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MFA 2012 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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I know that several people have been contacted by Tyler as a finalist. I have been trying to ask them when notifications will go out but they will not give me a response. Does anyone know what the deal is? Do you think that if I have not been contacted that I have been rejected?

Thanks! Good luck to everyone!

I am in the same boat. This is just a guess, but I bet they're accepting/notifying in stages. You know, the annoying ole' waitlist trick.

Congrats on being admitted to CCA, by the way! I had my phone interview yesterday--the person I spoke with was really nice. I wish the rest of the schools were as quick to respond!

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New Genres accepts 3 I believe. As far as working autonomously, it's pretty similar to a lot of other grad schools I've looked into - You're constantly around your peers because of the studios and have access to all of the faculty, regardless of their concentration. Not sure about the number of crits per week, etc, but it's def a do-your-thang, not-for-lazies type of program, which I think is fairly standard? The faculty's super solid, so if you're into their work, it'll be good for you. I work for a visiting faculty member who's totally amazing, and he's into it. I feel like the technical info on classes, etc will be on the website somewhere. Good luck!

thanks! Today I learned they have about 9 studio visits per quarter (10 weeks) and that in addition to that there are one or two group crit classes.

The faculty IS fantastic! For me it's a huge draw.

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Anybody else get a general email today from MICA, confirming your submissions and stating that jury reviews are still underway? I know some of you have heard about interviews there, but I'm hoping that perhaps this indicates they do so in waves.... (wishful thinking perhaps...)

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Anybody else get a general email today from MICA, confirming your submissions and stating that jury reviews are still underway? I know some of you have heard about interviews there, but I'm hoping that perhaps this indicates they do so in waves.... (wishful thinking perhaps...)

Yes I got it too, and unfortunately I think it is an all-program email, and for those of us who haven't heard from certain programs yet (such as hoffberger) it doesn't mean anything new or positive.

That said, I'd be happy to be wrong

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Yes I got it too, and unfortunately I think it is an all-program email, and for those of us who haven't heard from certain programs yet (such as hoffberger) it doesn't mean anything new or positive.

That said, I'd be happy to be wrong

Well Kazoo, I figured that was the case but here's to you being wrong!... Care to share your work? I'd be curious to see it

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I know that several people have been contacted by Tyler as a finalist. I have been trying to ask them when notifications will go out but they will not give me a response. Does anyone know what the deal is? Do you think that if I have not been contacted that I have been rejected?

Thanks! Good luck to everyone!

Leah I really like your work. Congrats on your acceptance and interviews!

I found out today that for whatever reason, my application to SAIC got effed up and thusly not submitted. A tiny bit peeved about that....

Oh, and I talked to the admissions in painting and they said all the interviews and such were scheduled by now.

I'm sorry to hear that pinecode. I hope you can get your application fee back if the error was on their end. When I submitted my application the site crashed and then I was charged the fee twice. It took 3 phone calls (left messages) and 2 emails to finally get refunded.

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new here...has anybody heard from SAIC (MFA Studio in Visual Communication)?...esp international student..

hi nishtha. SAIC sends all notification through the mail so hopefully your letter is making its way to you in India!

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Heya, I applied for my MFA in painting - first time on this site (freaking out) wondering if anyone has heard from:

Oregon (Eugene)

Indiana (Bloomington)

Iowa (Iowa City)

Nebraska (Lincoln)

Edinburgh - interviewed, but no decision letter yet.

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So, I've been ogling people's signatures around here and thinking about this whole process more and more, noticing when someone is a finalist at one prestigious school but hasn't heard back from another (when interviews have already been scheduled). It's positive in a way, because it made me feel better about being selected to interview by MICA but not SAIC, but it's also a bit scary and fascinating to consider. It makes me think about what may have resonated with one school and their program goals, etc., but not another--when the two schools have a lot in common and received the same portfolio.

I don't really have much to say about it except to wonder if anyone else has been taking note of this. It's my first time applying to grad school, too, so I'm still getting used to the whole thing.

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Heya, I applied for my MFA in painting - first time on this site (freaking out) wondering if anyone has heard from:

Oregon (Eugene)

Indiana (Bloomington)

Iowa (Iowa City)

Nebraska (Lincoln)

Edinburgh - interviewed, but no decision letter yet.

I heard back from Iowa on 2/7 via phone, for sculpture though.. not sure about painting tho. I do know that they are meeting today about funding for all art departments. Goodluck!

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Heya, I applied for my MFA in painting - first time on this site (freaking out) wondering if anyone has heard from:

Oregon (Eugene)

Indiana (Bloomington)

Iowa (Iowa City)

Nebraska (Lincoln)

Edinburgh - interviewed, but no decision letter yet.

I was accepted to the UNL Photo Program! But it's new and they called out way early.

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So, I've been ogling people's signatures around here and thinking about this whole process more and more, noticing when someone is a finalist at one prestigious school but hasn't heard back from another (when interviews have already been scheduled). It's positive in a way, because it made me feel better about being selected to interview by MICA but not SAIC, but it's also a bit scary and fascinating to consider. It makes me think about what may have resonated with one school and their program goals, etc., but not another--when the two schools have a lot in common and received the same portfolio.

I don't really have much to say about it except to wonder if anyone else has been taking note of this. It's my first time applying to grad school, too, so I'm still getting used to the whole thing.

Thanks for the perspective. All this waiting is almost as much work as the applications. A big congrats to those beginning to hear good things back. Also a big congrats to everyone here for putting ourselves out there.

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Just received a kind email for admissions at Cranbrook. I think the departments there handle it differently. Printmedia just let me know I was in. It feels good to be accepted into a program!

Hang in there guys!

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So, I've been ogling people's signatures around here and thinking about this whole process more and more, noticing when someone is a finalist at one prestigious school but hasn't heard back from another (when interviews have already been scheduled). It's positive in a way, because it made me feel better about being selected to interview by MICA but not SAIC, but it's also a bit scary and fascinating to consider. It makes me think about what may have resonated with one school and their program goals, etc., but not another--when the two schools have a lot in common and received the same portfolio.

I don't really have much to say about it except to wonder if anyone else has been taking note of this. It's my first time applying to grad school, too, so I'm still getting used to the whole thing.

Why do you think I am still on here? Its like having a pulse on the institutions and I get to see a variety of work by peers. Most of all I think more transparency is better and the schools have too much power as is.

Edited by michaelwebster
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hi nishtha. SAIC sends all notification through the mail so hopefully your letter is making its way to you in India!

No SAIC mail for me so I assume that I'm on the "send rejection letter" list. Oh well.

So, I've been ogling people's signatures around here and thinking about this whole process more and more, noticing when someone is a finalist at one prestigious school but hasn't heard back from another (when interviews have already been scheduled). It's positive in a way, because it made me feel better about being selected to interview by MICA but not SAIC, but it's also a bit scary and fascinating to consider. It makes me think about what may have resonated with one school and their program goals, etc., but not another--when the two schools have a lot in common and received the same portfolio.

I don't really have much to say about it except to wonder if anyone else has been taking note of this. It's my first time applying to grad school, too, so I'm still getting used to the whole thing.

It's all so subjective. The schools likely are looking to balance out the incoming students with each other and with their existing students. They would not want too many students with simular styles. One thing to keep in mind is that the schools do not know which students will ultimately become successful artists. Look back at art history - most long dead artists whose works now sell for 10's or hundreds of millions, were starving artists in their own time and had their works trashed by the establishment. If Yale or some other top school passes you over, it doesn't mean shit.

Edited by Fool4nine
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