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since my acceptance won't be processed until SSHRC responds (and that means living off my credit card).

I was told by the FQRSC to accept the grant even if I had not received word from SSHRC yet. They even accepted my request for modification.

You must be hoping for payments this summer though...

Good luck!

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yup. I've accepted it, but my acceptance won't be processed until the SSHRC results come in, and so my summer payments will be late late late.

I was told by the FQRSC to accept the grant even if I had not received word from SSHRC yet. They even accepted my request for modification.

You must be hoping for payments this summer though...

Good luck!

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I just spoke with my Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarship Coordinator. Two interesting bits of information. One, SSHRC sent an email to her stating the results for the doctoral competition will be mailed on monday the 25. Two, that recipients of awards were told not to contact SSHRC to accept their award until they had received their notice in the mail.

Also, if anyone else is having issues with being unable to pay the rent this month because of the delay in SSHRC's response, I would suggest you ask your Graduate Studies representative to issue you a "correction check" once you have received the mail from SSHRC. This is the process I will be going thru so I can pay my rent.

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YAY! I just got an e-mail from my department saying I am officially on the good list - CGS for me!

And for those of you dealing with McGill not wanting to tell you, the DGS has now sent out an e-mail authorizing departments to tell students the results and confirming that letters will be sent on the 25th.

Also, I really want to thank everyone who has contributed to the board by sharing info, sharing the frustration, and helping to pass the time. It's been so good to know that I wasn't going crazy alone, I just wish everyone could have gotten good news.

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YAY! I just got an e-mail from my department saying I am officially on the good list - CGS for me!

Congrats ogopogo! Hopefully the letters will arrive swiftly through Canada Post for everyone still waiting!

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Thanks guys. :)

And, jasper.milvain, I'm totally shocked that you didn't get good news. :( I have no idea what your application looked like of course, but since you always seem so sensible and articulate on the message board I figured you probably had the best chance out of anyone.

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Could PhD students please post here when they get their official SHHRC letters? I'm anxious to see mine, since I was informed that I was recommended but not funded; I would like to know exactly what this means in terms of being waitlisted ( a small chance, but worth waiting for).

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Could PhD students please post here when they get their official SHHRC letters? I'm anxious to see mine, since I was informed that I was recommended but not funded; I would like to know exactly what this means in terms of being waitlisted ( a small chance, but worth waiting for).

Definitely - I heard of one person at my last institution who was wait-listed and ended up receiving something in the fall. I don't know if it's an urban myth, but it provides a bit of hope!

So has everyone heard one way or the other, then? I know the people outside of Canada are waiting - what about everyone in Canada? Is there anyone still waiting to hear from their institutions?

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Thanks guys. :)

And, jasper.milvain, I'm totally shocked that you didn't get good news. :( I have no idea what your application looked like of course, but since you always seem so sensible and articulate on the message board I figured you probably had the best chance out of anyone.

Thanks, ogopogo. I like my odds for next year. :) I got positive feedback on my project from some very SSHRC savvy profs, so I'm hoping that in the coming round I'll have more sympathetic readers at the Ottawa level.

After recovering from the ego blow, I've realized that all of the work I put into my SSHRC application has benefited me immensely. I clarified my project and built up a bibliography. I also used my SSHRC proposal as a research statement for my PhD apps, and it served me very well. I was given one week by my department to put an early proposal together to make the Vanier deadline, and even though that didn't make it out of the department, I impressed the hell out of my supervisor and key letter writer by throwing myself into multiple drafts while suffering through a horrible round of flu. If I work my ass off at every opportunity, something's bound to stick!

(Can you tell that one of my goals is to keep positive to avoid burnout? It works most of the time. And for the rest of the time, there's chocolate and beer.)

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So has everyone heard one way or the other, then? I know the people outside of Canada are waiting - what about everyone in Canada? Is there anyone still waiting to hear from their institutions?

I have heard nothing (from McGill), but got the non-answer that letters are out this week and that they understand the wait has been stressful. I'm assuming no news is bad news at this point?

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I have heard nothing (from McGill), but got the non-answer that letters are out this week and that they understand the wait has been stressful. I'm assuming no news is bad news at this point?

It sounds to me like no news isn't bad news, but rather no news is McGill admins are being dicks.

I'm in Toronto and still haven't received my official letter yet.

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...and on this note, SFU DGS sent out an email this morning stating that:

"SSHRC has now sent letters to all applicants whose application went forward from SFU to SSHRC in Ottawa."

I assume they mailed them all together, so all of our letters should arrive this week.

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Whew! Looks like the wait should be over soon! A last round of good lucks to everyone still waiting for their results!

in fact, i was told that department/faculty chairs had already sent congratulation messages to all of those 24 students.

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Got my letter today, in Ottawa. I already knew I had been unsuccessful, so I was (mildly) pleased to find out that I am on the waiting list. "Should additional funds become available within th next six months, you will be advised without delay." I'm sure there's very little hope, but at least it's something.

It also says that the overall success rate was 52.9% - that's pretty dismal!

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Got my letter today, in Ottawa. I already knew I had been unsuccessful, so I was (mildly) pleased to find out that I am on the waiting list. "Should additional funds become available within th next six months, you will be advised without delay." I'm sure there's very little hope, but at least it's something.

It also says that the overall success rate was 52.9% - that's pretty dismal!

I'm sure there are people who will decline their awards, so I wouldn't completely rule it out..

What else does the letter say; we haven't received ours yet - is there a ranking of some kind? (if you don't mind sharing)

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I was ranked 16.3/30, which considering the extremely high level of competition (not to mention my occasionally unpopular research topic of video games) I'm pretty happy with. (Not as happy as if I'd gotten funding, mind you! :P) I'm not sure if the six-month waiting list is the same thing as the "reccomended but not funded" thing.

The letter says that there were 1834 applications that made it to the national level and "in view of the funds available to the program" 970 awards have been offered. As I said, that seems pretty low, and the comment about funds seems to indicate that they realize how low it is.

Other than that the letter doesn't really say much, I'm afraid. It comes with a couple of generic pages with shallow advice on writing grant apps, and describing the organization of the ranking committees.

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I also received my letter (in Ottawa) today. My score was 22.45/30, if that means anything to anyone, which got me a doctoral fellowship (I'm going into my 4th years so I was not eligible for the CGS).

Hey, thanks for posting your results! Do you mean that your final score was 22.45, or was that what you were given as a score in the penultimate round? If that's your final score, how much did it go down from the previous one? I was a given a score of 26.?? (can't remember exactly) in February, so I'm wondering whether to be encouraged by your results or to continue to be totally uncertain ...

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The letter says that there were 1834 applications that made it to the national level and "in view of the funds available to the program" 970 awards have been offered. As I said, that seems pretty low, and the comment about funds seems to indicate that they realize how low it is.

Wow, 970 seems so low compared to last year's 1105 doctoral awards..... :(

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