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Application Status: Water Torture


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I kind of hate USC right now. On the online application it says "Status: under review". This leads me to believe that it might one day change to "accpeted" or "rejected", even though I'm pretty sure they mail out the results. Anyway...next to that it says "CONGRATULATIONS, your application is complete!"


It is SUCH a fake out. I don't understand why they put so much emotion into that simple little idea. I want results!

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I kind of hate USC right now. On the online application it says "Status: under review". This leads me to believe that it might one day change to "accpeted" or "rejected", even though I'm pretty sure they mail out the results. Anyway...next to that it says "CONGRATULATIONS, your application is complete!"


It is SUCH a fake out. I don't understand why they put so much emotion into that simple little idea. I want results!


My UCSD applications (both of them) have been like that ("Status: Under Review") for two thousand years now. Or, maybe it's only been a couple months. I can't tell.

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My USC app status is still "submitted" I had it in close to two months ago lol.

Along with my two other apps. I was starting to think the only status was "submitted"

Edited by LndscpDsign
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I never quite thought through how torturous this whole process was going to be. I had very short sighted blinders on the whole time. I suppose that was for the best.


I started studying for the GRE last summer, and it was a pain in the butt, but I figured I could just take it and then relax for a while and it would be great. But then about 2 days before I was taking my general GRE, I found out that two of my schools require the subject GRE. So I spent 2 months cramming for that, and was SO glad to be finally done and get to relax...but then I realized that I really needed to start working on grad apps. So I spent a painful 2 months working on grad apps and finally submitted all of them and figured I could relax...and nope. Completely underestimated just how painful the waiting would be. And it doesn't help that I had trained myself for almost 6 months that obsessing about it was ok, because that helped me stay focussed on studying for the GRE's and crafting my applications that I am so used to constantly obsessing now, but there is nothing I can do anymore but twiddle my thumbs and hit refresh.

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My USC app status is still "submitted" I had it in close to two months ago lol.

Along with my two other apps. I was starting to think the only status was "submitted"


You're right, my bad. Mine just says submitted too. I didn't type that with the screen right in front of me and kind of ad-libed it. I thought I should clarify in case I started a stampede of anxious USC applicants.

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This is me. I am the cutest thing that ever was. I'm soft and furry and warm and soft and eminently huggable. And soft. When I'm sad, it rains. And the UCSD train is making me sad. From the waiting. Hiding from the rain. With the waiting.
Possibly the best post ever.
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My USC app status is still "submitted" I had it in close to two months ago lol.

Along with my two other apps. I was starting to think the only status was "submitted"


That's what all of mine say. It would be nice if each school told you whether or not they actually change statuses, or if I'm just wasting time checking every day.  :unsure:

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That's what all of mine say. It would be nice if each school told you whether or not they actually change statuses, or if I'm just wasting time checking every day.  :unsure:


Definitely.  For me, the worst seems to be Cornell.  I can't *quite* figure out exactly where, if anywhere, the online page might suggest I'd been accepted or rejected.  It all looks like one big blur of "yeahwegotyourapplication".

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Definitely.  For me, the worst seems to be Cornell.  I can't *quite* figure out exactly where, if anywhere, the online page might suggest I'd been accepted or rejected.  It all looks like one big blur of "yeahwegotyourapplication".


Pretty much. My Cornell app through applyweb gives a happy green Submitted icon and then below it in the Checklist it shows Application Status: Complete. Yaaay [sarcasm].

MIT is worse - you get no info at all. Pointless to ever log in again. I think that's just because every applicant should assume rejection immediately upon submission. Thanks for fee. Have nice life.

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And while I'm ranting, here's another observation that grates on me. It's good to note on the applications that you've applied to fellowships; it shows that you're doing your part to try to get funded on your own and the adcoms will appreciate the commitment. Bonus points. Yay. Good. Great.

But. It seems like their knowing means a risk of ending up in the hold out pile. "Oh, he applied to four fellowships, let's set him aside till April and see if he gets one." This is what I feel like they're saying. Especially for the applications that closed two-ish months ago.

