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Notification Thread


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I wanted to get this started. Even though there is a results section, use this thread to claim them or more importantly to give any helpful details you are willing to share (e.g., when interview dates are, how many accepting, who contacted you, etc) that you learn when contacted. It's helpful to put your research focus and area. Also, some people are comfortable listing their stats.

Best of luck to all!

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Wow, so much dislike. Maybe I was offering a link to be helpful, in case the OP hasn't seen that section already? The link's not helpful?

The results pages also exist so that people can look things up in a systematic way and not have to hunt here and there for threads that might have dozens or hundreds of posts so it's most beneficial to report things there.

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Wow, so much dislike. Maybe I was offering a link to be helpful, in case the OP hasn't seen that section already? The link's not helpful?

The results pages also exist so that people can look things up in a systematic way and not have to hunt here and there for threads that might have dozens or hundreds of posts so it's most beneficial to report things there.

If I took a guess, I'd say it's probably because of these reasons:

i) The results board doesn't necessarily include all the necessary information that people might want to find in this thread. For one, it usually only includes date of notification. Secondly, if anyone else includes other information, it's usually GPA + GRE which are the least important factors of admission.

ii) It doesn't offer the ability to respond and congratulate fellow applicants, or offer consolation when someone doesn't get in. The results board, as I said, is good for impersonal date-checking. Not for what it sounds like the OP intends this thread to be.

iii) This guy has three posts and your first response to him was something about how he ought to know there's a whole other section dedicated to this on the site already. It comes across as a little harsh, especially to a reader who might remember how nervewracking it was trying to write that first post coming out of lurk-dom.

OP - I think this thread is a great idea. Other subforums have done similar things in the past, and the results board is kind of worthless imho for anything other than date-of-notification-checking because it doesn't have the information I find most relevant.

Edited by gellert
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The results pages also exist so that people can look things up in a systematic way and not have to hunt here and there for threads that might have dozens or hundreds of posts so it's most beneficial to report things there.

I'm actaully very familiar with what is in this site and how it works. You've missed the point of my first post, which is to make a psychology-specific notification thread for psych grads who browse this specific forum section. The other points of it were summarized by me in the original post and also by gellert above. I'd also add that some people will want to claim the posts on the other section of the site so that if people happen to be applying to or get into the same program they can talk about it in more detail here.

Also, I don't see any reason to waste space on my thread - if you don't find this thread useful then don't use it. Others who do will use it. Doesn't seem unreasonable.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A colleague of mine got a request for an informal interview over the net. Anyone else? What do you think this means in terms of admissions if you do, or don't get one?

It's really program dependent. Some do informal interviews to figure out who to invite to the formal one and some do interviews over the web. I know a couple of people who had skype interviews because of the professor's schedule (traveling, etc) and feasibility. So neither good or bad really.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Stanford phone interview for affect/social posting was from me. Contacted by POI to discuss interests a bit and mentioned that I'm high on list so far... formal interview invites apparently going out in 2 weeks, and I think for all areas within psych (cog/social/affective, etc) Good luck to all!

Edited by William_James
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For whom it's relevant, I was on the phone with Minnesota clinical the other day, and they said decisions are being made (and will probably be finished by) the end of this week. I'm the only TGC-er I know for sure is applying to Minnesota clinical, but just in case there's someone else...thought you'd like to know. :D

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^^ do you know if that is strictly clinical at Minnesota or for other areas as well?

Also, when should I expect to start hearing back? Half my applications were due on Dec. 1st and the other half on Dec. 15th. One other consideration is that I am applying to mostly quant. programs with a few social programs as well.

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^ I was talking with the clinical program, so I'm guessing it's strictly clinical. Generally clinical and non-applied programs have different adcoms.

As for when your results should come in, as always, my advice is to check the results survey.

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Results survey?

As those posted on this website's result board?

I haven't found searching the results very informative for the programs/schools for which I'm applying

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Yes. If you look at the top toolbar and click "Results Survey" you can then search things like psychology, quantitative psychology, and your school names + subject.

Warning: it's totally addictive.

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hi all: i received an email from stony brook university this morning (i applied to their social-health area). see below for part of the email.

"...After careful review of the applications to our program, we are pleased to inform you that you have been selected for inclusion in the top group of prospective students. Admissions decisions have not yet been made, but only students in this top group are being considered for admission..."

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as I mentioned, I only got a phone interview and won't know about an official invite to the in-person interview for sure until 2 weeks, which is when they plan to notify people. I wouldn't read into not getting a phone one b/c we were just chatting about research interests. If I end up getting the in-person I'll def let you know the POI involved as soon as I get it!

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Under Clinical Ph.D. for Yale on the SDN thread, it says that all invites will be sent out by the weekend. Anyone know if that's just clinical or for the whole department?

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