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2012 Applicant Profiles and Admission Results


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For what it's worth, those are all really competitive schools, and by all accounts you seem like a very strong applicant, but the fact that you have an undergrad in theoretical physics, not compsci, AND you're international, might make you less attractive than someone who is coming from a US school with an undergrad in CS, for example. I don't know, I think the calibre of applicants those schools receive is pretty exceptional across the board and so any excuse (like, "he might not have as strong a foundation in basic algorithms or architecture") might make the admission committee's job easier.

I've met quite a few people applying for the second time, typically who have a lot more success, who are working in a job in their field of interest - it's not a common thing in the UK, but seems to be pretty standard here. You might want to consider getting a job in scientific software development (or some area close to that you'd be interested in doing a PhD in) and reapplying next year if you don't hear back - given your background I'm sure you'd have no trouble finding something for a year, and you're still young - I'm 24 and applying now, and have met lots of people my age and up. One thing you've got going is your GRE scores, which are great, and that's a good way to not be culled in the first batch of rejections. It's a bit of a crapshoot though (to a certain extent) - I was rejected by MIT basically as soon as I applied, but accepted other equally competitive schools (in computational biology) with the most informal of interviews.

I think one thing I hadn't appreciated is that the whole personal statement thing for the US is a bit different to one in the UK. If you have any friends/professors who are american they might be able to give you a hand, as my girlfriend caused me to iterate over mine 5-6 times and it ended up totally different from how it was to start with. The other thing is how you convert your grades to GPA, which seems a bit arbitrary, but, for example, UK % != US % - in the UK 75+ is incredible, in the US 75+ is barely acceptable!

It's tough coming from the UK though - I actually did a masters in compsci at Imperial last year (big up Huxley building) and my undergrad is from the UK too, so if you want any more advice feel free to shoot me a PM.

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I was waitlisted at UMD-Baltimore for the Micro program. Has anyone else heard from this program? And if accepted, would you mind sharing your stats? Thanks!

Hey, I too got a mail from UMD-Baltimore from the MMI program saying that my application is kept on HOLD. If they need to call more applicants for interview later, they will reconsider my application. And I will hear from them only when my status with them changes :( SAD...VERY SAD !!! I think we lost id dude ! Lets hope for other ones. Which others are you waiting for ?

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Undergrad Institution: (University of Tehran (Iran)

Major(s): Biology


GPA in Major: 16.4/20

Overall GPA:

Position in Class: Unknown

Type of Student: Male International

GRE Scores (revised/old version):

Q: 161(86%)

V: 152(46%)

W: 4.0

Biochem: 750 (99%)

TOEFL Total: 104

Research Experience: 2 Internships, Cell and Molecular Biology and Neurobiology, 1 year undergrad research at own school, no publication

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: TA

Applying to Where:

UCSC MCD: Rejected

Stony Brook MCB: Rejected

Sloan kettering: Rejected

Waiting to hear from:

USC PIBBS, MSU MCB, Princeton MB, McGil

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How long does it generally take to go from a department recommending you for admission to the official letter from the grad division? I feel like my acceptance is an "acceptance" till this happens...my paranoia never ends...

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How long does it generally take to go from a department recommending you for admission to the official letter from the grad division? I feel like my acceptance is an "acceptance" till this happens...my paranoia never ends...

For my acceptance: I got an unofficial email from the program director on a Friday evening, and received an "official" email from the grad office on Tuesday, around lunchtime. :)

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For my acceptance: I got an unofficial email from the program director on a Friday evening, and received an "official" email from the grad office on Tuesday, around lunchtime. :)

ahh OK. I got an call from the department LAST Tuesday and then an "unofficial" email from the department this Monday....so maybe I should wait till next week to freak out?? :)

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ahh OK. I got an call from the department LAST Tuesday and then an "unofficial" email from the department this Monday....so maybe I should wait till next week to freak out?? :)

Especially if they send snail mail letters - yes, wait till next Tuesday! I think the only reason I got the official letter so fast is because it was sent electronically :P

And congrats, kgumps!

Edited by coonskee
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Especially if they send snail mail letters - yes, wait till next Tuesday! I think the only reason I got the official letter so fast is because it was sent electronically :P

And congrats, kgumps!