If this goes out to April for me without word, by the time I do get an admission (if I do), I won't care anymore. "I'm accepted? Oh. That's neat. Send papers to Amityville Mental Asylum. Care of Inpatient Coordinator, Solitary Ward. Use padded envelope. Maybe I see you in August. Stockpile Thorazine. [insert random weird scribbling in a different color]. Ok. Bye."


(And don't get me started on the fake waitlists, or not sending rejections for several weeks even after the vast majority of applications are beyond consideration.)

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my UMD status keeps saying my application is "INCOMPLETE" two months after i submitted everything, even though the department secretary said it is fine.


i check my UT texas status page 500 times a day, and everytime when i see "Your file has been forwarded to the Graduate Committee for review", my heart still skips a beat. 

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 everytime when i see "Your file has been forwarded to the Graduate Committee for review", my heart still skips a beat. 


sometimes, i like to check my apps that say "congratulations! your application is complete/submitted!" just for the heck of it, so i can feel good about reading something less bland than "received." if i'm going to be stuck in purgatory for a while, might as well find a way to make it mildly less miserable.

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I never quite thought through how torturous this whole process was going to be. I had very short sighted blinders on the whole time. I suppose that was for the best.


I started studying for the GRE last summer, and it was a pain in the butt, but I figured I could just take it and then relax for a while and it would be great. But then about 2 days before I was taking my general GRE, I found out that two of my schools require the subject GRE. So I spent 2 months cramming for that, and was SO glad to be finally done and get to relax...but then I realized that I really needed to start working on grad apps. So I spent a painful 2 months working on grad apps and finally submitted all of them and figured I could relax...and nope. Completely underestimated just how painful the waiting would be. And it doesn't help that I had trained myself for almost 6 months that obsessing about it was ok, because that helped me stay focussed on studying for the GRE's and crafting my applications that I am so used to constantly obsessing now, but there is nothing I can do anymore but twiddle my thumbs and hit refresh.

I totally had on blinders for several months. I was consumed with the GRE, SOP, portfolio, allocating the funds to pay for everything. The thought of waiting never occurred to me. I was too obsessed to let any distractions come along.


Now, I'm pretty miserable. It's like a 2-3 month hangover. None of my application websites say anything, other than "Submitted." I have 2 rejections, everything else is stagnant. Sucks not knowing the progress of anything. Is my application in a pile for "further review?" or is it in a rejection pile, and the admit people are just waiting a month to send out the generic rejection emails?


TO VINCENZO--I could go on for hours about the rejections that you mentioned. I am beginning to form conspiracy theories each day, the main one is that ALL of these schools have already made their decisions on rejections, they are just waiting to send them out in March/April. 

I'm trying to be optimistic-"Maybe I'm still in the running, that's why I haven't heard much yet." at the same time, I can't help but think "they rejected my application over a month ago, they are sending out acceptances first, rejections are at the bottom of their list of priorities, they'll wait until March to deal with it." UGGGHHHH!!!!!!..........

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I totally had on blinders for several months. I was consumed with the GRE, SOP, portfolio, allocating the funds to pay for everything. The thought of waiting never occurred to me. I was too obsessed to let any distractions come along.


Now, I'm pretty miserable. It's like a 2-3 month hangover. None of my application websites say anything, other than "Submitted." I have 2 rejections, everything else is stagnant. Sucks not knowing the progress of anything. Is my application in a pile for "further review?" or is it in a rejection pile, and the admit people are just waiting a month to send out the generic rejection emails?


TO VINCENZO--I could go on for hours about the rejections that you mentioned. I am beginning to form conspiracy theories each day, the main one is that ALL of these schools have already made their decisions on rejections, they are just waiting to send them out in March/April. 

I'm trying to be optimistic-"Maybe I'm still in the running, that's why I haven't heard much yet." at the same time, I can't help but think "they rejected my application over a month ago, they are sending out acceptances first, rejections are at the bottom of their list of priorities, they'll wait until March to deal with it." UGGGHHHH!!!!!!..........


i think schools dont send out rejections right away because if admitted students decline and they could just pretend they wanted us all along. it's like treating us as placeholders :(

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I was so excited when I came back to school this semester because I had finished all of my applications at least a month early. I thought I would be stress-free and relieved.


Never did it occur to me that I would be stressed out over waiting. Man, I underestimated the brutal power of the month of February. 

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