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  On 12/13/2011 at 1:00 AM, pinkrobot said:

Commiseration re: this. The first app I sent, one paragraph in my WS was missing a period, and the thing had the most dullsville title known to man because I just couldn't think of anything better at the time. These are small things, I know, but they grate nevertheless!

I had one source out of order alphabetically on the works cited page. I almost died when I realized.

Posted (edited)
  On 12/12/2011 at 10:13 PM, ecritdansleau said:

I am already kind of mourning for my retrospectively "sloppy" first two applications in early December and how I *think* I've NOW improved my SOP/WS. Hopefully I am just my worst critic.

  On 12/13/2011 at 1:00 AM, pinkrobot said:

Commiseration re: this. The first app I sent, one paragraph in my WS was missing a period, and the thing had the most dullsville title known to man because I just couldn't think of anything better at the time. These are small things, I know, but they grate nevertheless!

This. Three of my top 5 choices all had apps due on Dec. 1st or 5th, including my dream school. And I know I had 3-4 small typos/edits in my writing sample that I wish I'd noticed in the mad rush to get them done--especially the 4 apps due on the 1st.

Oh, well. At least all these later apps are benefiting from hindsight. :|

Edited by bespeckled
  On 12/13/2011 at 1:52 AM, bespeckled said:

This. Three of my top 5 choices all had apps due on Dec. 1st or 5th, including my dream school. And I know I had 3-4 small typos/edits in my writing sample that I wish I'd noticed in the mad rush to get them done--especially the 4 apps due on the 1st.

Oh, well. At least all these later apps are benefiting from hindsight. :|

I can beat this. I had a friend edit my WS on the document itself, so she actually typed questions into the .doc. So I submitted my Dec. 1st deadline writing sample with the typo: "POSSIBLE (?)". You can't even count on the addcoms to glance over it, cause it's in all caps :(

  On 12/13/2011 at 2:21 AM, Loimographia said:

I can beat this. I had a friend edit my WS on the document itself, so she actually typed questions into the .doc. So I submitted my Dec. 1st deadline writing sample with the typo: "POSSIBLE (?)". You can't even count on the addcoms to glance over it, cause it's in all caps :(

I have a feeling that programs, such as NYU, that moved their deadlines to Dec. 1st are going to notice their applicants all make many more typos this year than they have in the past.


I'm just ready to have them submitted!! I emailed my prof that I'm waiting on for LOR and she emailed me right back saying it was coming and not to worry. I just want to get the show on the road! On the road to the waiting game...


Blahhhh. I found like three typos in my writing sample for Duke. Now I've fixed those, but I'm sure I'll have more in the sample I just sent to Toronto. lkajsl;jdf;a;js;lkjdf;lkjas

Thank god by the end of this week I'll at least be over halfway done.

  On 12/11/2011 at 2:03 AM, lolopixie said:

Yes, I am only applying to 5 schools. I keep thinking I should apply to more programs, but I applied to 10 last year and didn't get in anywhere. While anxiety of only applying to 5 schools scares me, I also remember that more doesn't mean your odds are higher.

I agree with this. As I continue having anxiety over my small number of schools that I am applying to, only four, I remember what you have said about the odds. If it's not my year, it has nothing to do with how many schools I apply to.

On another note, I absolutely love :wub: the Literature, Rhetoric and Composition forum. This is one of my favorite hangouts in the gradcafe! Just thought I'd share...


So, just an update. I have now officially applied to half of my programs, and I plan to finish the Cornell application tonight or tomorrow morning. I can honestly say that I have never over-thought or second guessed so many things in my whole life.

  On 12/13/2011 at 3:59 AM, Timshel said:

So, just an update. I have now officially applied to half of my programs, and I plan to finish the Cornell application tonight or tomorrow morning. I can honestly say that I have never over-thought or second guessed so many things in my whole life.

I feel you on this, and I have only applied to two of my eleven so far!! But by Thursday night, at least, I will be over halfway done. I am finding it impossible to even consider submitting apps prior to the deadline. Though, at the same time, I'm also deathly afraid of submitting them at the last minute, so I've been cutting myself off promptly two and a half hours or so before the deadlines. Just in case. I am a nervous wreck.

  On 12/13/2011 at 2:21 AM, Loimographia said:

I can beat this. I had a friend edit my WS on the document itself, so she actually typed questions into the .doc. So I submitted my Dec. 1st deadline writing sample with the typo: "POSSIBLE (?)". You can't even count on the addcoms to glance over it, cause it's in all caps :(

Thanks for posting that. I may or may not have had some subject verb agreement in my first two apps. It also may or may not have been couched in so many clauses that 3 readers all missed it. G-good sign?


