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Acceptance Freakout Thread

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I'm going to put one foot in here, because I've just learnt that I am waitlisted at Pittsburgh's English+Film Studies program. I've almost 8-9 programs to hear back from, but goodness, this is my first bit of good news this season, and I dearly hope it will convert. 


Congrats, Swagato! I know you really wanted this one, so good luck!


And, of course, congrats to Dazedand!

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Holy moly guys, my dreams just came true. I'm in at UT Austin!


Wow, congrats!  UT Austin, beyond being a great program scholastically, apparently has great camaraderie.  There are several grad cafe members from last season there too.

Edited by Two Espressos
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Holy moly guys, my dreams just came true. I'm in at UT Austin!


When I was in the English department, this was my number one goal (you can check the UT Austin and other threads from last year if you've forgotten :P ). I may have migrated to the linguistics department, but I can still say congratu-fucking-lations, that is an awesome program and you are going to have such an incredible time there. The cohort from GC last year was amazing...you'll have to go pet Fiona Thunderpaws' cat and give Marlowe a high five for me. 

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hi pals!


new here, but have been watching! question one: do any of you know what the funding situation

is at austin? seems like it's all teaching? i would worry that this might skew time away from genuinely

developing course content, like at some of the places that also offer fellowship years? thoughts?


similar question for berkeley -- anybody know if it's the same funding package for all people, or if folks

still get individualized packages?


girl without glasses -- holy cow, your gradschool area interests sound similar to mine! don't know

how to PM on here, but i'd love to hear more about the work you hope to do!


congratulations to everyone as this all goes on! good luck riding thru this storm-of-a-week; and

thanks to all for being so candid & funny throughout! it's really been saving me!







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Congrats everyone!!

I just got an acceptance to the CUNY Grad Center!!! I foresee some hard decisions. I'm so thankful I'm in this position this year but MAN this is going to be hard.

Congrats! I am really hoping to hear some good news from CUNY as it's easily my #1 choice. Do you feel comfortable sharing what your field is? In any case, congratulations again -- amazing program!

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Congrats everyone!!

I just got an acceptance to the CUNY Grad Center!!! I foresee some hard decisions. I'm so thankful I'm in this position this year but MAN this is going to be hard.


Congrats! I know several people currently at CUNY who are extremely happy with the program.


I'm incredibly envious--I'm hoping to hear my own good news from them.

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I just got the baby in the king cake.  This has to be a sign of more good things to come.  And it's certainly a better sign than last year, when my fellow tutors and I got the leftovers of the king cake in the Writing Center and was told the baby was still to be found, then we couldn't find the baby and went a little crazy and started stabbing the king cake with knives and screaming "Where's the baby?  Where's the baby?!  WHERE'S THE BAAAAAABYYYYYYYYY?!"


We didn't have many students come in to get their papers looked at that day. :/

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I just got the baby in the king cake.  This has to be a sign of more good things to come.  And it's certainly a better sign than last year, when my fellow tutors and I got the leftovers of the king cake in the Writing Center and was told the baby was still to be found, then we couldn't find the baby and went a little crazy and started stabbing the king cake with knives and screaming "Where's the baby?  Where's the baby?!  WHERE'S THE BAAAAAABYYYYYYYYY?!"


We didn't have many students come in to get their papers looked at that day. :/

Random: at first glance, i always think your name says "Daterape." 

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I just got the baby in the king cake.  This has to be a sign of more good things to come.  And it's certainly a better sign than last year, when my fellow tutors and I got the leftovers of the king cake in the Writing Center and was told the baby was still to be found, then we couldn't find the baby and went a little crazy and started stabbing the king cake with knives and screaming "Where's the baby?  Where's the baby?!  WHERE'S THE BAAAAAABYYYYYYYYY?!"


We didn't have many students come in to get their papers looked at that day. :/

I got the baby in the king cake last week. Since then I've had my first acceptance to an international conference which is in my field and it just feels like a big deal for an undergrad.

My co-workers have decorated my desk and I have my baby on display, so treat him right and he'll do you good.

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