OK, thanks :) They said in the email that I'd get a "pdf" from the grad divsion, though -- so electronic! Eeek, I am all kinds of paranoid. What are the chances my admit gets vetoed at that level? :(

And yes, congrats kgumps!

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OK, thanks :) They said in the email that I'd get a "pdf" from the grad divsion, though -- so electronic! Eeek, I am all kinds of paranoid. What are the chances my admit gets vetoed at that level? :(

And yes, congrats kgumps!

Slim. It took a week for me to get an official pdf after unofficial acceptance.

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Just got a call today from my POI!

Officially accepted by Baylor University for the Biology PhD program for the Fall 2012!!

Finally this process is over!

Grats! I was just accepted into their Translational Bio & Molecular Medicine program today =).

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Have any one heard from Duke Bioinformatics??

I had a phone interview last week and got an offer via email/phone on Saturday (for Computational Biology & Bioinformatics). The guy who emailed me said they'd be sending out formal offers over the next few weeks, so given he emailed me on a Saturday I'd guess the adcom probably only met on Friday. Whatever the case, good luck!

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Does anyone have an idea as to what the acceptance rate for the PhD applicants (I am a foreign applicant) who are offered an interview (so, I mean "post-interview acceptance rate") at the University of Houston, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences?

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I ended up with just the one interview. I thought that it went amazingly well. I was feeling really good about my chances and I let myself start thinking about the future. Then I get an email 20 minutes ago telling me that I'm waitlisted. I'm enraged, heartbroken, and scared ****less all at the same time. I really don't know what I'm going to do. I literally have all of my eggs in this one basket and I'm not sure what I should do next. Is it worth emailing (as undesperately as possible) to let them know that I'll definitely say yes if they offer? Should I wait a while before I do this if I do it at all? Why can't life come with a fast forward button where I don't have to wait in agony?

Sorry for the dramatics but it's really stressful to think about having to go through this process a THIRD time and having to wait at least another year before I can start working on a PhD.

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Is it worth emailing (as undesperately as possible) to let them know that I'll definitely say yes if they offer? Should I wait a while before I do this if I do it at all? Why can't life come with a fast forward button where I don't have to wait in agony?

goldenbuff - definitely email them and tell them you'll say yes if accepted. I was told at my interview weekend that, while this will not definitely get you in, it may bump you up enough places on the list that you'll be accepted when you mightn't have been otherwise. I'd make sure that you make sure it both doesn't sound desperate, AND that you make it sound like it's your top-choice program out of choice, not necessity (i.e. don't say "NO ONE ELSE WILL TAKE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :( :( :( :( " )

Good luck!! I have my fingers crossed for you :)

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I ended up with just the one interview. I thought that it went amazingly well. I was feeling really good about my chances and I let myself start thinking about the future. Then I get an email 20 minutes ago telling me that I'm waitlisted. I'm enraged, heartbroken, and scared ****less all at the same time. I really don't know what I'm going to do. I literally have all of my eggs in this one basket and I'm not sure what I should do next. Is it worth emailing (as undesperately as possible) to let them know that I'll definitely say yes if they offer? Should I wait a while before I do this if I do it at all? Why can't life come with a fast forward button where I don't have to wait in agony?

Sorry for the dramatics but it's really stressful to think about having to go through this process a THIRD time and having to wait at least another year before I can start working on a PhD.

In addition to Coonskee's advice, I would ask where you are on the waitlist/how likely it is that you will be able to get off the waitlist. That might give you a better idea of your chances.

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guess i'll follow...

Undergrad: UC

Citizenship: American

GPA: 3.53

GRE: 158Q, 155V, 4.5 AW

Research Experience: 3 years (in two different labs)

Publications: 1 second author publication in highly regarded journal

LORS: 2 from professors, 1 from postdoc

Prospective Graduate Program: Cell & Molecular Biology

Prospective Graduate Schools:

Stanford Biosciences - Interview

Weill Cornell Allied - Interview

BU SOM MCB - Interview (Declined)

UC Davis BMCDB - Interview (Declined)

UCLA ACCESS - Interview

UCI CMB - Interview

NYU Sackler - Rejected

Columbia P&S Integrated - Rejected

UW MCB - Rejected

USC PIBBS - Haven't heard anything.. Not that I care at this point.

Attending: Stanford Biosciences

Good luck to next year's applicants! This was definitely a wild roller coaster ride.

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