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MFA 2013 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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I have been accepted to two MICA programs covering between 50-75 percent of tuition. On the other, hand I have been offered a free ride plus about 2,000 dollars-in my pocket-a month by the UTKnoxville. They both seem really excited to have me and both have given me more money. Both have their pros and cons and I'm not sure the money should be the biggest factor i should consider. I'm thinking MICA looks better on a resume but the UTK would make me a better all-around artist. Not sure what I should do at this point?




I have also been accepted into:

R.I.T(partial funding) & UTD (Full funding)

UTK is a great school and looks excellent on your resume as well. :-) Not sure I'd like living in Tennessee, but you may be different.

I had the opportunity to have a portfolio review by one of the professors in the printmaking department there and I worked closely with another professor who attended graduate school there and my experience was positive. They seem like an intellectual, engaged, even humor-loving group that encourages students to push beyond expected boundaries, favoring both high concept and quality mark-making.

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Whoah I can't believe this forum exists!!!!!! I need help. Bad. I can see that there is a lot of UChicago love here but can anybody speak about UT-Austin? Trying to decide. Loved both programs but funding/rank/student work seems to be stronger at UT. Thoughts? Nervous about accepting program that isn't in NY, LA, Chicago... Help please!  

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Whoah I can't believe this forum exists!!!!!! I need help. Bad. I can see that there is a lot of UChicago love here but can anybody speak about UT-Austin? Trying to decide. Loved both programs but funding/rank/student work seems to be stronger at UT. Thoughts? Nervous about accepting program that isn't in NY, LA, Chicago... Help please!

What program did you apply to?

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Nervous about accepting program that isn't in NY, LA, Chicago... Help please!  

I'd be nervous about that too. Chicago, while not NY or LA, has the ability to provide opportunity after you graduate. in order to pursue art after UT, you'd probably have to move to an "art-city" anyways. why displace yourself when you can start creating a centralized network during school? Just my opinion on the logistical aspects. I think UChicago is on a much brighter path than UT, which is also just my opinion. What faculty persons are you interested in at UT?

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That's awesome! I would have liked to visit, but I haven't had the time. But Katy showed me pictures and I have researched. I am about 80% sure as well. I really like the program size and structure and the faculty I have met. Good luck with the other schools. Let me know what you decide and what you thought of RISD after you visit! Oh and if you ask for an extension/get one, let me know. I am a officially an alternate for IU, so if I get in I will have a hard decision to make.

hey -- i will definitely let you know about my trip up there this week. I sent in my deposit, and i agree about the structure, size and the faculty i've been admiring -- excited to meet. I haven't heard from the other two yet. I hope you figure out what you want and if it's RISD, maybe I will see you there. 

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made my decision as well - florida it is! it was tough but in the end I went for the place with most funding and where I'd rather live for the next 3 years.. my overall experience is that it's easy to get caught up in everything and get "seduced" by certain programs for various reasons but in the end you just have to consider what's most important to you. I had my heart set on vcu for a long time but it didn't work out and I'm sure it's for a reason :)

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VCU vs. Notre Dame. I'm having a tough time deciding here.


Got funding from both-- VCU is obviously a great university to study design at, filled with talented people. Feel like I'd grow a lot there. But Notre Dame has the clout and connections that could help me thrive post-grad school. Their design program is... sort of unknown. VCU = 2 years and ND = 3 (yikes!)


Thoughts? What would you do?

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VCU vs. Notre Dame. I'm having a tough time deciding here.


Got funding from both-- VCU is obviously a great university to study design at, filled with talented people. Feel like I'd grow a lot there. But Notre Dame has the clout and connections that could help me thrive post-grad school. Their design program is... sort of unknown. VCU = 2 years and ND = 3 (yikes!)


Thoughts? What would you do?


VCU.  Go where the good design program and teachers are.  Notre Dame isn't a big enough name to override those things.  

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VCU vs. Notre Dame. I'm having a tough time deciding here.


Got funding from both-- VCU is obviously a great university to study design at, filled with talented people. Feel like I'd grow a lot there. But Notre Dame has the clout and connections that could help me thrive post-grad school. Their design program is... sort of unknown. VCU = 2 years and ND = 3 (yikes!)


Thoughts? What would you do?


VCU!! (Congrats!)

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It's down to the wire. I want to go to Berkeley but they offer little in the way of stipends -- full funding but only 5k stipend in the second year. UC Davis is offering me stipends during my entire time there totaling 8k per year as well as full tuition funding.


So there's a good chance that I would have to borrow some money to go to Berkeley (probably only a little 5-10k). I would not need to borrow any money while at Davis.


I have some savings that would be totally used up in living expenses if I went to Berkeley. If I went to Davis I would use the savings to pay down loans from undergrad, so not only would school be free but I'd come out with less student loan debt than I went in with (but not debt free).


But overall I think Berkeley has a better reputation (?). Plus they are closer to other artists and art professionals because of the SF bay area, but living in Berkeley is super expensive. On the other hand Davis is in the boonies, which has it's plus and minuses.


