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PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2024 - The Grad Cafe Forums


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4 minutes ago, Mamitis said:

I'm glad you have other options, BZG! Makes these losses easy to cut. Thanks for the generosity of your update. 

I'm sorry, ARPH! I hope the next news is the news you need. Good luck and thank you for posting.

Also sending you lots of love - I'm sorry about the news, and hope that your next email is an offer of acceptance! You got this.

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Just received my rejection to Tulane. 

4 out of 4 rejections.

As my DrPH cycle comes to a close, I sincerely wish all of you the utmost success and joy in your academic endeavors. 

May you be blessed with the continued ability to protect and promote the public's health and wellbeing in your work. 


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11 minutes ago, AltFax said:

Welp, add me to the Tulane rejection list! I'm bummed but still have GW to cross fingers for. I'm getting too old for this! Congrats to everyone getting their acceptances :)

Same here, best of luck to you!


15 minutes ago, Mamitis said:

Just received my rejection to Tulane. 

4 out of 4 rejections.

As my DrPH cycle comes to a close, I sincerely wish all of you the utmost success and joy in your academic endeavors. 

May you be blessed with the continued ability to protect and promote the public's health and wellbeing in your work. 


I'm sorry to hear that. Wishing you the best! Thank you for all of your wonderful support this cycle!

Edited by ARPH
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11 minutes ago, Mamitis said:

Just received my rejection to Tulane. 

4 out of 4 rejections.

As my DrPH cycle comes to a close, I sincerely wish all of you the utmost success and joy in your academic endeavors. 

May you be blessed with the continued ability to protect and promote the public's health and wellbeing in your work. 


I’m sorry to hear that things didn’t turn out the way you hoped this application season. You have been very kind in your interactions and well wishes for the group over these past weeks.

You will continue to make an impact in the work you do! Keep bringing your special qualities to the table! 

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7 minutes ago, DrPH2024 said:

Tulane rejection club has a new member 🙋‍♀️

I'm sorry! Welcome to the club, I guess 😅

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3 hours ago, ggpublichealth said:

May I ask what your background is? Masters or no masters? Work experience? Etc. 

My background is primarily focused in health equity with progressive leadership roles in the public and private sectors. I did my undergrad and masters in public health at top 10 schools. I have research experience and publications. 

However, I feel like everyone on this forum is equally or more successful in their own ways. What I think helped me was really spending time writing and rewriting my statement of purposes to show how my personal experiences aligned with the schools to which I was applying. I referenced problems that I saw in the world and how I tried to address/investigate them through my work and future aspirations. So most of my paragraphs had the backbone of problem identification -> process to address problem -> outcome and impact. I was not surprised that I was rejected from Hopkins because I only spent 1.5 days on the application and was rushed to get it done due to my work schedule at the time. I didn’t give myself time to go through the iterative process, and it was by far the weakest application that I submitted. I had more time to work on the other schools’ application. 

So if there’s any advice that I can give to future applicants is really give yourself enough time to go through the writing process. I hope this helps!

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5 hours ago, Squashplayer000 said:

Congratulations. Its amazing news. If you don't mind me asking, which school is this? I am waitlisted by JHU.

I thought I replied to this already but maybe didn’t go through. It’s Emory! I don’t know how other schools do it, but I was told my department waitlists 1-2 people per year. So if you’re willing, it might be worth asking JHU if they can tell you where you are on the waitlist

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41 minutes ago, Mamitis said:

Just received my rejection to Tulane. 

4 out of 4 rejections.

As my DrPH cycle comes to a close, I sincerely wish all of you the utmost success and joy in your academic endeavors. 

May you be blessed with the continued ability to protect and promote the public's health and wellbeing in your work. 


I’m so sorry to hear. You’ve been so supportive to so many people in this forum. I wish you the best!

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40 minutes ago, Mamitis said:

Just received my rejection to Tulane. 

4 out of 4 rejections.

As my DrPH cycle comes to a close, I sincerely wish all of you the utmost success and joy in your academic endeavors. 

May you be blessed with the continued ability to protect and promote the public's health and wellbeing in your work. 


I'm so sorry to hear this. You have been such a kind and encouraging presence on the forum, and I wish you all the best in your public health journey, including if you decide to apply again next cycle! 

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54 minutes ago, Mamitis said:

Just received my rejection to Tulane. 

4 out of 4 rejections.

As my DrPH cycle comes to a close, I sincerely wish all of you the utmost success and joy in your academic endeavors. 

May you be blessed with the continued ability to protect and promote the public's health and wellbeing in your work. 


I’m so sorry to hear this, was secretly hoping we would be classmates if we both got in. You seem like a gem. 

i just did my USF interview and still no update from Tulane 🥵

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4 hours ago, PhDPursuit said:

There were two emails. The first invitation does not ask for you to RSVP. The second one does. If you received the second one, then you got in. Contact their grad program and they will notify you. I was notified a few days later after some of the other applicants. 

I got an email from the admissions office. They said, "A few admissions results have been sent out to our PhD applicants, but admission results are still in the process of being sent out. We are expecting to be finalized with admission results by sometime in April." Does this mean there are applicants, including myself, who haven't been interviewed yet but might still be considered for an offer? Or anyone who has not been interviewed is already rejected?

