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To those trying to weigh the value of the HKS MPP without money, a friend of mine who is currently pursuing a Master of Education degree at the HGSE had these words for me that might be valuable to others:

"I applied to a number of MPP programs but in the end decided to pursue a one year degree at the Ed school here mainly for financial reasons. Honestly, it's going to be an experience that can't be passed up at both schools. Harvard is a brand and the Kennedy school has made quite the name for itself. However, I think there's been so much steam blown up around HKS that, some overlook the pitfalls in the culture at the school and the kind of people that are there. I'd like to put you in touch with friends there who can speak more about this and give you a better idea of the pros and cons. However, I would also suggest taking a step back and making some very practical decisions. I'm vying for many of the same employment ops as graduates from HKS. If you go into public service or non-profits, you're looking to make an average of 75K + after graduation - in this economy that's alright. I know some HKS grads, however, who are going corporate after and looking something closer to the 85k+. But, that's also with an ass-load of debt. You can get as strong of an education at Mich with NO debt and still get to similar job markets post-graduation.

It's a touch decision to make, but I would also push you to think about what the outcomes of going to each school are. What will life beyond Mich or beyond HKS look like? "

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I just talked to a HKS alum this weekend and really tried to put the spin on me to take the debt plunge. I have full tuition from Ford and nothing for HKS. I can use an Americorps grant, but that's a drop in the bucket. There's part of my gut that says the experience everyone I know talks about is something I would regret passing up for the rest of my life. It's just a gut feeling. I'm wondering if anyone else is grappling with the tough choice as well....

I am in the same boat ... full ride at Michigan and a few other schools, while looking at taking out $60,000-$100,000 loans for HKS. The brand power of Harvard is amazing to me though, especially coming from a mid-level state school ... even though I had a lot of accomplishments in undergrad, it seems like the people in my life are more impressed with this admit to Harvard than anything else I've ever done. Am trying not to get blinded with the prestegious name though, and have begun researching more in-depth about classes, faculty, extracurricular opportunities, etc. Didn't make it out for their visit day though, were you able to go? If so, would love to hear your impressions!

I can definitely relate to your feelings of regretting passing up on the opportunity to go to HKS ... right now I am leaning towards defering, and using the additional year to save money and apply for scholarships. Perhaps the visit day at Ford will change my mind, though ...

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Hi everyone,

I'm a current MPP1 student at HKS. I used this board a good amount when deciding what to do for graduate school. Like many of you, I got no funding from HKS and am taking out loans to be here. I am planning on working in the non-profit sector after I graduate.

I can't speak about experiences at other schools, but I can tell you that I've really enjoyed my time here. It's hard to say if it's been "worth it." $40K per year in tuition isn't cheap. Still, $40K for HARVARD tuition isn't terrible when you think about it. I think HKS's website says something like the expected cost of a year here is $70K incl. living expenses? It's an overestimate in my opinion. It depends on your lifestyle, but I've found good ways to save on living expenses. First, DO NOT USE HARVARD HOUSING. A (seemingly wealthy) friend of mine is currently paying something like $1,500/ month for a Harvard studio. Good Lord.... Living in Boston is expensive for sure, but not THAT expensive. I'm living in the Brighton area. It's a 15min bus ride to HKS and I'm paying $600/ month for a pretty sweet place. I know others who live in Porter Square. It's a great location, close to school, and much cheaper than Harvard Sq. area.

Next, second-year funding is very rare. Don't assume it will be there for you. BUT, there are other ways to save/make money around here. I had a research assistantship last year (they're fairly easy to come by it seems). I worked about 10hrs per week at $16/hr. Not AMAZING pay, but it's not bad and was really nice to have some extra money in my pocket. Plus, I got some great research experience with a prominent visiting fellow who has already written me one letter of recommendation. This semester I'm working for the Office for Sustainability and am making about $18/hr. You can find jobs around here that help ease the burden a bit.