I can beat all of this. Two years ago when I was applying the first time around, loads of schools wanted you to mail documents. I switched my envelopes, and sent the wrong application to two schools!! Also, despite that, I got in to one of those schools,which suggests that all this time we're spending freaking out over typos is probably largely unnecessary.

Man, March is far away!

  On 12/13/2011 at 3:57 AM, litjust said:

I agree with this. As I continue having anxiety over my small number of schools that I am applying to, only four, I remember what you have said about the odds. If it's not my year, it has nothing to do with how many schools I apply to.

On another note, I absolutely love :wub: the Literature, Rhetoric and Composition forum. This is one of my favorite hangouts in the gradcafe! Just thought I'd share...

This comment just kind of sums up my feelings on life right now.

  On 12/13/2011 at 5:23 AM, rawera said:

Thanks for posting that. I may or may not have had some subject verb agreement in my first two apps. It also may or may not have been couched in so many clauses that 3 readers all missed it. G-good sign?

I once had a sentence with so many clauses that by the time my prof finally found the verb four-odd lines later, he had forgotten the original noun, thought it didn't agree, and marked it wrong.

  On 12/13/2011 at 6:47 AM, Loimographia said:

I once had a sentence with so many clauses that by the time my prof finally found the verb four-odd lines later, he had forgotten the original noun, thought it didn't agree, and marked it wrong.

I hope you told him to GET IT TOGETHER


I just realized I have completely stopped fantasizing I might get in to any of the programs to which I've already finished applying. Even the two I'm completing tomorrow I'm viewing as practice for the final 3 I'll send in Jan. 1st. I'm squarely convince that three rounds of revisions, even after editing samples all summer, is what it's going to take for me to even have a shot.

  On 12/13/2011 at 6:47 AM, Loimographia said:

I once had a sentence with so many clauses that by the time my prof finally found the verb four-odd lines later, he had forgotten the original noun, thought it didn't agree, and marked it wrong.

That guy would fail the Milton grammar questions on the beloved GRE Literature in English Test.


i think i'm worried most about some material (GRE scores, transcripts, etc.) not making it to the program. some have taken a while to show up, and others, it turns out, required two instead of one, or two the grad school and the department without ever clearly saying so on the site.

  On 12/14/2011 at 4:48 PM, user_name said:

i think i'm worried most about some material (GRE scores, transcripts, etc.) not making it to the program. some have taken a while to show up, and others, it turns out, required two instead of one, or two the grad school and the department without ever clearly saying so on the site.

I know it's difficult, but I wouldn't worry as much about that. Last year when I applied, I was frantic about stuff getting in on time. This year, I'm realizing that most departments will follow up and let you know if something is missing, and seem to be fairly accommodating, especially when I email them scans or receipts or other proof that indicates that I sent the stuff out at a proper time. Like this time around, one of the schools I applied to said my GRE scores never came, so I showed them that ETS mailed them Nov. 9th, and they said that was fine, as long as they were on their way.

I've also called a lot more departments this year pre-app submission, and it seems pretty normal actually that they get things late (like rec letters, GRE scores, etc), and it doesn't seem to bother them. Of course, this might not be true of all departments, but the ones I applied to were pretty cool about possibly getting stuff later if it ends up happening.


I emailed departments about the late GRE submission issue. I took the subject test this November, so my reports won't be sent out until sometime next week at the earliest. The departments all told me they didn't care if the GRE scores were late, that they dealt with this all the time and usually had scores coming in throughout January.

I also have the feeling that most departments understand professors frequently submit letters late. One program (I think it was NYU) even said they allowed a one-month grace period after the application deadline (which was Dec. 1) before they expected all letters, GRE scores, transcripts, etc. to be submitted.


Okay, so I'm not done, but I'm just about done with my December apps. I just submitted my application to Kansas, which is application 6 that I have completed. Now alli have to do is finish my SOP for Cornell and submit that one, which I plan on doing tomorrow, and then I am taking a break until after Christmas. I have three that are due mid January, so I can worry about them AFTER the holidays.

Posted (edited)

Only 8/12 done, but already wildly vacillating between euphoria, terror, and despair. I can't believe how much I'm putting on the line for this, and it terrifies me.

Please tell me I'm not the only one having extreme ~emotions~ already! I need to commiserate with other victims hopefuls masochists applicants.

Edited by bespeckled
Posted (edited)
  On 12/16/2011 at 7:02 PM, bespeckled said:

Please tell me I'm not the only one having extreme ~emotions~ already! I need to commiserate with other victims hopefuls masochists applicants.

Yep - my psych. professor friend calls me a masochist.

The morning after is a terrible experience... but I have a few more to submit in January. I'm worried that my early December writing samples weren't polished... and that my fit paragraphs weren't direct enough....

Edited by Mistral

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