Ugh. I didn't think this would be so hard!


Forum thoughts?

Edited by student#1
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quick question --- does anyone know that if a school doesn't fill up all their spots, if there are more funds to go around to their other students... crazy question. but curious.

I've been wondering the same thing! I hope its the case, Massart gave me a nice scholarship and assistantships so that I'm only paying for half of the tuition, but I was hoping for a bit more, considering the cost is so high in Boston (Moving in at the end of next month and its costing me).

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It's down to the wire. I want to go to Berkeley but they offer little in the way of stipends -- full funding but only 5k stipend in the second year. UC Davis is offering me stipends during my entire time there totaling 8k per year as well as full tuition funding.


So there's a good chance that I would have to borrow some money to go to Berkeley (probably only a little 5-10k). I would not need to borrow any money while at Davis.


I have some savings that would be totally used up in living expenses if I went to Berkeley. If I went to Davis I would use the savings to pay down loans from undergrad, so not only would school be free but I'd come out with less student loan debt than I went in with (but not debt free).


But overall I think Berkeley has a better reputation (?). Plus they are closer to other artists and art professionals because of the SF bay area, but living in Berkeley is super expensive. On the other hand Davis is in the boonies, which has it's plus and minuses.


Ugh. I didn't think this would be so hard!


Forum thoughts?

I would say go where you really want to go.  5k is not a loan that you will drag all your life.  Plus you can probably find loans that you can apply along the way to cover the rest of your expenses, or even ask the school for some more funding right now. 


Or looking at it from another angle, what would you regret the most?  Not going to Berkeley because you had a little bit more money elsewhere, or will you regret having more debts after your studies?  If you were looking at 30 or 60k debts versus a full ride elsewhere, it would be a different story.

Edited by Lucia Werd
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It's down to the wire. I want to go to Berkeley but they offer little in the way of stipends -- full funding but only 5k stipend in the second year. UC Davis is offering me stipends during my entire time there totaling 8k per year as well as full tuition funding.

So there's a good chance that I would have to borrow some money to go to Berkeley (probably only a little 5-10k). I would not need to borrow any money while at Davis.

I have some savings that would be totally used up in living expenses if I went to Berkeley. If I went to Davis I would use the savings to pay down loans from undergrad, so not only would school be free but I'd come out with less student loan debt than I went in with (but not debt free).

But overall I think Berkeley has a better reputation (?). Plus they are closer to other artists and art professionals because of the SF bay area, but living in Berkeley is super expensive. On the other hand Davis is in the boonies, which has it's plus and minuses.

Ugh. I didn't think this would be so hard!

Forum thoughts?

I agree. go where you want to go and don't worry about 10k. it's really not going to make it or break it in the future. however, if money is a big priority to you, I'd say go to Davis. you just have to decide what your priorities are. go where your heart desires or where you will feel more financially secure. either way I don't think you can go wrong. or flip a coin! seriously. it works. you will know.

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MICA hoffberger at 70K for the whole thing or Tyler for 40K?  what do you guys think?  not too excited about the financial ramifications of this whole thing, but happy to get into some great programs.  also considering reapplying next year to less expensive places, but I'm 30 already so not feeling like I have all the time in the world.  

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VCU vs. Notre Dame. I'm having a tough time deciding here.


Got funding from both-- VCU is obviously a great university to study design at, filled with talented people. Feel like I'd grow a lot there. But Notre Dame has the clout and connections that could help me thrive post-grad school. Their design program is... sort of unknown. VCU = 2 years and ND = 3 (yikes!)


Thoughts? What would you do?


VCU! Congrats!!!

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MICA hoffberger at 70K for the whole thing or Tyler for 40K?  what do you guys think?  not too excited about the financial ramifications of this whole thing, but happy to get into some great programs.  also considering reapplying next year to less expensive places, but I'm 30 already so not feeling like I have all the time in the world.  

I would do Hoffberger, especially if you're really into painting, and planning on continuing in that vein. 

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hey -- i will definitely let you know about my trip up there this week. I sent in my deposit, and i agree about the structure, size and the faculty i've been admiring -- excited to meet. I haven't heard from the other two yet. I hope you figure out what you want and if it's RISD, maybe I will see you there.

Hey I am going to RISD for sure! I accepted today. Are you?

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I would do Hoffberger, especially if you're really into painting, and planning on continuing in that vein. 

Thanks Sseu. Even considering it's double the price?  I just don't see a lot of MICA grads doing much here in NY either, I'm not sure what the advantages of the program are when the price tag is so high. Definitely loved the facilities and people there, but Tyler was pretty great too, at this point i'm confused because I'm not sure what the difference will be as far as working, showing, and teaching post grad-school.  Would love to hear from NY people and tyler and mica grads.  

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VCU! Plus, doesn't richmond have a ton of ad agencies? Good for summer internships!



VCU.  Go where the good design program and teachers are.  Notre Dame isn't a big enough name to override those things.  



VCU!! (Congrats!)



VCU! Congrats!!!


Thanks for the advice everyone! After some critical thinking and soul searching, VCU it is.

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