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MFA 2012 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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you want to go to philly anyway!!!!

Philly is awesome, but man, UGA's program looks great!

Mick, hopefully better news floats your way from GA!

Sculptor, congrats!!! And yeah, these Tyler emails are a little bit like salt on the wound.

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Congrats to the RISD interviewees!

Has anyone heard from the printmaking department at RISD?

I applied to RISD for printmaking and haven't heard yet. I recently met with the head of the department and he said they were going slow this year because they can only accept 6 people (they over enrolled last year because all 10 they let in said yes and decided to come)

Good luck and congrats to all with good news!

I received an email two nights ago saying I that was accepted to the RISD printmaking program!!! I'm beyond thrilled!!! I was told that I would get the official letter in a few days, so I'm waiting to receive that. Then I'm sure this will really start to sink in!

Congratulations to everyone who is getting acceptances and best wishes to everyone else on schools and with your work!

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Sorry about the Hunter rejections, people :( I've heard that program is brutal to get into...aside from being top-notch, it's the best deal financially in NYC. They must get 500+ applications...if not more.

Here's looking to better weeks ahead.

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Sorry about the Hunter rejections, people :( I've heard that program is brutal to get into...aside from being top-notch, it's the best deal financially in NYC. They must get 500+ applications...if not more.

Here's looking to better weeks ahead.

800 applications to 80 acceptances, according to the website.

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Thanks for the good vibes!!!

Congrats on SMU!!!...and Sam Fox is no joke either. That's great!! There's nothing wrong with those under the radar schools. My last school is a little under the radar if I don't have any luck with UGA, but depending on what side of the bed I wake up on, somedays it's my top choice. Any money from SMU?

Thanks, Mick! I am so grateful for my acceptances. SMU folks said that scholarship notifications are forthcoming. I'm curious to see what comes through with that. Man, if I end up in Dallas, I am seriously looking forward to that farmer's market! Mmmmm.

Glad to hear that you're excited about the last school. Ratings are important and useful in making decisions, but instinct is important, too. If it feels right, you can't ignore that! Also, you never know what the future will hold for any school. Your lesser-known program might one day be a beacon in the art world, who knows? Still crossing my fingers for you about UGA though :) Keep us posted and good luck!

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Denied from Hunter via email.

Me too. SUNY Buffalo too.

For some perverse reason, I thought knowing would be better than not knowing. I was wrong. I put a lot of my hopes into this process.

So, I am going to do the very stereotypical. Get drunk on Absinthe, and have Gauguin cut my ear off.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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I join the ranks of Hunter rejects. But was finally notified(snail mail, today) by UT Austin that I'm on their "Short Wait List". Does any have experience being on a wait list and then getting in?

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Me too. SUNY Buffalo too.

For some perverse reason, I thought knowing would be better than not knowing. I was wrong. I put a lot of my hopes into this process.

So, I am going to do the very stereotypical. Get drunk on Absinthe, and have Gauguin cut my ear off.

Have a great weekend everyone.

As a wise person said to me... "Their loss."

I hear you about putting a lot of hopes into this...

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Just accepted to Cranbrook - but can I afford it? Oh this is tough. One good, but mid-tier school offering full tuition waiver and a substantial stipend, and another top-tier school that would likely require big loans to attend. I can't take this stress! It's good stress to be sure. Much better than no acceptances, but hard decisions never-the-less. Added pressure comes in that Cranbrook wants a deposit within 2 weeks. How can I decide when I still haven't heard from all schools?

Cranbrook is highly rated to be sure. But offers no teaching experience and I want to teach when I'm done. So - Expensive, no teaching experience, but looks great on the diploma and I would undoubtedly grow greatly as an artist and have more doors opened for me in the way of exhibitions.

Ohio State is not as highly rated but still a very good school. I like the 3-year nature of the program and I would get at least 2 years of teaching experience and possibly adjunct teaching opportunities with them afterwards. I get full tuition costs covered, plus a to-die-for medical/dental/vision insurance coverage for the whole family for pennies. Plus I get a very nice stipend that will cover a good part of my living expenses.

I really need to hear back from RISD and VCU to help me decide what to do.

Do not go to Cranbrook. I repeat: do not go to Cranbrook. If you want to teach, you're going to be much better off getting teaching experience with one of your other options. Not to mention the money you'll save.

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