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2009 Application: Religion-Theology-Philosophy of Religion


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What does it mean to be accepted into a program without funding? Does that mean that it's a full tuition waiver, but no stipend? Or something different?

I'm pretty sure that means no tuition waiver and no stipend. You should contact the program directly if you have questions.

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Reimarus is right, "without funding" usually means quite literally that...no funds offered from the university whatsoever. i.e. - they don't pay for anything. If they pay for tuition but no stipend, one usually describes that as "accepted with tuition covered" or "tuition remission" or something along those lines.

For example, just today I was accepted to Claremont for a PhD in New Testament. As of right now, it's without funding, but I'm currently on a waitlist for a tuition fellowship.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks! At this point its all contingent upon funding issues (I can't really afford to take out much more in loans at this point), but ideally I'd like to work with both as I think they both offer some pretty excellent strengths. I'd love to combine the textual focus of MacDonald and the methodological sophistication of Wimbush.

We shall see what happens. I'm currently waitlisted at a couple other programs, and I haven't heard from several still. It will likely be several weeks to a month before I can really make any real decisions in this regard.

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Just out of curiosity, do any of the rest of you have zero information available when you check the status of your Emory application online? Mine has never reflected any of the things I sent in. I never got invited for an interview but have heard those are often for folks "on the bubble", as it were. Any solid acceptances/rejections out there, yet?

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I went to interview weekend and am on the waiting list, but I had to call to find this out....

the official invites have been made...now those invites have to turn emory down and go somewhere else and

then the waiting list people start to get in...

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I went to interview weekend and am on the waiting list, but I had to call to find this out....

the official invites have been made...now those invites have to turn emory down and go somewhere else and

then the waiting list people start to get in...

I'm curious, what was the Emory interview weekend like? What kind of questions do they ask?

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Seriously. I don't know how it is that their deadline is weeks ahead of most everyone else (12/3) and yet they're among the last to get back to us. Don't they remember the torture of their own past applications? God forbid I ever serve on an admissions committee - there is something hamartiologically suspect about such endeavors. ?

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Just a note: according to ND's theology department calendar, the MTS admissions committee meets tomorrow @ 4:30 EST.

We can all continue to bite our fingernails until then. Maybe notifications will come online early next week?

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i really don't know what this means? there's the first round and then the waiting list so what other rounds would there be? This is agonizing! :?

i basically am figuring might as well start working on apps for next year now.

As far as I understand it, Emory sent out its acceptances in early February--shortly after the interview weekend. Whenever a student turns down Emory, the adcom meets to fill that open position. So, it's more of a trickle than a wave.

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Just a note: according to ND's theology department calendar, the MTS admissions committee meets tomorrow @ 4:30 EST.

We can all continue to bite our fingernails until then. Maybe notifications will come online early next week?


Well, it'll be quite the interesting week for a few of us, now won't it?

I saw on the results page that Columbia results were in for the MA in religion. Does anyone know about any others? Chicago? Emory?

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Sorry I'm so late in replying, but this website wasn't working for me for several days.

The other (besides UVA) schools I was considering were Brown, HDS (as backup), Princeton (Religion, not TS), Indiana, and UChicago.

I'm not positive why they're taking so long this year. Last time I spoke with the DoGS, he seemed very busy and stressed out, and said that they were harassing their prospective admits a lot, trying to get them to pick UVA definitively. Chances are that they've sent their first line of acceptance letters out and are slow-rolling some of the waitlists and rejections until they know who's accepting. They won't have much money next year (this is a rumor, not definitive) to offer incoming Ph.D. students, so I imagine they expect a lot of their first picks to accept at institutions who can fund them better, and they don't want to reject too many people until they hear back from them (in case they need to expand the waitlist).

THIS IS ALL CONJECTURE, THOUGH, so don't go slitting your wrists or anything.

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Thanks UVA Student, that is really helpful info from where I am at right now. I am planning on reapplying next year as an in-state student if nothing works out this year, so if money is tight then it might actually make me look more attractive. Please keep sharing if you learn more.

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Hi . . .

This is my first post on this forum, but I have been lurking for sometime. Like everyone else, this process is killing me and I can't stand waiting for any longer.

An earlier post mentioned Columbia. I applied to the MA/PhD. If you haven't heard, does that mean you're rejected? I noticed on the "results search" that some PhD, and MA, acceptances have been posted. I assume that I am rejected, but I want notification so I can move on with my life. It's gotten to the point that I log into my e-mail hoping I have a rejection letter from them. Sad, I know :)

Any thoughts? Do they wait-list, or is it only accept/reject?

Best of luck to other reli studies people

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peppermint nightmare:

i applied to columbia in years past (phd) and i found out the decision from the grad school before it was formally posted online. as soon as the gsas has it, they can find out the decision for you. i eventually received an official email sending me to the website, where i logged in and saw the formal letter. but of course i already knew. try your luck!

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peppermint nightmare:

i applied to columbia in years past (phd) and i found out the decision from the grad school before it was formally posted online. as soon as the gsas has it, they can find out the decision for you. i eventually received an official email sending me to the website, where i logged in and saw the formal letter. but of course i already knew. try your luck!

Thanks for that!

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