Like I said, I can't speak to other university experiences. I was (and still am!) pretty stressed about finances when I was making my decision to attend HKS. The amazing speakers and visiting fellows that come through here are awesome. The faculty are well-established with great experience. Boston/Cambridge is a sweet area. Plus, the student culture here has been pretty great. The people I run into here have all done amazing work in different fields and capacities all over the world. There are large international conferences here about every weekend. Is it worth it? Well, it's hard for me to qualify $40K / year -- especially because I'm still a first year student. Am I glad I'm here? Absolutely.

Edited by mmac06
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To anyone still deliberating, I found this new message on the bottom of the financial aid page interesting:

Changes to the Income Based Repayment Plan (IBR) Due to a recent executive order, changes have been made to the Income Based Repayment Plan (IBR). For loan borrowers who have no outstanding loans borrowed prior to July 1, 2008 and who borrow a new loan in the 2012/13 academic year and after, the formula for calculating required monthly payments is changing to 10% of the amount a borrower's Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) exceeds 150% of the federal poverty level.

For borrowers with currently outstanding loans borrowed prior to July 1, 2008, the IBR plan retains the previous repayment amount of 15% of the amount a borrower's AGI exceeds 150% of the federal poverty level.

This means that a singler borrower earning 60000 would pay back $376/month. After 120 payments, you would be clear of debt. This is hurting my brain.

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  • 2 months later...

I am only just reading this now so sorry wasnt able to respond. The dissapointment was to much for me (back then)

You are absolutely correct it was my references and they let me down BIG TIME and they included Harvard Alumni who happened to be past shool mates.. so goes to show PICK YOUR REFERENCES VERY CAREFULLY.. By the way they dont have or need to say anything negative.

Just have to be ordinary or just plain weak in thier letter.

Anyway I got into JHU, Oxford, St. Andrews and Aberdeen however have chosed JHU because of funding.

Will try and excpect to get into Harvard in the furture and now know how the game is played.

Good Luck to ALL. will continue to check forum when I can.

Cheers ALL !

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...


Need some help between choosing the MPP versus the MPA.

While I have 4+ years of word experience, most of the that has been spent in private sector consultancy and only 4 months in actual development (my current job). Keeping that in mind which course is best suited for me?

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I guess that it's time to ignite this thread for this year's application cycle.

I'm applying to the MPP program at HKS, Harris, and GPPI. Earned by BA's in International relations and Economics in 2007. (3.4 GPA), spent 3 years in the Navy completing two combat deployments, discharged under DADT in 2011. Came to business school in 2011 (currently in my second year, graduating in May) with a 3.6 GPA. Decided that banks and consulting aren't for me and want to return to government service (specifically, my interest is in transportation infrastructure).

Submitted my application to HKS a couple of weeks ago and now playing the (long) waiting game.

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I guess that it's time to ignite this thread for this year's application cycle.

I'm applying to the MPP program at HKS, Harris, and GPPI. Earned by BA's in International relations and Economics in 2007. (3.4 GPA), spent 3 years in the Navy completing two combat deployments, discharged under DADT in 2011. Came to business school in 2011 (currently in my second year, graduating in May) with a 3.6 GPA. Decided that banks and consulting aren't for me and want to return to government service (specifically, my interest is in transportation infrastructure).

Submitted my application to HKS a couple of weeks ago and now playing the (long) waiting game.

Why are so many people submitting their apps so early? Am I at a disadvantage for waiting until the deadline?

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I applied on October 30th. My personal deadline for all universities is exactly one month before the actual deadline.

On several books they recommend applying 2 months early, but it seems really hard given all the material you have to gather.

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I applied on October 30th. My personal deadline for all universities is exactly one month before the actual deadline.

On several books they recommend applying 2 months early, but it seems really hard given all the material you have to gather.

I applied on October 30th. My personal deadline for all universities is exactly one month before the actual deadline.

On several books they recommend applying 2 months early, but it seems really hard given all the material you have to gather.

Yikes. Is HKS admissions rolling? I'm probably submitting right at the deadline or before since i'm also working on MBA applications, which have a higher priority for me.

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Yikes. Is HKS admissions rolling? I'm probably submitting right at the deadline or before since i'm also working on MBA applications, which have a higher priority for me.

