Thank you, thank you. ?

PS: My academic qualification is a certificate in education in Fine and Applied Arts (double majors).



Aw that's a shame about Columbia... almost as bad as my Pratt mistake ?

But congrats on your RISD offer. I'm still waiting to hear back after my interview ( I applied for sculpture). I don't think I've seen anyone post getting an offer after interviewing with the Sculpture department - so I'm holding out hope. Has anyone heard from RISD after interviewing with sculpture?

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On 2/17/2022 at 8:38 AM, starcrumbz said:

Hi everyone!

Any news from UC Irvine? I haven't heard much other than one of us lucky cats has recently interviewed. 

Honestly, I don't know why I ask because I won't really know until I know... but somehow I find myself seeking answers instead of patience? I think I want to save myself from false hope that they may still be in the process of sending out interviews. This waiting game is torture. UCI is the only school I applied to. Next time I will apply to more even if just for the fact that I will have more to focus on during the waiting game. The crickets are loud! Good luck and congratulations everybody!

Howdy everyone. 
UC San Diego is having open studios next weekend (Feb 26) for anyone in California who is interested in attending. Our program is 3 years long and we hold 30 MFA students currently. Please check it out if you are considering on reapplying next year.


An Instagram page has been created for the MFA students, @UCSDMFA for anyone interested. 

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2 hours ago, HJAn said:

Aw that's a shame about Columbia... almost as bad as my Pratt mistake ?

But congrats on your RISD offer. I'm still waiting to hear back after my interview ( I applied for sculpture). I don't think I've seen anyone post getting an offer after interviewing with the Sculpture department - so I'm holding out hope. Has anyone heard from RISD after interviewing with sculpture?

I hope you hear back from RISD. I also applied for MFA Sculpture at RISD but sadly I didn't hear anything from them not an interview or even rejection. 

I guess they send acceptances by the first week of March. 


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