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MFA 2012 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Hey guys! Been lurking around and thought I would step out of the woodwork. Been a wild process so far. Applying to Pratt, Hunter, Yale, SAIC, CCAD, and RISD. We'll see where it goes. Hoping for the best with Pratt. I love the interdisciplinary nature of their programs. Are there any other similar programs I should add to my list? Tempted to add CCA but I probably won't be able to get out there and see everything.

Best of luck to you all.

Edited by TheZane
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I'm definitely freaking out. It's the technical aspects of trying to get everything in to my first 2 schools before January 1st. The artist statement I keep reworking, I think I'm wanting more guidance on that because it's so open in format. Has anyone seen examples of previous statements of intent, because online I could only find MFA creative writing examples. It would just help to see the approaches others have taken in comparison.

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Oops....I didn't catch up on the other 5 pages before posting. With the statement, I'm on my third revision after getting corrections back from a faculty member. I have plenty of coffee, so I'm going to have it down in a couple hours.

junho871, are you serious?

Didn't you talk to any grad students while an undergrad?

I would say this was a bit harsh, but I'll agree with the conclusion. I would just like to comment that I have a BFA from a university that doesn't have an MFA program. MFA students were not readily available for me to quiz either.

In conclusion, I'm totally freaking out. Graduation ceremony is tomorrow for my BFA, they want me to clean out my studio on campus by next week (eeek!), I need to work to pay these fees, and forget Christmas. Yes, I am still absolutely sure I want to apply for fall :).

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Florida and South Florida are good. I was quite surprised when I looked at the USF faculty list recently. It's basically SAIC-southern branch. Florida is a larger, better known program, but you might find better resources at USF.

Yes, I'm probably the only grizzled old faculty member around here. I really enjoy mentoring students (I do it for a living, after all). Plus, I can spout off my opinions right and left, and as you all know by now, I have plenty of them.

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I'm stressing hard over my statement. I've rewritten it at least six times in the past two days. Schools I'm applying to include VCU, USF and GSU, in order of preference. Is anyone familiar with the application process to any of these schools? Is it advised to use the same statement/same work when applying to different schools?

I want this process to be over . . .

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My approach has been to let the school figure out if I'm right for them, not to try to tailor myself into something I'm not.

While I like your approach, I have had to tone down my intensity for app season. My statement was interpreted as threatening by some and that isn't really the sort of impression I wish to make on a panel of jurors. I'm not interested in assimilating my ideas with preconceived expectations, I just am not certain what the critics are searching for. Is it really just a coin toss? I feel like my work is strong and my statement is well suited, but I have no idea what a roomful of seasoned artists are going to think. I guess I wish to present myself in such a way that allows every viewer to relate in SOME way. Probably just naive of me though. There is no perfect artist after all.

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My approach has been to let the school figure out if I'm right for them, not to try to tailor myself into something I'm not.

Yeah I am taking the same approach. If they like my work they will pick me. Its not like words are everything. Not going to kick myself over 500 words or so. I mean who can really say what they want with that many words. If the art is good it will speak.

Also it is a statement of purpose. How many reason are there to go to Graduate School? Community, Critique, Exploration and Growth. Networking is a side effect. As is the future.

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Getting into a top school is desirable for many reasons, but it is more important to go where you are wanted "as you are" rather than trying to confirm to what you think they want. All schools know that your work will change as you grow as an artists, particularly with their help. You really don't want to go to a school where the real you would not be appreciated. That would just make for an uncomfortable 2-3 years.

I went to grad portfolio days with my photography portfolio. The representatives at several schools were rather cool to my portfolio (RIT, SAIC). The guy at SAIC hardly even looked at it. He just wanted to know how well I could talk about it. It was as if the work didn't matter as long as I could discuss it at length. Contrast those two schools with the two photo professors at SFAI. They were practically drooling over the work and said they wanted me at their school. Their appreciation made me much more interested in studying there.

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I did in my statements to many schools but not all. I mentioned their names and the names of some of their portfolio's and/or works of art that I most appreciated. Some people have said to avoid name dropping. From other things I've read, what comes after the mention of the faculty member is of most importance to indicate that you are not just dropping names. If you do mention names, then add a sentence or two to indicate that you are familier with their work. Avoid any language, good or bad, that indicates any sort of judgement or analysis of their work. But I think it is fine to say that you admire the work of "Jane Doe" and their "x" portfolio or "y" work. I think this indicates that you have done some homework on the school and that you really have a desire to work there. Just make sure that it is honest and from the heart. If their work is 180 degrees different than your work, they may or may not buy it.

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In my statement, I don't talk about the school at all. It's all about my own reasoning for painting. I was under the impression that our Artist's Statements are not to be written like Statements of Purpose. Commence mental meltdown.

Maybe a hybrid? You're making me melt... Haha!

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Nope. Many schools don't ask for artists statements. What they want is a statement of purpose.

Correct. Most schools now just want the statement of purpose which should include a mini general artist statement within the body. A few schools (RISD, SFAI) also require a specific artist statement to go with the portfolio.

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Florida and South Florida are good. I was quite surprised when I looked at the USF faculty list recently. It's basically SAIC-southern branch. Florida is a larger, better known program, but you might find better resources at USF.

Yes, I'm probably the only grizzled old faculty member around here. I really enjoy mentoring students (I do it for a living, after all). Plus, I can spout off my opinions right and left, and as you all know by now, I have plenty of them.

I would say that it is also worth mentioning that USF, being in Tampa which is a larger city, has a slightly larger artist community and more to do. Then again, I am partial to Central Florida because I lived in Orlando for many years. From everything I have seen, USF has a really good program going right now and some great financial aid options.

PS "losemygrip" I think it is good that we do have some people, like yourself, who are not just potential students posting. Also good to get people from different perspectives posting opinions. I've only posted a few times here, but have been reading the discussions for over a year now.

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Thanks both of you for replying about USF! I definitely do like the sound of the Tampa area and I decided to submit an app there. Just judging from what I have found online, I really agree that their program seems to be strong and suits my work better than U Florida.

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I thought the opposite was true. The schools need to be less vague if they want to bandy a bunch of different definitions around.


I've applied to many of the top art schools for photography programs. It was very clear that they asked for Statement of Purpose. The statement should include the reasons you chose your medium. A little about your history, background, and accomplishments. I general artist statement about your current work and direction. The reasons why you want to pursue further studies and how you see your work evolving. None of the schools used ambiguous language. The two schools I mentioned, also asked for an artist statement with the portfolio separate and in addition to the Statement of Purpose.

Now, I need to stress that my applications were for photography. Many departments have different requirements. It is possible that some painting or sculpture or other programs, are asking for different things. However, most of the schools I looked at, had Statement of Purpose requirements for ALL MFA applicants. Many schools then had unique portfolio requirements for different emphasis areas such as photography or painting or scupture.

Make sure you read the general art department application requirements, then the specific requirements for your emphasis. You have to be sure you are meeting both sets of requirements.

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The people who read my statement thought it was strong, so I just went with it and changed it for any schools that asked for something specific.

Anyone else not get any information for accessing the portfolio site for UCSD yet? I sent them an email today.

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