HKS just sent out a flow chart saying applications won't start getting processed until the day after the deadline, so these guys seem to have disadvantaged themselves with less time for no reason.

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It's not rolling at all. The advise is to submit it a while ahead so you don't add the time-pressure variable to the amount of things that could lead you to a dumb mistake.

I don't think you get any material advantage from submitting it early or not, it's a matter of personal logistics.

In my case, I have been working on it for a while now and given the fact that I'm applying to a lot of different programs, I have set those timelines in order to pace my process in an organized manner.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys, 

I applied to MPP Program at HKS this year. 


In my Sparks account, it is stated that if I get admission, I would be required to send the official transcripts and GRE Scores. But, my GRE score is already sent by ETS and also, I sent them my official transcripts. I am a little bit confused. Is it the same for every one? 

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You didn't have to send your GRE scores through ETS...but since you have it will be useful if you're admitted. They just ask you to report your scores on their application and it should agree with the official scores submitted through ETS after admission. 

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Hi everyone; I'm really glad I found this thread as I am now playing the waiting game for my application to the MPP at HKS. I know that no-one can hurry it up for me, or that asking about it will make it come quicker, but at least this gives me the partial illusion of being in control, sorta.

I'm an international student from the UK, and found out the other day (after applications and interviews) that I have been awarded a full fellowship to undertake the MPP at Harvard, funded for two years, but of course conditional on being accepted by HKS. I graduated in the UK with a first class honours (not sure what GPA that translates to), and I have 2.5 years professional full time experience as a policy officer in a UK government agency. I also have around 5 years non-profit experience (a mixture of paid and voluntary accrued mainly during my undergrad) working in a range of policy areas (poverty, alcohol, HIV/Aids, LGBT rights, international development) including setting up and managing an organisation from scratch and working on medium to high profile public campaigning. Personally I feel my references are strong, one is from my undergrad professor, one from the CEO of an influential non-profit I worked for, and one from an HKS alumni who runs an international NGO I worked for.

Although I have heard that GRE scores do not matter so much as work experience for example, I am a little concerned about my Quant scores. I have a 160 for verbal, 5.0 for analytical and a 148 for quantitative. In the HKS application I tried to explain the low quant score a little. I was terrible at maths at high school, and dropped out before even getting beyond a basic high school level in the subject. I took one economics class in first year Uni, which I did poorly in due to the lack of maths knowledge in high school, and pretty much hadn't thought about maths up until I decided to apply to HKS in August 2012. I then found a tutor, and studied myself silly for three months and took the GRE in November. I personally was happy with my 148, as I couldn’t have even attempted a single quant question prior to studying for the test, and I did try to put that across in the application around what I can achieve in a short space of time when I put my mind to it.

So the long and the short of it is I just have to wait. If anyone has any stories, or thoughts, or anything that might give me something to grasp on to, please share! I'm thrilled I've got the fellowship and really excited about the chance to do the MPP at Harvard...but tempered by the fact that this might be the end of the line.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lurking this website. Trying to find a way to channel anxiety and handle the wait


Same here! Best is keep busy as if you didn't apply. Hopefully you get good news, but if not then at least it won't hurt so much since you are busy with other things.

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Will any of you be waking up nervously on Friday? I guess it's more likely they'd send something the following week.


Last year it was March 13 for MPP... so I won't be holding my breath for another week and a half or so.

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Last year it was March 13 for MPP... so I won't be holding my breath for another week and a half or so.


Was the admissions deadline the same last year? If I recall correctly, they also simplified their application this year, so I'm not sure how that affects their timeline. To me it seemed like they were trying to get out decisions earlier.

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Was the admissions deadline the same last year? If I recall correctly, they also simplified their application this year, so I'm not sure how that affects their timeline. To me it seemed like they were trying to get out decisions earlier.


I did not know they simplified their application this year.  That could certainly affect things.  The deadline was a few days later last year, but only 4 or 5 I believe.  


The main benefit I see with expecting the 13th or so is that I'm not worrying about it and if it pops up into my inbox early, then it's a nice surprise whichever decision I get.  haha.

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