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Also received my rejection letter - no email came, but I   just checked my portal and the status was updated. Gave myself a moment to cry, and let it go and decided I'll re-apply next year. THANK YOU to everyone on this forum, congratulations to all who got into their program of choice, and I wish everyone the best who is still awaiting their decision, and send all my love to those who weren't accepted during this time. Delayed does not mean denied ❤️❤️

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23 minutes ago, texaspublichealthgirl said:

Tulane rejection received 


46 minutes ago, texaspublichealthgirl said:

I’m so sorry to hear this, was secretly hoping we would be classmates if we both got in. You seem like a gem. 

i just did my USF interview and still no update from Tulane 🥵


59 minutes ago, DrPHhopeful2024 said:

I'm so sorry to hear this. You have been such a kind and encouraging presence on the forum, and I wish you all the best in your public health journey, including if you decide to apply again next cycle! 


1 hour ago, aDrPH said:

I’m so sorry to hear. You’ve been so supportive to so many people in this forum. I wish you the best!

Thanks, beauties! I'll be applying again next cycle. Lick the wounds, cry the tears, figure out what needs changing, keep the dream alive. If anyone has any wisdom on acceptance into programs they care to share, I'm here for it. 

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Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone has heard back from UCLA's Community Health Sciences program yet? The wait is turning me into a bundle of nerves, would love to hear if snyone has any news or updates!

Edited by AdmitMePlsThx
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1 hour ago, DrPH2024 said:

Tulane rejection club has a new member 🙋‍♀️

46 minutes ago, texaspublichealthgirl said:

Tulane rejection received 

1 hour ago, AltFax said:

Welp, add me to the Tulane rejection list! I'm bummed but still have GW to cross fingers for. I'm getting too old for this! Congrats to everyone getting their acceptances :)

1 hour ago, ARPH said:

I'm sorry! Welcome to the club, I guess 😅

2 hours ago, Mamitis said:

Just received my rejection to Tulane. 

4 out of 4 rejections.

As my DrPH cycle comes to a close, I sincerely wish all of you the utmost success and joy in your academic endeavors. 

May you be blessed with the continued ability to protect and promote the public's health and wellbeing in your work. 


Add me toooo! Only waiting to hear back from BU and Southern Georgia, now. But rejected from Harvard, UC-Berkeley, Tulane, and Texas A&M. TAMU, btw was the most odd. The DrPH chair reached out to me mid-Jan to ask me about research interests - they aligned with hers, so I thought I had it in the bag. The response was that they could NOT take me under their advisorship - another professor I chose QUIT & the other that was available would reach out to me. The professor never reached out to me and I got a rejection 3 days after I emailed them. I feel like I dodged a bullet with that program, tbh.

This rejection (Tulane) was a hard pill to swallow for me - but in the same time that I applied to grad school, I also applied to other jobs and now I’m waiting to onboard (starting in a 2-4 weeks) with a Public Health org that is bumping my current salary by 50% - this is “life changing” for me. I know money shouldn’t be the motive, but at this salary and with the impact that I’ll be able to make now, grad school (DrPH or PhD) seems unreasonable for me to pursue, now. Keep your head up, everyone - when one door closes, another one opens. And sometimes that door has 30 to choose from once you cross it. I wish everyone much success in everything. Best of luck 🤞🏻

Edited by MiggyMigs
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3 hours ago, mandycandy said:

Also sending you lots of love - I'm sorry about the news, and hope that your next email is an offer of acceptance! You got this.

Thank you I really appreciate it ♥️. My second rejection letter. So I'm hoping for the third one to be it for me. Thirds times a charm?!

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3 hours ago, Mamitis said:

I'm glad you have other options, BZG! Makes these losses easy to cut. Thanks for the generosity of your update. 

I'm sorry, ARPH! I hope the next news is the news you need. Good luck and thank you for posting.

Thank you praying to hear some good news soon.

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1 hour ago, MiggyMigs said:

Add me toooo! Only waiting to hear back from BU and Southern Georgia, now. But rejected from Harvard, UC-Berkeley, Tulane, and Texas A&M. TAMU, btw was the most odd. The DrPH chair reached out to me mid-Jan to ask me about research interests - they aligned with hers, so I thought I had it in the bag. The response was that they could NOT take me under their advisorship - another professor I chose QUIT & the other that was available would reach out to me. The professor never reached out to me and I got a rejection 3 days after I emailed them. I feel like I dodged a bullet with that program, tbh.

This rejection (Tulane) was a hard pill to swallow for me - but in the same time that I applied to grad school, I also applied to other jobs and now I’m waiting to onboard (starting in a 2-4 weeks) with a Public Health org that is bumping my current salary by 50% - this is “life changing” for me. I know money shouldn’t be the motive, but at this salary and with the impact that I’ll be able to make now, grad school (DrPH or PhD) seems unreasonable for me to pursue, now. Keep your head up, everyone - when one door closes, another one opens. And sometimes that door has 30 to choose from once you cross it. I wish everyone much success in everything. Best of luck 🤞🏻

I'm also waiting to hear back from Georgia Southern fingers crossed. I know some people last year said they didn't hear back till May.😩

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2 hours ago, AdmitMePlsThx said:

Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone has heard back from UCLA's Community Health Sciences program yet? The wait is turning me into a bundle of nerves, would love to hear if snyone has any news or updates!

I did not apply there, but I know 3 people who already got accepted. You probably did not get in. Sorry :(

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3 minutes ago, PhDPursuit said:

I did not apply there, but I know 3 people who already got accepted. You probably did not get in. Sorry :(

Bummer to hear but exciting for those you know, do you know when they heard back by chance?

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