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The Pet Thread


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I'm thinking about getting a dog after my first year more or less. I'll be starting in Ann Arbor this August. When I visited during the prospective visits, it seemed that every apartment I saw has pet rent, and it suddenly dawned on me that I'm finally going to be earning a full living stipend (which feels amazing after being in college and dependent on my parents and a collection of assorted scholarships) and I could possibly be able to have a dog.


If you haven't already adopted a dog, you should check out Humane Society of Huron Valley. I've lived in Ann Arbor for about two years now and have taken multiple animals that I've found to their "lost and found" shelter :rolleyes:  Everyone there is really friendly and informative!

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  • 4 weeks later...

oh I'm talking about the fallouts of trying to toilet train some uncooperative cats, which consists of coming home from work to find a big surprise on your carpet. With a wooden floor, this would never happen.

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Love seeing all the photos of everyone's pets!


Here are our three crazy cats:


My husband is allergic to cats, but fortunately isn't allergic to Sphynx! (Some people with cat allergies can tolerate Sphynx, some can't.)

As I type this, the youngest is curled up in my lap, purring away. They are the sweetest, most affectionate cats I've ever met.

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  • 3 months later...

Oh my goodness, peeeets!! :3 I have a kitty right now, I'll put up pictures of her eventually.


Once I'm at my program and comfortable, I'm getting a dog. (Don't tell my S.O.! :P) I kind of just want to adopt an old, lazy dog, one that just wants to be loved. I won't get any animal I don't have time to take good care of!


In the long run, I want a big dog... A dog that I can ride into battle.

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Oh my goodness, peeeets!! :3 I have a kitty right now, I'll put up pictures of her eventually.


Once I'm at my program and comfortable, I'm getting a dog. (Don't tell my S.O.! :P) I kind of just want to adopt an old, lazy dog, one that just wants to be loved. I won't get any animal I don't have time to take good care of!


In the long run, I want a big dog... A dog that I can ride into battle.



Haha you're awesome.

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I have a chi mix.  He's pretty darn low-key minus his foibles.  He was abused by a past owner and turned into AC about 3 or 4 years old.  He's now going to be 7 or 8 this year.  Just starting to get long in the tooth but perfectly healthy.  He has a submissive urination problem which basically means that he will pee when he is nervous or in certain situations.  It's annoying but it's one of the few annoying things.  The BF helps out with him and "babysits" when he can.  Although, I'm not sure I can call it that anymore because he's basically my dog's adoptive dad by now.


Here he is in the car on the way back to my parents in his Indiana jersey and seatbelt.  He loves travelling.



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Aww thanks. Too bad he knows just how cute he is. He's a very good boy. Almost killed me by freaking out on our ice slick drive today but he's just a nervous guy when it's cold out. He gets me out and about even when I don't want to move!

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Glad to see this post. 


I have a 5 year old Red Eared Slider turtle.

He's a really smart turtle. He decorates his tank differently everyday by pushing the rocks and gravel around. Sometimes he arranges them by color, sometimes by size order, and other times he does different patterns like zig zags and circles. I don't know why he does it but its a trip every time to see! Also, he reacts differently to peoples faces. 

My parents took care of him while I was away for undergrad since I lived in a dorm all 4 years which means no pets allowed. I might bring him with me for grad school though to keep me company.


Love seeing all the photos of everyone's pets!
Here are our three crazy cats:

My husband is allergic to cats, but fortunately isn't allergic to Sphynx! (Some people with cat allergies can tolerate Sphynx, some can't.)

As I type this, the youngest is curled up in my lap, purring away. They are the sweetest, most affectionate cats I've ever met.


OMG, I want a Spynx cat SO BADLY. No one understands them but I think theyre beautiful. It's going to be the first thing on my list once I'm settled down.

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Glad to see this post. 


I have a 5 year old Red Eared Slider turtle.

He's a really smart turtle. He decorates his tank differently everyday by pushing the rocks and gravel around. Sometimes he arranges them by color, sometimes by size order, and other times he does different patterns like zig zags and circles. I don't know why he does it but its a trip every time to see! Also, he reacts differently to peoples faces. 

My parents took care of him while I was away for undergrad since I lived in a dorm all 4 years which means no pets allowed. I might bring him with me for grad school though to keep me company.



OMG, I want a Spynx cat SO BADLY. No one understands them but I think theyre beautiful. It's going to be the first thing on my list once I'm settled down.


Love this! People always think I'm a little weird when I describe my sliders as having personalities! They completely do. I rescued mine when I was an undergrad back in 2009 after they were found in the bathrooms of the freshman dorms. :blink:  Unfortunately, they've had to stay with my parents when I moved 1600 miles for grad school. My 11 year old sister gets to enjoy them now though! ^_^

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My babies, my life!! <3




Taffy, a Persian cat




Pusheen, Persian cross

that little guy is 8 months?? he seems tiny. these fuggers are 11 months old. I thought you were supposed to feed them all they want for the first year, and cut back after that. Maybe it's because they're a different breed? 





Edited by spectastic
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