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Applying for Fall 2012


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Congrats to those who have gotten acceptances and interviews!

One of my skype interviewers seemed really interested in my other schools and who I would want to study with there. This may be me getting a bit paranoid and buying into some rumors, but, since the interviewer knows the people at the other schools, would the person contact them? Or try to find out when the other schools make decisions?

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I feel for you Catalyst... it has been dead silent on my end as well with graduate programs and every day that I don't hear something, I get the feeling that I'm going to go 1Y/6N. Almost every school I've applied to has sent out acceptances, so this isn't looking very promising...

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Absolutely :) Wait until you've gotten official word from the schools--Don't make any assumptions based on anonymous posts in the results forum. Honestly, some of them may very well be fraudulent.

So many people are relying on this site to keep them sane. I think Dante left out the circle of hell that is filled by people who are mean enough to mess with our fragile states of mind right now... I really hope no one is posting false results :(

Edited by xylogirl10
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I think Dante left out the circle of hell that should be filled by people who are mean enough to mess with our fragile states of mind right now...

Truth! I may be deluding myself-- for, as you rightly say, I, too, am in a fragile state of mind at the moment--but I find the Harvard admit to be very fishy, considering that none of us have heard anything from Harvard and they, according to last year's admissions thread, didn't even have their admissions meeting until mid-February.

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I would find it hard to believe that anyone would prank a musicology result. That troll is stupid troll. At least prank a more popular subject area!

That being said, it isn't all that uncommon for acceptances to come out not all at once. But, I'm only giving Duke and Harvard 'til tomorrow before I really think I'm out of the game there. I've also heard that UCLA is already wining and dining their top Musicology applicants...as of two weeks ago. I can only hope for a waitlist there.

I think I'm gonna make a proper signature because even I'm starting to lose track of what's going on with myself. So much interview stress (that I'm insanely thankful for at the same time).

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Possibly. The word here is that the faculty have met, and their choices go to the gsas dean. Allegedly, the dean's approval comes down tomorrow. From my own experience two years ago, phone calls will come quickly (mine was a friday afternoon--i was lurking here at the time but i cant remember if i posted, since the call ended my forum stalking tension). actual mail will take several weeks.

So yes, I somewhat doubt that a harvard admit is already out. Although you never know, it could be someone they want badly, or who contacted them and asked...I can't remember the details they posted, but it would definitely be by phone.

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Yeah, but if you're like me (who put in the "Feb 10" Columbia interview notification) you think the default is "today" so you don't even change that part of the form (whoops).

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