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2011 Theology Application Results!!!

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Ha, I did the same thing! (and I think we received the same funding) ... and I think we also applied to the same program (comparative studies?)

Yup! Well, time to start beating the bushes for more money! I've already written HDS Financial aid asking them to look more closely at my situation. :-)

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Yup! Well, time to start beating the bushes for more money! I've already written HDS Financial aid asking them to look more closely at my situation. :-)

haha, nice. I've gotten my list of outside sources out! Here we gooooo.

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Yup! Well, time to start beating the bushes for more money! I've already written HDS Financial aid asking them to look more closely at my situation. :-)

Good for everyone! Good luck finding funding, scholarships and success. You all deserve it! And congrats all who got great offers!

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haha, nice. I've gotten my list of outside sources out! Here we gooooo.

If the Apostle Paul pulled it off -- I sure as heck can. I, too, am now going through my list of options. Until I find out about YDS on Monday/Tuesday I can't send any emails about lining up work at Candler, but I can at least prepare myself.

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Rejected for Notre Dame MTS.

MA GPA: 3.6

GRE: 760 V, 660 Q, 5.0 AW

The rejection email said there were 190 applicants and they only took 20 this year instead of the usual 150 with 30 acceptances. It hurts to not even make the waitlist.

Sorry Kuriakos! Great stats, sorry it didn't work out for you.

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I'm new here, but I'm going to BU's merit scholar days...

Is anyone going to BU for the merit scholar day? it's the 29th to the 30th. it's not mandatory to attend, but I think if I can conjure up $200 i'll go (they only reimburse up to $150 for the flight, but hotel / food is free).

also, if anyone is going to be attending BU, BC, or HDS and does not want to live on campus and, instead, live with other theology students off campus, please PM me!!!! I'm interested :)

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Thanks for all the Congratulations. I'm unclear whether the 15k Ministry Fellowship is renewable every year or if it's just for the first year (unclear in letter). If so, then it's the same as YDS' offer stipend wise. I've got to go to the student days and make a decision. I'm leaning toward HDS however.

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Congrats Marquand Scholars! That's awesome, and I admit I'm a bit envious.

Funding question for accepted Notre Dame MTS students: did you get full tuition, or full tuition plus stipend? I heard they fully fund their admitted students, but not to what degree.

I got full tuition plus 5k stipend per year. Not sure if that was uniform across the board or not.

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I'm unclear whether the 15k Ministry Fellowship is renewable every year or if it's just for the first year (unclear in letter). If so, then it's the same as YDS' offer stipend wise. I've got to go to the student days and make a decision. I'm leaning toward HDS however.

Bummer we might not see each other at Yale, but congrats on the amazing HDS offer!

Congrats Marquand Scholars! That's awesome, and I admit I'm a bit envious.

Thanks a bunch! I have to say that I am genuinely floored at getting this scholarship. I was expecting *some* tuition scholarship, like 50-75%, but I was fully expecting *not* to receive the "big one." So this is stunning.

I got full tuition plus 5k stipend per year. Not sure if that was uniform across the board or not.

Congrats! Did you win an MDiv Marquand scholarship, or MAR? There's three MDivs, and three MAR's.

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Thanks a bunch! I have to say that I am genuinely floored at getting this scholarship. I was expecting *some* tuition scholarship, like 50-75%, but I was fully expecting *not* to receive the "big one." So this is stunning.

Congrats! Did you win an MDiv Marquand scholarship, or MAR? There's three MDivs, and three MAR's.

I think miotch was actually replying to my question about Notre Dame funding :). I got full tuition plus $5K/year stipend at ND too, miotch... I just wasn't expecting it, because they just list "100% tuition" on the website.

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I understand the debt situation. It's bittersweet to get in and not be funded proper, but at least you were accepted! I don't know if I can ask my wife to quit her job and "come follow me" to Atlanta especially if I don't get any decent funding. Without Leadership Candler, I can't hope for decent funding. I'm not a Methodist either. The only "pull" for the school is that I wanted to do my PHD at the GDR and maybe, just maybe they'll notice me. That's a big time commitment and a lot of "ifs" though. There's a powerful scene from LOST season 1 where John Locke pounds his fists on a buried hatch in the jungle and cries out, "I've done everything you ever wanted me to do -- so WHY did you DO THIS to ME?" That's how I feel right now. Four years of graduate work for naught. I can't get a job with an MA and MTH in Hebrew Bible. I could surrender my MA and finish an MDIV at my current school, without funding, of course. But what's that worth? Apparently not much to HDS. OR any of the PHD programs that I applied to.... What am I? Too bourgeois for them? It just totally blows to get rejected by 7/9 schools so far....there's no greater hurt than realizing that I did OK as an undergraduate, pulled myself out of the depths of Sheol for four years to get stellar grades in graduate school, and still, STILL am not as appealing a candidate as a young sprout who is fresh out of a BA program.

There's no greater hurt than the life-canceling capacities of an admissions council.

We feel your pain. My boyfriend just got rejected from HDS for the SECOND time, with:

-a 3.78 undergrad from the University of Chicago (phi beta kappa)

-1340 GRE (his 1500 expired)

-two glowing recommendations from tenured professors and one from a former HDS fellow

-time spent studying sanskrit in India (he wants to do Indian religions)

- work experience as an international religion reporter

He doesn't have academic credentials in religious studies, but that's what a masters is for, isn't it?? He spent the year since his last application visiting HDS faculty and reading their books to try to get a clear starting point. What do these people want???

