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0% Confidence of Acceptance

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@fredngeorge-- If I could, I would hug you right now and buy you a shot. Then I'd do a shot as well. Then maybe three more.

I feel like an incredible ingrate for complaining because I have one acceptance, but I just got my rejection email from my top choice and it sucks. This process is hell. We must *all* have a masochistic streak in us to embark on this journey...

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@fredngeorge-- If I could, I would hug you right now and buy you a shot. Then I'd do a shot as well. Then maybe three more.

I feel like an incredible ingrate for complaining because I have one acceptance, but I just got my rejection email from my top choice and it sucks. This process is hell. We must *all* have a masochistic streak in us to embark on this journey...

I didn't know you got an acceptance, cquin! Congrats! Where?

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@fredngeorge-- If I could, I would hug you right now and buy you a shot. Then I'd do a shot as well. Then maybe three more.

I feel like an incredible ingrate for complaining because I have one acceptance, but I just got my rejection email from my top choice and it sucks. This process is hell. We must *all* have a masochistic streak in us to embark on this journey...

Thanks for the virtual hug & virtual shot! They were much needed and appreciated :) As much as I hate this process (and my life right now....), the support of everyone on this site has helped me in ways I can't even explain :)

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As one of the remaining 0% confidence posters, I think I have accepted that I'll have to re-apply in 2013. I actually feel better about it now, realizing this pass was an expensive experiment in which I learned a lot. I will probably check into Asia, like all the other Liberal Arts drop outs, something I didn't do this year after undergrad because I was too busy GRE prepping, etc.

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@Trip-- Texas A&M! I applied to their MA program but the DGS called me up and asked if I'd like to go straight into the PhD program. So, there's that! I'll admit that I'm a little apprehensive about five to seven years in College Station but, as they say, beggars can't be choosers... (And right now, I totally feel like a beggar knocking at the doors of the Illustrious Grad School)

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@Trip-- Texas A&M! I applied to their MA program but the DGS called me up and asked if I'd like to go straight into the PhD program. So, there's that! I'll admit that I'm a little apprehensive about five to seven years in College Station but, as they say, beggars can't be choosers... (And right now, I totally feel like a beggar knocking at the doors of the Illustrious Grad School)

Wow, Cquin--that's amazing! I know you're on cloud 9. Happy for you. Best of luck.

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@fredngeorge-- If I could, I would hug you right now and buy you a shot. Then I'd do a shot as well. Then maybe three more.

I feel like an incredible ingrate for complaining because I have one acceptance, but I just got my rejection email from my top choice and it sucks. This process is hell. We must *all* have a masochistic streak in us to embark on this journey...

I am beginning to feel like I, too, will only have one acceptance, but that is all it takes! Plus, my acceptance was one of my top choices, so I'm ecstatic! Although each rejection stings a little, I am grateful to have my acceptance, and I wish everyone who is still waiting the best of luck!

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...I feel like an incredible ingrate for complaining because I have one acceptance...

I know what you mean. My one acceptance is really great but it's for an MA and so far it's unfunded. Without funding, it means the same thing as a non-acceptance: I can't go.

Worse, I don't even know which thread I belong in anymore.

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I am beginning to feel like I, too, will only have one acceptance, but that is all it takes! Plus, my acceptance was one of my top choices, so I'm ecstatic! Although each rejection stings a little, I am grateful to have my acceptance, and I wish everyone who is still waiting the best of luck!

Yep, waiting and waiting for all the rest of my schools is trying on me. I keep thinking that this was my one stroke of luck, and that nothing else will work out. But then I remember that I'm in somewhere, and it's all okay.

I really do wish the best of luck to everyone else here!! I know how awful it feels to get rejected but also how amazing it feels to get in, so I'm rooting for all of you! :D

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Lol So what I'm getting from this thread is even if I do get in some place, just one place, I'll still stress out worrying about the others. And if I get into more than one, I'll stress out about which to choose.

So basically... stress. And more stress. Stress stress stress. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic.

p.s. Seriously though, congrats to recent acceptance winners :)

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When I got into my dream program, I thought that would mean rejections from other schools wouldn't hurt. But they still did.

Then I got these weird, post-acceptances blues or blahs. I just felt kind of empty about everything. And I would ask myself, what is wrong with me? I got into the program I wanted the most. How dare I not be ecstatic? I thought it was just me, but I later learned that many people go through it. It's a combination of things, I think. The biggest thing is that you just have this crazy period of tons of work, expense, and effort completing your apps. And then you have a period of crazy stress and anxiety and waiting, waiting, waiting. I mean, you guys are pretty manic now. I say that with affection! That's exactly how I was. And then when you figure it all out and you know where you're going next year, it's like all the air goes out of the balloon. All that energy and excitement and dread and panic is just gone. The comedown is crazy.

Also, no one program, no matter how perfect, can be as good as all the possibility of all the programs. When you know, you know, and you're happy, but to an extent, your future just got smaller. I don't know, it's weird, and probably not what you guys want to be thinking about right now. I'm just saying that you should let yourself feel however your feeling and don't put emotional expectations on yourself.

And, you know. Now I'm here, and I feel like the luckiest guy alive.

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Also, no one program, no matter how perfect, can be as good as all the possibility of all the programs. When you know, you know, and you're happy, but to an extent, your future just got smaller.

This... makes a lot of sense. And the air going out of the balloon analogy. Thank you.

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@perrykm2, those boots are so cute :(

I don't know who else is also in their final year of undergrad, but I know that this entire experience is just more stressful because of it. Finishing applications in the middle of finals week was bad, but now I also have to sit around and basically wait for my future to be decided for me. I went away for college, so I don't exactly have a 'home' with my parents (plus, ew, Florida). The lease on my apartment is up May 31st so I won't even have much of a buffer to figure things out after commencement. Apparently my Plan B is becoming a homeless college graduate.

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Lol So what I'm getting from this thread is even if I do get in some place, just one place, I'll still stress out worrying about the others.

Yes. Especially if the school you're accepted to isn't necessarily your top school and you’re not sure yet if you will receive funding. You become this strange mix of ecstatic elation that you’ve been accepted and fear that this might be the only school you are accepted to and you might not even be able to go. And then you feel guilty for thinking negatively and for not simply being overjoyed like you know you should be. The end result is plenty of visits to grad café (where you know there are many others who know just how you feel) and the continuation of obsessive phone and e-mail checking, all topped with a giant spoonful of stress and a sprinkling of “Yay, I got in!”

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I can't say that either of my acceptances are my "dream school" (my whole application experience, from deciding to do it to scrambling to complete all 10 apps happened literally within the span of two weeks, so I didn't have time to figure out what my "dream" program is....

It's going to be a bumpy summer.

Wow. Chicago IS my dream school and I'd give anything to even get on their waitlist, let alone get accepted! Congrats!

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The director of graduate admissions to KU just sent me an email saying that the denial they sent me was premature, they’ve actually decided to accept me with a 5 year TA. WTF!?!?! Can they do this? I’d give them the middle finger if I wasn’t so damn happy.

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The director of graduate admissions to KU just sent me an email saying that the denial they sent me was premature, they’ve actually decided to accept me with a 5 year TA. WTF!?!?! Can they do this? I’d give them the middle finger if I wasn’t so damn happy.

Oh my god. Wow! Congrats! I thought those rejections were a bit hasty!

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Thanks! The rejections were almost immediate. It seemed like they denied everyone. I just wish I hadn’t waited till 2AM on Saturday to check my email. I may not be able to sleep until I accept the offer.

Are you definitely accepting it or are you waiting to hear from other schools?

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