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MFA 2012 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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I know of some people have been accepted and rejected and have actually been notified. But both of those people were painting. Has anyone that applied for the sculpture program heard anything? Even just a finalist notification? My app status still says i have items outstanding, but the person in the admissions office told me that mine was "complete and under review" and that the Temple grad school updates that not Tyler itself. So obviously they are a little behind on notifications/updating. My new attitude is "I am not rejected til the school tells me themselves" even then i still might send them a rejection to their rejection letter.

I had my interview for Tyler Sculpture mid February, from what i understood they were finishing up their interviews this past weekend (16 interviews to fill 4-5 spots) and that we would hear sometime within the next few weeks.

but, i check my online status way too often, hoping to see their decision there before i hear it via an email or letter in the mailbox.

Edited by gabriroth
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...it looks like it's shaping up to be a lot of the smaller schools who are interested in my work - I'm not sure what that says about how I fit in the contemporary art world. Though to be honest, even if I did get into some of the bigger schools, I'm not sure how I would afford to go there . . .

Though Alfred is a small program, it's top 10...so, I wouldn't stress about the "art world"...plus, anyway, how you make your own connections and push your work is more what will make your art shine in the art world...

Mills is a fine program and has excellent connections to the scene in San Fran, which is a very interesting place to be, especially for new media/new genres.

You're doing fine :)

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No offense, but there is an awful lot of whining coming from people with interviews and acceptances in their pockets. Sure, I'm bitter, but some people in here could use some perspective.

Oh sympatico, I understand what you are saying but don't forget that many of the people with acceptances and interviews are second and third year applicants. It's not like we don't have perspective that it could be worse. Also, getting an interview is something to be grateful for but those who have them still run the risk of not getting in anywhere.

I think people need an outlet for all admissions fears and frustrations, big or small, whether that is fear of not getting in, troubles with funding, or even facing difficult choices between schools... I hope things work out for you, but in the meantime i don't think people complaining lack perspective, they are just reaching out to others in their situation.

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Oh sympatico, I understand what you are saying but don't forget that many of the people with acceptances and interviews are second and third year applicants. It's not like we don't have perspective that it could be worse. Also, getting an interview is something to be grateful for but those who have them still run the risk of not getting in anywhere.

I think people need an outlet for all admissions fears and frustrations, big or small, whether that is fear of not getting in, troubles with funding, or even facing difficult choices between schools... I hope things work out for you, but in the meantime i don't think people complaining lack perspective, they are just reaching out to others in their situation.

This is us:


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I received the same from MICA. I received the Baltimore city guide a month ago and found it quite odd. O.k. guys, if you are going to bother me with a city guide, what the hell does this mean. Or, they have expendable funds to send out brochures on "where to live." Just accept me already!

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Haha, kazoo and sculptor, I appreciate both of your posts and mine definitely came off harsher than I intended. I know this is tough for everyone, no matter what position they are in right now. I suppose I'm a little frustrated and that came through in my post.

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Haha, kazoo and sculptor, I appreciate both of your posts and mine definitely came off harsher than I intended. I know this is tough for everyone, no matter what position they are in right now. I suppose I'm a little frustrated and that came through in my post.

Yeah I totally get that, it's such a frustrating process. I've been so tense lately, a real nightmare to be around. I go from hopeful to depressed to rational to crazy 50 times a day!

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I just got an email from Cal State Long Beach saying that I am accepted!

If that is where I end up going, I will immediately buy a surf board.

just dont try and surf in LB! :) (the printmaking dept is pretty cool at CSULB, but IOWA?!!!! #1? congrats!)

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Though, for me, it looks like it's shaping up to be a lot of the smaller schools who are interested in my work - I'm not sure what that says about how I fit in the contemporary art world.

Miyamoto: I agree with outwest

I actually went to alfred for undergrad and had a lot of the professors that you would have for the MFA in EIA program ( namely Peer Bode, and Xiowen Chen ) Honestly not only are these professors highly intelligent, but have AMAZING connections. Xiowen was able to get Oliver herring to come , speak , and sit and chat and eat pizza with the undergrads/grads , along with many other well established artists. I feel like small schools often get overlooked, especially alfred. I know its not in a place you might not want to spend 2 years of your life, but the sense of community is amazing! plus even though its in somewhat the middle of nowhere, your still only a 4-5 hour drive from nyc, have great networking opportunities, and still meet great artists. I would honestly apply but they really dont accept graduates from their bfa program to their mfa program ( i also would like another experience and to get out of the area)

Sorry , thats just my 2 cents and plug for my alma mater ! :)

Edited by uke
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wow. what a day... rejected from University of Washington.sad

Accepted to Indiana University Herron School of Art and Design. Full Tuition Waiver.Happy!

Asked to interview for a TA at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Giddy!

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Yeah I totally get that, it's such a frustrating process. I've been so tense lately, a real nightmare to be around. I go from hopeful to depressed to rational to crazy 50 times a day!

yes and I have obviously been on this forum way too much today :)

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wow. what a day... rejected from University of Washington.sad

Accepted to Indiana University Herron School of Art and Design. Full Tuition Waiver.Happy!

Asked to interview for a TA at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Giddy!

Hi! I am interviewing that day too, which is your top choice so far? Hope to see you there!

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SAIC app peeps,

Has anyone out there received an acceptance letter from them?

I see a lot of rejection or interview dates floating around, but no acceptances per se....

on Saturday they(sculpture) said we would get them in 5 to 10 days

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Hi! I am interviewing that day too, which is your top choice so far? Hope to see you there!

Wisconsin is my top right now. I am excited to spend the next three years at a major research University!

Are you flying out or doing a skype interview?

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Wisconsin is my top right now. I am excited to spend the next three years at a major research University!

Are you flying out or doing a skype interview?

I really like the facilities, I've been looking at pictures of them online. I might end up driving actually. I looked at flights and they seemed more expensive than the 18 hour drive from Florida. How are you going to do the interview?

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Getting in on this a little late but just had to...

Accepted to CCA and attending the open studios

Interviewed with SFAI waiting to hear back

Interviewing with SMFA 3/10 in Boston

A bunch of rejections but trying not to dwell on those.

I can see that I will be seeing some of your anonymous faces either at the CCA open studios or the SMFA interview.

What a crazy experience! Let me know if anyone hears from SFAI.

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wow. what a day... rejected from University of Washington.sad

Accepted to Indiana University Herron School of Art and Design. Full Tuition Waiver.Happy!

Asked to interview for a TA at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Giddy!


How did you hear from Herron? Via snail mail or email or phone?

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wow. what a day... rejected from University of Washington.sad

Accepted to Indiana University Herron School of Art and Design. Full Tuition Waiver.Happy!

Asked to interview for a TA at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Giddy!

How did you find out about the Washington rejection? (Mail, Email, or Phone?)

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