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What is your outlet?


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I find that I've been eating. A lot. I'll spare you the delicious details, but I'm not handling this anxiety too well. I'm also running, trying to keep busy, etc etc, but I find myself mostly turning to food.

What about you guys?

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Video games for me, mostly. I just played through Mass Effect 2 (I only have a PS3), putting about 50 hours into that. I feel like I could be doing something much more productive with that time, though...

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Playing the piano is working for me too:) Also yoga, running, and baking, followed by eating whatever I've just baked. I've been trying to find new book/film/tv series to get into, figuring that once I start, I'll be pleasantly distracted for 3 novels or 5 TV seasons or whatever. Generally avoiding stuff that's related to my research interests in any way, since it just makes me anxious.

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Sake. And Viking combat practice. Usually not at the same time, though.

LOL :lol:. I think you and my fiance may have been separated at birth.

I have been baking up a storm lately as therapy. Luckily, by the time I done with the baking, I have no desire to eat whatever it is I made. I think my fiance, his co-workers, and people in my department may have gained a few pounds, though.

The latest round was White Chocolate Blueberry Muffins and Cheddar Beer Bread. I have been perusing recipes for my next round.

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Lots of TV, finalizing Thesis, and reading The Grapes of Wrath. Feeling much less stress since I started reading this new book. Usually I read non-fiction, but I am getting tired of my brain always being on and a nice classic fiction novel almost transports you to another place so you can get your mind off reality. Especially Steinbeck b/c his work is so descriptive, you really can visualize everything. laugh.gif

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I've also started piano! In addition to teaching myself to knit, finding new and ever-more fattening things to bake, and reading tons, often in the evenings before bed. Essentially I've become an old woman. If the decisions themselves don't crush my youth, I'm pretty sure the waiting will!

Edited by shover3
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I'm taking 19 credits this semester including writing another honors research essay and revising a paper that was accepted for publication, so I'm pretty busy now. But over the break, I played a lot of guitar (blues and jazz) and spent way too much time on here and FB. I also watched all 4 seasons of My Name Is Earl for the first time on Netflix and re-watched most of 30 Rock. This had serious effects on my sleeping pattern because I'd lay down to watch an episode or two but they were so good, I'd end up watching 6 or 7 and the next thing I knew it was 2am. I also watched a lot of Thomas the Tank Engine, The Batman, and Toy Story I and II with my 4 and 3 year old boys.

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THANK GOD that the high school team I coach is about to begin its season. It means that for 2+ hours a day I am NOT in front of my computer, NOT obsessively scanning last year's statistics, and not hyperventilating about where I would/won't/could/couldn't be in seven (!) months. So my "outlet" is planning torturous conditioning drills and deciding who to keep and who to cut from the team.... That's right, FINALLY I have the power with acceptance decisions, muahahahaha!

I swear I'm a good coach. (Side effects of the admissions wait may include power trips and unnecessary evil laughter)

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