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Fulbright 2013-2014


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That would be sweet.  



Yes! I love khachiburi..but just about anything from the Caucasus is bound to be delicious.


For those Georgian Fulbrighters we have a group called Georgian Wanderers for ex-pats in Georgia. The files section is extremely helpful! 



Edited by AprilMay
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Long time lurker, first time poster.  I found out today that I received an ETA to Bulgaria!  I'm looking forward to being able to check my email without wanting to puke from being so anxious.  Best of luck to you all (even though I know that doesn't help the anxiety!)!

Congrats!!! Love the icon!!! VWOOOOP! VWOOOP!

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Since there are a lot of German ETAs waiting around, I would be interested to hear what others have planned for their side projects as well!
I'm already in grad school, so if things don't work out I'll be working on finishing up my degree, possibly do the peace corps. Not sure. It depends....
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I'm already in grad school, so if things don't work out I'll be working on finishing up my degree, possibly do the peace corps. Not sure. It depends....

Actually, I meant, what did you propose as your extracuricular community involvement project? What do you plan on doing outside of your classroom time?

Edited by there'sanappforthat
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Actually, I meant, what did you propose as your extracuricular community involvement project. What do you plan on doing outside of your classroom time?

Oh, lol.

I proposed doing a writing workshop (poetry, fiction, non-fiction), where we meet 1-2 times a week and organize readings 1-2x a month at a coffee shop. To wrap it up, I wanted to publish a free, online magazine with works read over the year:) my goal then would be to keep this going, even after I leave (if I get the ETA).

What about you?

Edited by Miss_Lady
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@ Miss_Lady--Did you just change your photo or was that always there and I never realized it?  AWESOME.  Love that show.
Just posted it last night:))) thanks! I love it, too!
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Since there are a lot of German ETAs waiting around, I would be interested to hear what others have planned for their side projects as well!


I proposed starting or helping out with a student group that involves kids at the school in music, if my host school is amenable to that kind of thing, as well as getting involved in the local music scene (I play multiple instruments). I didn't go into too much depth/detail with my proposed side project because I was informed by my adviser and some former ETA grantees that they don't want to see projects that are too complicated (because then they think you'd be better off with the research grant and wonder why you didn't apply for that).


What did you propose?

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I proposed starting or helping out with a student group that involves kids at the school in music, if my host school is amenable to that kind of thing, as well as getting involved in the local music scene (I play multiple instruments). I didn't go into too much depth/detail with my proposed side project because I was informed by my adviser and some former ETA grantees that they don't want to see projects that are too complicated (because then they think you'd be better off with the research grant and wonder why you didn't apply for that).

What did you propose?

Interesting! Sounds like a good project. I actually heard the exact opposite from my advisor ._. Lol. I was told to articulate shat my project was to the best of my ability, because it is best to show the review commission that the project is feasible (financially). I don't even know anymore D:

Edited by Miss_Lady
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Since there are a lot of German ETAs waiting around, I would be interested to hear what others have planned for their side projects as well!


I talked about starting a student journalism project at my school. School newspapers are surprisingly uncommon in Germany, given how standard they are here.

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Oh, lol. I proposed doing a writing workshop (poetry, fiction, non-fiction), where we meet 1-2 times a week and organize readings 1-2x a month at a coffee shop. To wrap it up, I wanted to publish a free, online magazine with works read over the year:) my goal then would be to keep this going, even after I leave (if I get the ETA)

That sounds pretty cool! How did you spin it so that your project would be something that would work in Germany, specifically? I had a hard time with that, at first.


I have been volunteering with a therepeutic horseback riding center for developmentally disabled children here in town. I hope to go to grad school to become a  Speech pathologist, so I thought this would be a good way to get experience working with disabled kids (and combine my love of horses and riding as well!) Riding therapy was actually started in Germany, so I hope to be able to find a center close enough where I can volunteer and learn some techniques first hand from therapeutic riding's birthplace! Then I can bring what I learned back home and hopefully have some new ideas to incorporate into the center with which I volunteer! There are some really big, official therepeutic riding centers in Germany that I hope to be able to visit and maybe go to some kind of workshop or something? That would take a bit more traveling, but I hope to be able to to work it out!

Originally I was just going to try and job shadow a speech pathologist in the school system, but since my FPA said I could do that anywhere, I had to rework my idea. Then I found out the therapeutic riding I had been volunteering with started in Germany! Seemed like a pretty fortuitous revelation at the time.. I just hope it proves to be so!

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