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PhD applications for 2012-2013 chit chat...


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Anyone apply to Marquette's JCA program? I've seen a couple of theology acceptances but nothing on the JCA program. Anyone heard of NT people gaining acceptance?

It's a good fit for me so here's to hoping . . .

I got an e-mail a couple of days ago, but was told financial aid is still pending. I applied to the JCA program, specifically NT. I didn't know this site existed until tonight when I was trying to get information on when funding decisions are made at Marquette. Good luck! Hope you got good news!

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Hello all,

I am still waiting to hear from UCSB's program in religious studies. The only thing I've heard is that one person received notification of acceptance last week. Website says it's still under review. Did anyone else apply, hear back, or know anything?

Thanks so much.

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If you weren't invited to the interview weekend, I wouldn't hold your breath. I know someone on the waitlist who was at the weekend and if they get in, they will take the offer. As there are only two slots in HC this year and I'm certainly taking one, there won't be any need for them to go to a waitlist beyond those whom they interviewed.

Any inside scoop on the CJA admits?

I feel like if it's not going to happen, Harvard and Notre Dame just need to administer the coup de grace already. This has been weighing on me long enough.

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Any inside scoop on the CJA admits?

I feel like if it's not going to happen, Harvard and Notre Dame just need to administer the coup de grace already. This has been weighing on me long enough.

I don't know. There are more people admitted to CJA and several have other offers that they are weighing, so I imagine the folks waiting on CJA decisions are in a different position.

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Hello all,

I am still waiting to hear from UCSB's program in religious studies. The only thing I've heard is that one person received notification of acceptance last week. Website says it's still under review. Did anyone else apply, hear back, or know anything?

Thanks so much.

I'm still waiting to hear back too. What area did you apply for? Doesn't seem like they've made decisions yet. I'm tempted to email the dept, but I am going to wait it out another week or so. Let's keep each other updated!

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Anyone heard from CGU?

I got an acceptance email with funding info on Friday for the joint MA/PhD philosophy/religion program. A friend of mine got his acceptance email on Monday (PRT) and found out about funding today. Not sure if they spread out the acceptance emails or what. But they've started notifying people of their acceptance for sure.

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No one (except me!) has really asked about UVA, but I emailed Paul Jones on Monday just to make sure I'd been rejected (and I had). So if anyone else checking here is wondering, he said UVA sends out 'rejection' offers, but they are extremely rare and happen late in the term (May-ish). They've already made their initial 11 offers (you wouldn't know by looking at the results survey) and they've formed their wait list, so if you haven't heard yet... it's not going to be good news.

Looks like I'm headed to Evanston!

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I got an acceptance email with funding info on Friday for the joint MA/PhD philosophy/religion program. A friend of mine got his acceptance email on Monday (PRT) and found out about funding today. Not sure if they spread out the acceptance emails or what. But they've started notifying people of their acceptance for sure.

I just got the acceptance email, but no word on funding yet. I'm nervous because I hear they don't offer full funding and coming from Canada, I need all the financial assistance I can get.

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I just got the acceptance email, but no word on funding yet. I'm nervous because I hear they don't offer full funding and coming from Canada, I need all the financial assistance I can get.

Yeah I hear you on that. They offered me 50%, which I guess is really the most anyone ever gets. I've heard that maybe one or two admits a year get full funding, but that could be myth for all I know. The only thing is that, for me, they would divide the 50% between each degree program (25% for the MA in philosophy, and 25% for the PhD in religion.) So... it would still cost me about 60k just in tuition to do the course work for both programs. Their course listings look AMAZING, but since I have an offer with full funding and a stipend elsewhere, I have to turn CGU down.

They offered my friend 31% toward the PhD in Philosophy of Religion/Theology, and he got that notice a day or two after his acceptance. I would definitely expect to hear about funding in the next couple of days. I'm waiting until after I visit Northwestern this weekend to turn down the offer. But they'll probably pass my funding on to others once I do.

Edited by jdharrison
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Yeah I hear you on that. They offered me 50%, which I guess is really the most anyone ever gets. I've heard that maybe one or two admits a year get full funding, but that could be myth for all I know. The only thing is that, for me, they would divide the 50% between each degree program (25% for the MA in philosophy, and 25% for the PhD in religion.) So... it would still cost me about 60k just in tuition to do the course work for both programs. Their course listings look AMAZING, but since I have an offer with full funding and a stipend elsewhere, I have to turn CGU down.

They offered my friend 31% toward the PhD in Philosophy of Religion/Theology, and he got that notice a day or two after his acceptance. I would definitely expect to hear about funding in the next couple of days. I'm waiting until after I visit Northwestern this weekend to turn down the offer. But they'll probably pass my funding on to others once I do.

I emailed Admissions back and the replied saying the offer is a "25% fellowship." Need more information! Like, can this amount change i.e increase? What is the exact amount I'd be paying out of my pocket? Is it different for international students? Etc. etc. etc.

