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Fall 2013 Applicants?


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Just wondering if the person that posted the Syracuse admit can provide any more information- was it a call from the DGS or POI? Also can you share what your subfield is? Thanks!


My subfield is 20th century American.  I received a call from an administrator in the department after decisions were made.  She said the official letter is yet to come.

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How bad is it that I'm contemplating paying around $200-$300 for a visit to a school I've only been waitlisted to? I want to see the school, ask questions of the students, and I also want to indicate to them that I'm seriously interested in the program.


Is that sick? Is it normal? The anxiety from all this waiting is making me crazy.

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^ Did they invite you to visit? I'm curious about how this works for waitlistees.


My would-be adviser said that it was a good idea, but that the university can't fund people who are just waitlisted. He offered to put me in contact with relevant people and students. He also offered to let me sit in on a class, etc. So he seems supportive.


I don't know, though. I wasn't "invited" as much as I timidly mentioned it.

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Forgot to mention:


Meanwhile, I have enough time to do exactly one campus visit for a school, and UChicago's are in week (for my program). I'm reluctant to go to those and take off those three days (even though I'd be traveling from one side of Chicago to the other) if I could wait a little while and orchestrate a visit to Hopkins.




I wish I would just get in if I'm going to get in so that I can have a proper visit as an accepted student, OR that I get a final notice if I don't get in so that I can just focus on my #2 choice.

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It's 1:30am and I get an email from UVA with a decision on my application - go to website and rejection. No mention of the waiting list I was told I was on or anything. I wonder if this is it, or if there are crossed wires? Could they have the full cohort they want committed already?

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Is anyone else still waiting on Harvard? I'm starting to feel like they forgot to reject me.

They sent me a letter via snail mail so I guess it should take a while to reach you

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My would-be adviser said that it was a good idea, but that the university can't fund people who are just waitlisted. He offered to put me in contact with relevant people and students. He also offered to let me sit in on a class, etc. So he seems supportive.


I don't know, though. I wasn't "invited" as much as I timidly mentioned it.


Ass I said here or in another forum. I am quite cheeky. I would go :) hehehe

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Decision made.  I considered the possibility of funding, my comfort level with the POI (who has been nothing but supportive and kind to me), the cost of living, and yes, the prestige factor. York is absolutely nothing to sneeze at, and what's not to say I won't have a fair chance at a post doc at Oxford down the road?   I am so relieved this is all over.


Defended my thesis Tuesday, submitted to the grad school Friday, paid grad fees Friday afternoon.  It's over.  It's all over. 


And now I play video games to make up for lost time since last summer XD

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Decision made.  I considered the possibility of funding, my comfort level with the POI (who has been nothing but supportive and kind to me), the cost of living, and yes, the prestige factor. York is absolutely nothing to sneeze at, and what's not to say I won't have a fair chance at a post doc at Oxford down the road?   I am so relieved this is all over.


Defended my thesis Tuesday, submitted to the grad school Friday, paid grad fees Friday afternoon.  It's over.  It's all over. 


And now I play video games to make up for lost time since last summer XD


Congratulations on your decision. You made an excellent choice  :)

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Another week and not a peep from UIC?!? What the heck are they doing?


I sent another e-mail to the DGS at UIC and she unofficially rejected me, so i am sure if you email you will get  a response!

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Decision made.  I considered the possibility of funding, my comfort level with the POI (who has been nothing but supportive and kind to me), the cost of living, and yes, the prestige factor. York is absolutely nothing to sneeze at, and what's not to say I won't have a fair chance at a post doc at Oxford down the road?   I am so relieved this is all over.


Defended my thesis Tuesday, submitted to the grad school Friday, paid grad fees Friday afternoon.  It's over.  It's all over. 


And now I play video games to make up for lost time since last summer XD

Congrats!!!! York is a lovely town!

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Well, it's down to two. IUPUI and Maryland. I didn't think it would be those two, but hey! Maryland and IUPUI are amazing schools in their own right.


But of course, I need to talk to them about financial aid stuff and I want to talk over the phone because Maryland's emails have been nothing but cryptic and it's a little harder to be indirect over the phone. Thank goodness for Skype subscriptions because I imagine I'm going to be put on hold for awhile.


I'm hoping to have a decision by the end of the week and start looking for apartments next week. I'll officially make a trip to one of the two cities when I get back to the states to find an apartment and sign a lease and all that jazz.


Man, I'm so ready for this to be over!

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I finally said screw it and called UCSD and UCR since neither place responded to my emails 2 weeks ago. UCR said they're still deciding MA apps and that I'll get an email by April 15th and the lady at UCSD sounded very surprised that I hadn't heard anything. She said I'd get an email today or tomorrow. I wonder what that means.


In other news, I found out that several places at UConn (writing center, etc.) are looking for Graduate Assistants that offer full tuition+stipend. This is HUGE since my MA is unfunded.

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I began to clean and box today.


I know I am still like 4.5 months away from moving day, but since my work is very demanding at home (I teach ~9 courses at secondary schools), I have decided to start early with the cleaning, throwing away useless junk, and begin to locate some stuff (especially books hehehe). In the way, I ran into old memories and some photos (they are so old that were developed from a film, remember those?). 


I still don't have my air ticket. I know I am still 4.5 months away, but the government comes out with a different resolution every now and then (10 days ago it decreed that we had to pay a tax over 20% of any international ticket). Besides, the dollar is more and more expensive, so the sooner I buy it, the more chances I have to pay it! :)


I re-started training in the rowing machine and hopefully I'll play a (field) hockey match next Sunday. On the one hand, I want it to be August already. On the other, I really want to enjoy these last months here. One thing is certain: I will no miss the city. By no means. 

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