Edited by MarsUpial
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I understand the debt situation. It's bittersweet to get in and not be funded proper, but at least you were accepted! I don't know if I can ask my wife to quit her job and "come follow me" to Atlanta especially if I don't get any decent funding. Without Leadership Candler, I can't hope for decent funding. I'm not a Methodist either. The only "pull" for the school is that I wanted to do my PHD at the GDR and maybe, just maybe they'll notice me. That's a big time commitment and a lot of "ifs" though. There's a powerful scene from LOST season 1 where John Locke pounds his fists on a buried hatch in the jungle and cries out, "I've done everything you ever wanted me to do -- so WHY did you DO THIS to ME?" That's how I feel right now. Four years of graduate work for naught. I can't get a job with an MA and MTH in Hebrew Bible. I could surrender my MA and finish an MDIV at my current school, without funding, of course. But what's that worth? Apparently not much to HDS. OR any of the PHD programs that I applied to.... What am I? Too bourgeois for them? It just totally blows to get rejected by 7/9 schools so far....there's no greater hurt than realizing that I did OK as an undergraduate, pulled myself out of the depths of Sheol for four years to get stellar grades in graduate school, and still, STILL am not as appealing a candidate as a young sprout who is fresh out of a BA program.

There's no greater hurt than the life-canceling capacities of an admissions council.

You are brave to have tried out the application process at the risk of being rejected. Even though the response did not materialise as desired. But over the 10 years I have unsuccessfully applied for these courses I have come to learn that all things somehow work out together for good despite the outcome. One of the greatest advantages of going through the application exercise is that it made me to sit down and really think about who I am and what matters to me most and to also to seriously think about my mission and vision and role in this universe. You may have concluded that HDS or YDS was the best vehicle to take you from your current point A to a future desired point B. The dissappointment of the regret letter from the admissions committee may have hit you with such a bombshell to the extent that you felt that your dreams have been shattered. But thats not the case coz HDS & YDS were just mere vehicles, they were not the ultimate destinations. Now pick urself up, dust urself, and Make the most out of this temporary dissapointment by making the loss count for something great. In the next task that your hand finds to do, do it with such excellence and be the best in your field. win awards and prizes if you can. and if HDS or YDS gets so impressed 20 yrs from now and decorates you with a honorary degree. Accept it with humility! cheers. Uncle Sam

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We feel your pain. My boyfriend just got rejected from HDS for the SECOND time, with:

-a 3.78 undergrad from the University of Chicago (phi beta kappa)

-1340 GRE (his 1500 expired)

-two glowing recommendations from tenured professors and one from a former HDS fellow

-time spent studying sanskrit in India (he wants to do Indian religions)

- work experience as an international religion reporter

He doesn't have academic credentials in religious studies, but that's what a masters is for, isn't it?? He spent the year since his last application visiting HDS faculty and reading their books to try to get a clear starting point. What do these people want???

I have pretty similar stats, but from a smaller Jesuit school. I even double majored in theo/phil, but didn't seem to help. Rejected a second time. I really don't know what they want.

It's funny because I have met many people who attend HDS, and am taking a class there through the BTI this semester, and many of them didn't seem to have stellar stats, or attend stellar UG institutions. I guess "fit" might be a solution???

Also, a couple of the people I know from HDS don't really care too much about theo/religious studies, know what they want to do, ect...they are just kind of "going with the flow," getting the degree for something to do, ect....Oh well, eh?

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Outstanding! Do you mind sharing your stats?

GRE 580 v 650 q 5.5 (took it three years ago or so)

Undergrad (Religion and Philosophy) GPA: 3.66 (highly ranked public university)

Master's Philosophy in progress (highly ranked UK university)

Worked two years at a University research center overseas

Host of publications, but only two articles published in "real" (non-student) journals

Languages: French and Spanish

I assume that is enough. I really think that in the end no combination of stats guarantees anything. My interests are tailor-made for Notre Dame, at least as far as moral theology is concerned. Certainly my stats helped, but I think the major deciding factor is that there were people at the University whose interests aligned closely with mine and moreover that my CV/coursework attested to that interest. Hope that helps everyone!

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GRE 580 v 650 q 5.5 (took it three years ago or so)

Undergrad (Religion and Philosophy) GPA: 3.66 (highly ranked public university)

Master's Philosophy in progress (highly ranked UK university)

Worked two years at a University research center overseas

Host of publications, but only two articles published in "real" (non-student) journals

Languages: French and Spanish

I assume that is enough. I really think that in the end no combination of stats guarantees anything. My interests are tailor-made for Notre Dame, at least as far as moral theology is concerned. Certainly my stats helped, but I think the major deciding factor is that there were people at the University whose interests aligned closely with mine and moreover that my CV/coursework attested to that interest. Hope that helps everyone!

What are your interests, if you don't mind?

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What are your interests, if you don't mind?

Medieval Philosophy and Theology, but the person I am most interested in understanding is Thomas Aquinas. Perhaps not a good way to get a job after completing your PHD, but likely a good way to get into a Catholic school.

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