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I got an e-mail a couple of days ago, but was told financial aid is still pending. I applied to the JCA program, specifically NT. I didn't know this site existed until tonight when I was trying to get information on when funding decisions are made at Marquette. Good luck! Hope you got good news!

Congratulations. I received the same acceptance e-mail. I have no idea on funding yet.

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I have applied to the JTS PhD program in Rabbinic civilizations. It is however, the same application sharing the same slots with their Hebrew Bible and Jewish literature and Jewish history programs.

Has anybody else on this site applied to the JTS PhD program? Or does anybody know what their adcom is doing now? They told us in January that 'we will get back to you at the end of February or the beginning of March with a decision,' and they invited us all repeatedly to their prospective student weekend on March 18-19, but since then they have not contacted me and the only information I have seen is that one person posted a week ago: JTS called and told her she was accepted to the MA program on the strength of her PhD application.

I was accepted to the Hebrew Bible PhD program at JTS on 2/27. I turned down the offer at the end of last week.

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Little update : as of yesterday, I had heard nothing from BU, Harvard, Toronto, and Notre Dame (Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity type programs). So I emailed the first 3, and heard back quickly that I had not been accepted. All three were somewhat surprised that I had not received results yet, so imagine anyone else waiting to hear from those schools should hear soon. With Greg Sterling leaving ND, I wasn't really considering it anymore. So ive accepted the offer at Emory (NT). They do have one more NT offer out there which has not yet been accepted. Good luck, all!

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Today I accepted ND's offer for the CJA program. I presume that this might free up an NT spot at both Duke and Yale, if anyone's hanging around on their waitlists.

Congratulations, katholou! We will miss you in New Haven in the Fall, but I am glad indecision's burden has been lifted off your shoulders. Warm wishes to all, especially those on waitlists.

As a point of potential clarification, I understand Yale's waitlist to be global to religious studies, not area specific. So katholou turning down Yale's offer might free up a New Testament spot—or Asian Religions, Religious Ethics, etc. At least that is how I understand Yale's waitlist to work.

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Just checking in - has anyone heard of or been accepted to a non-CJA/Historical Theo Phd area @ Notre Dame yet?

Friend of mine got into the NT+EC, she has another offer she is considering though.

I also corresponded with the admissions officer, and they said if you weren't interviewed you probably aren't on a waitlist.

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Congratulations, katholou! We will miss you in New Haven in the Fall, but I am glad indecision's burden has been lifted off your shoulders. Warm wishes to all, especially those on waitlists.

As a point of potential clarification, I understand Yale's waitlist to be global to religious studies, not area specific. So katholou turning down Yale's offer might free up a New Testament spot—or Asian Religions, Religious Ethics, etc. At least that is how I understand Yale's waitlist to work.

Ishmael- that sounds about right from what current religion PhD students have told me. It sounds fairly common that the spot does not get filled in the program originally making the offer. Furthermore, it is rare for NT to make 2 offers, although perhaps they did not make an offer for Ancient Christianity. Good luck at Yale! I'm sure you will love it. I will miss it! Exciting times with the new dean at the div school and at least one new NT Prof.

Katholou- that must have been a terribly difficult choice!

Edited by canjecricketer
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Thanks Ishmael. Sure: broadly, I'm interested in the intertwined traditions of the New Testament/early Christianity and the varieties of ancient Judaism, in the first two centuries CE (of course not ignoring the larger Greco-Roman context). Current topical interests include the relationship of earliest Christianity to distinctive Jewish groups like the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, etc, as well as early Jewish and Christian conceptions of "scripture" and interpretation. Ultimately I'm just happy when I get to read a wide range of ancient Mediterranean literature (especially of the Hellenistic Jewish variety, e.g. Philo, Wisdom of Solomon), and I'm still narrowing down what my research focus will be at the dissertation level. What about you?

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Most broadly, anything related to Christian origins and development through the 4th century C.E. whets my appetite.

More specifically, I would list the Gospel of Mark, rhetorical criticism, origins of early Christian ritual (especially eucharistic origins and development), early Christian hermeneutics, literary theory, and Jewish/Christian relations and identity as my primary interests.

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I emailed Admissions back and the replied saying the offer is a "25% fellowship." Need more information! Like, can this amount change i.e increase? What is the exact amount I'd be paying out of my pocket? Is it different for international students? Etc. etc. etc.

If you look at the financial aid page on their website, you can find all of the tuition info you'll need. I don't think there's a difference between international and domestic tuition. There are always grants, scholarships, etc., that you can apply for. I also know that CGU has an excellent record of placing their doctoral students in local community colleges beginning in their third year as they finish out their programs. So there are certainly options, though none are guaranteed.

Don't know if this will make any difference, but I'm declining their offer, as I've officially accepted at Northwestern. CGU was offering me 50% tuition, but I don't know if that will necessarily go to anyone, be spread around, go to someone on the wait list, etc.

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@sarastoked--thanks for replying about UCSB! I've applied to Religions in North America. Saw that someone was accepted without funding. That was not me. I haven't heard.

Ah me too, same track. I called last week, they said decisions will be finalized this week! I really hope it's good news

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