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MFA 2012 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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I haven't received a single thing from UCLA yet. Just waiting for the official rejection email.

Me neither! It's killing me but I suspect it'll be this week. Good news or bad.

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So glad there are a few people going through the same! I guess I assumed most people on here were either single, married, or do long distance. In addition to my boyfriend, I also have to pack up my Great Dane. My boyfriend has also been supremely supportive. I'm so excited for my/our new adventure!

I agree. It's encouraging to know that there are others who are genuinely wrestling with balancing their relationships with grad school opportunities.

I know that I, for one, am completely unwilling to leave my wife and child for any career advancing opportunity, including grad school. This country already has an epidemic of fatherlessness, and I refuse to be part of that statistic. Art is important, but my family is my art. In some ways, I feel like nurturing a healthy marriage and growing a happy family is the ultimate and most challenging art form, even if it doesn't make it into any of the big fancy art museums and magazines. If spending quality time with my family means I don't produce enough "good" art to get into the biggest art schools, then so be it. My happiness is alive and well and is not dependent on the quantity of rejection or acceptance letters I receive. Coming home to the open arms of my wife and daughter is the only acceptance letter I will ever need. If the art world doesn't agree with my priorities, then it can go *paint* itself. Although...I'm not convinced it would make that great of a painting.

Sorry, that rant should probably go on a different thread. lol.

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Accepted to Pratt, MS in Communications Design with a Digital Design emphasis (I do not have a BFA).

Hey deelucas, Congrats for PRATT. were you informed about the acceptance today??

are you international??

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Rutgers info: A friend just got a letter today (in the mail) for acceptance to Rutgers in Visual Arts. I guess they're still sending them out. I didn't apply there but I thought people who did would appreciate the update.

Crazy jelly! Send an acceptance to meeeee Rutgers!!

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Accepted to Pratt, MS in Communications Design with a Digital Design emphasis (I do not have a BFA).

It's looking like that's where I'll be going, but for their MFA program. Perhaps we'll bump into each other next year- if that's where you decide to go.

Hey deelucas, Congrats for PRATT. were you informed about the acceptance today??

are you international??

I know you've been anxiously waiting to hear from them for a while now. Have you tried a call yet?

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has anybody heard from Dynamic Media Institute, Mass Arts?

Also, does anybody know if RISD interviews international candidtaes for its Graphic Design prog.?

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Apparently, MassArt sent out their acceptance emails yesterday. I'm guessing those of us who didn't hear back are probably out of the running now.

has anybody heard from Dynamic Media Institute, Mass Arts?

Also, does anybody know if RISD interviews international candidtaes for its Graphic Design prog.?

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Rejection for University of Oregon received today (snail mail). Pretty sure I'm out for this year.


I'm sorry sguid! But it doesn't seem over yet for you. I know how you are feeling though.

and sorry about UCLA Jane890, but congratulations on Columbia, and good luck with your interview, if it hasn't happened yet.

The silence is defeaning. Quit playing with our emotions, schools!

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It's looking like that's where I'll be going, but for their MFA program. Perhaps we'll bump into each other next year- if that's where you decide to go.

I know you've been anxiously waiting to hear from them for a while now. Have you tried a call yet?

I wrote to them few days back, Russel said that it will be early april or sometime late in march. but now i see few getting accepted so i will try calling them today. :)

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It's looking like that's where I'll be going, but for their MFA program. Perhaps we'll bump into each other next year- if that's where you decide to go.

I know you've been anxiously waiting to hear from them for a while now. Have you tried a call yet?

Hey Tall, did you hear back from MICA yesterday??

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