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Applying for Fall 2012


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I've also heard that UCLA is already wining and dining their top Musicology applicants...as of two weeks ago. I can only hope for a waitlist there.

May I ask what you mean by this? Did you hear that they've flown out prospective applicant already, or do you mean it in a more informal sense? It's a shame, because I recognize that UCLA is the best fit for me in the US but it appears that it's too competitive for me to be seriously considered.

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May I ask what you mean by this? Did you hear that they've flown out prospective applicant already, or do you mean it in a more informal sense? It's a shame, because I recognize that UCLA is the best fit for me in the US but it appears that it's too competitive for me to be seriously considered.

Today I met another Musicology applicant who had visited UCLA for interviews two weeks ago. I got the impression that they'd flown out all the top applicants already. Makes sense since their deadline was pretty early. :-/

But if you're Ethnomusicology, Comp, or doing a DMA, this might not apply to you!

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Today I met another Musicology applicant who had visited UCLA for interviews two weeks ago. I got the impression that they'd flown out all the top applicants already. Makes sense since their deadline was pretty early. :-/

But if you're Ethnomusicology, Comp, or doing a DMA, this might not apply to you!

Nope, I'm a Musicology candidate. I suppose I can hope for a good spot on the wait list, at the very least...

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Has anyone else here applied to Princeton for Musicology?

I have! I am thinking we won't hear until after this weekend though, as I'd imagine they're busy over there with the Taruskin conference.

Yeah, but if you're like me (who put in the "Feb 10" Columbia interview notification) you think the default is "today" so you don't even change that part of the form (whoops).

Congrats :) I haven't heard anything from Columbia, though I applied for musicology, not theory, so I suppose I still have hope. My application hasn't even been updated, so... Maybe they forgot about me a really long time ago ;)

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purpledinosaur - they could easily be sending out emails slowly, perhaps first to people that are closer by and would say "yes" to a campus visit easily. I'm relatively close to NYC!

Karajan - yeah, my email was strictly out of the theory side of things, and I can pick almost whatever day I want---there seems to be be no particular "day" for all prospective applicants.

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1) Congrats to the recent Eastman admits and all of the other ones who might be lurkers and not posters!! :)

2) I was waitlisted on a weekend at 1AM once!

3) Harvard is going to call us ALL after 5pm, because phone calls often go out after business hours on purpose because we'll more likely to be home and available! B)

edited to add that I don't actually know what Harvard is going to do, I'm just making myself feel better. :)

Edited by snes
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Ugh I just saw the stream of Princeton rejections. Hope everyone's holding up and going out drinking tonight. I didn't apply, but I guess it's nice they don't wait 'til March to tell you bad news like some other schools I might be waiting on...

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The past two days have been a roller coaster ... got into Eastman yesterday. Today I was rejected from Princeton then got an acceptance email from University of Michigan ~10 minutes later!

Is the other Eastman acceptance posting on here...? Hope everyone else gets good news soon!

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Honestly, the Princeton rejection isn't stinging as badly as I thought it would. The University of Miami was incredibly enthusiastic about my work, and I while I haven't been accepted anywhere else, I haven't been rejected either :)

Stay positive everyone!

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I was also rejected from Princeton and admitted to Michigan a few minutes later! I'm actually more surprised by the admit than by the rejection, because, while I was aware that my research interests don't fit in terribly well with the Princeton faculty, I don't think I have a much better fit with Michigan!

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Well, I guess Feb. 10, 2012 will live in Grad Cafe infamy as the day cafe-goers went 0/9 at Princeton. Hahaha! Wow, what a hard nut, eh? If this place were brick-and-morter, I guess it'd look like a war zone/tornado just swept through!

Edited by fall2012musiccomp
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Has anyone here heard from UC Santa Barbara or NYU? The previous years' posts in the results forum hasn't given me much to go by...

Also, did anyone here go to one of the IU weekend interviews? I couldn't go in person, but I'd like to hear someone's take on the school and the information they gave. PM me? Please? :)

I didn't apply to Princeton, but, wow, they are seriously not messing around this year... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you guys who did apply!

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I definitely feel like a lot more people are posting music results this year than other years, including a lot of lurkers, and I can't believe that ALL of us posters and lurkers would be rejected pre-interview at Yale, I mean statistically. I can totally believe it about myself, haha, but everyone here?? Where are you, Yale?

xylogirl, I applied to NYU and haven't heard a peep yet.

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Has anyone who interviewed heard anything yet? Does anyone know how long after interviews you usually hear? I had a dream last night I was rejected and it took me a good 15 minutes to convince myself I still had a shot. :) Good to know I really want it. Anyone else's heart beat a little faster every time you get a dreaded normal size envelope in the mail?

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