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This is how I react...


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Whenever someone asks me if I'm excited about classes starting in two weeks.


Ugh, thanks family and friends for the reminder that summer is almost over and I have done basically nothing except watch My Little Pony, play badminton, and sleep absurd amounts.

Anyone else totally unprepared for the fall semester??

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hold up...watch my little pony?

please. more details.

as for the arrival of sept...the only difference for me is the coffee line will be unbearably longer.

Edited by Dal PhDer
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My Little Pony is amazing! Check it out. Netflix FTW. It's an awesome show.

I've been working(ish) mainly from home, so I'm not looking forward to climbing up hills and billions of stairs in the heat and humidity, which will make me sweat hella crazy. Just no grey shirts for a few months.

I guess a huge reason why I'm not looking forward to the fall semester is that one of my closest friends from my cohort withdrew and won't be coming back this fall. So, my level of excitement to return has been severely diminished. Bleeeh.

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I still have a week and a half left of summer courses (I took 4, and am finished 3 of them) so I only have 2 weeks off before the fall semester starts again. Plus I need to start my grad school applications once school starts again so I am really hoping August takes a long time to finish.

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My Little Pony is amazing! Check it out. Netflix FTW. It's an awesome show.

I've been working(ish) mainly from home, so I'm not looking forward to climbing up hills and billions of stairs in the heat and humidity, which will make me sweat hella crazy. Just no grey shirts for a few months.

I guess a huge reason why I'm not looking forward to the fall semester is that one of my closest friends from my cohort withdrew and won't be coming back this fall. So, my level of excitement to return has been severely diminished. Bleeeh.

Sorry to hear your friend won't be coming back...that really sucks. It always helps to have a wing 'person' to help you get through tough times...perhaps you'll click with someone in the incoming cohort!! :)

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I don't have classes, but I'm dreading the start of my thesis. -_- I'm actually back on campus already teaching a summer course to undergrads, and have been using the excuse of doing work for that class to not think about my research, but I can only deny its existence for a little longer...

PS- adding to the My Little Pony love. More people should watch it~

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We don't start until late Sept., but I'm already dreading certain aspects of it. I need to finish my coursework, and while the possibilities in the catalog look interesting, I'm so over homework assignments and operating on short-term deadlines. I am looking forward to my cohort returning from the far-flung corners of the earth, and the new cohort (many of which I met during their visits). But, the undergrads will return. Thousands of them, swarming campus and its facilities. I've really enjoyed how low-key the campus is during the summer, and not looking forward to this.

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It's funny...when I was on my last semester of courses I couldn't wait to be done...I remember the feeling of handing in my last paper and being like "NO MORE COURSE WORK EVER!! YAY!!!!!!" ....now, after a year with no courses and being left to my own timelines, objectives, and goals...I am kind of wishing I had courses!

..*sigh*...the grass is always greener on the other side, right?

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Not to hijack the thread, but I also felt like "No more coursework or exams ever!" after I completed my M.S. Now that I am considering "coming back" for a PhD and leaving industry, I can't help but be somewhat excited about coursework. Anyone else have experiences with thinking they were done with coursework for all of eternity, only to realize they were in for more once the started their first semester of PhD? What got you (re)-motivated?

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Ah, the lengthening coffee line- truly the bane of graduate students everywhere!

My university built a coffee shop into the breezeway in our building, almost directly under my lab. It's great during the summer, but it's busy as all get out during the semester. Especially right at the start. I swear most undergraduates seem to live on food from there, I'm not sure where they get the money.

On the flip side, though, they open an hour earlier and stay open 5 hours later during the semester, so I don't have to rush down at 5 to get my evening caffeine.

And for us, we get more undergraduate minions during the semester than we do in the summer, so it'll be nice to have some help back in the lab. Although sometimes supervising undergraduates seems to be more work than just doing it myself.

And also, this thread wouldn't be complete without the addition of a relevant PhD comics strip:


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Oh, coffee...

There's a Starbucks in the library, which is about a minute's walk from my department. I also had a class in there last fall, and pretty much everyone stampeded down there to get their caffeine fix during the break. 'Cause what else is gonna get you through a 3 hour theory class that gets out at 8PM?

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Haha. I go to campus at odd times and avoid the main intersections for at least the first few weeks of school. And start eating lunch at around 2pm.

And I can't get coffee from between 7:15 and 11 most mornings. And that's what really ticks me off.

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This literally made me laugh out loud!!

Oh yes...

I am super excited but super nervous now. My first time back in the US for longer than a month since I was 16. Leaving another city behind on my way and, of course, new friends, old friends, family, a whole country.

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Haha. I go to campus at odd times and avoid the main intersections for at least the first few weeks of school.

Yep! For my campus, though, you have to imagine more of those guinea pigs on skateboards and t-bar scooters. With half looking like they're riding it for the first time.

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I was thinking about money and groceries today...and suddenly became so happy...the start of sept means that there will be tons of on campus BBQ for new students, department gatherings, and student societies....this also means that I can probably get free hotdogs and cola twice a day for a few weeks!! YAHOO!!!!

i am proud to say that the environmental undergrad society (my department) has the best free food! It normally includes corncobs and lentil burgers!! sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!

+1 point for sept's arrival!

Edited by Dal PhDer
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Two days before classes start, and I've already finished the lit review portion of my thesis! Maybe this summer wasn't a total bust after all. I am pleased.


That is awesome!!

*is slightly jealous* ;)

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