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Toronto OISE MA Counselling?


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I think OISE just mails the results, but if you're a current UofT undergrad and have access to ROSI you can just check your registration status there. It usually changes before you receive the letter from what I've heard. 

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Lol it'd be nice if they emailed because you'd know in an instant! :P


Yea I've heard about the ROSI thing from previous/other forums but I'm not sure thats reliable. Some people were saying that their status on Rosi said "invited" but others were saying that it doesn't necessarily mean you're in, so who knows. Nevertheless, I still check my Rosi....just in case lol  

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Oh man, that would be the worst to see an "invited" status and then find out you've actually been rejected.


I wish every school would switch to email! Although there is a part of me that really wants to come home and see a big brown envelope waiting in the mailbox sometime soon. :P

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Lol everytime I see a small white envelope in my mailbox, I panic for a fraction of a second thinking it could be a rejection letter from oise but it just ends up being my credit card bill or something :P

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I actually got a small white envelope FROM UOFT just last week. I opened it up to find a rejection letter............ for a small bursary I applied for all the way back in September. Way to go UofT.

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You scared me!


Lol but the same thing happened to me about a month ago when I saw a small white envelope from UofT and starting panicking as I was opening it, only to find that it was a letter about the credit card they offer for UofT alumni :P 

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Does anyone know if there are students who have transferred from M.Ed to the MA program? I know on their website it says they usually don't do transfers between those two programs but I was just curious... 

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Oh man, SO sorry to hear it Syedahum. :(

It's such a hyper competitive program. Now that I know decisions are available and I still haven't seen my registration status update on ROSI, I assume I'm not accepted either.

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Awh :( yea it is such a competitive program! So I wouldn't beat myself up too much about it. They don't only look at qualifications but also how well you'd work with the faculty supervisors and if you're a good fit with them.

I wonder if this means they have started mailing out the decision letters! I haven't seen anything on rosi either so I'm getting a bad feeling :(

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Yeah, I feel bad for him honestly. We're just the obsessive applicants who happen to visit gradcafe, there's probably another couple hundred people hounding him right now besides us.

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