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Fall 2014 applicants??

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I only have 3 schools left!! That is so scary. Come on, one school show me some love.

Good luck!! I have 7 left, which is a nice cushion, but two of those are Princeton and Harvard (which I definitely won't get into), and one is U of Washington, which is a reach...and, well, everywhere feels like a reach right now, even my own school's program! Sending good vibes your way. I am seriously considering working for a year and then moving away (possibly internationally) once all is said and done if I don't get in. If my own program rejects me, clearly something is wrong, haha. Someone said CUNY Grad is supposed to get back to us tomorrow and the rest of the week. Crossing my fingers! (Although I would like to get accepted to somewhere outside of NYC--I'm kind of sick of living here...but beggars can't be choosers I suppose and I do love the programs here)

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Good luck!! I have 7 left, which is a nice cushion, but two of those are Princeton and Harvard (which I definitely won't get into), and one is U of Washington, which is a reach...and, well, everywhere feels like a reach right now, even my own school's program! Sending good vibes your way. I am seriously considering working for a year and then moving away (possibly internationally) once all is said and done if I don't get in. If my own program rejects me, clearly something is wrong, haha. Someone said CUNY Grad is supposed to get back to us tomorrow and the rest of the week. Crossing my fingers! (Although I would like to get accepted to somewhere outside of NYC--I'm kind of sick of living here...but beggars can't be choosers I suppose and I do love the programs here)

Same boat as you, precisely. The taking a year off and moving internationally bit sounds particularly inviting.

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Same boat as you, precisely. The taking a year off and moving internationally bit sounds particularly inviting.


Glad I'm in good company! I'm not really sure if I'll actually do that, but it's one of my back up options. My fiancee has family in the Netherlands, so we have people to stay with until we get on our feet over there. And I've never been out of the country before.


If I recall, you and I also had a deal earlier where we would help each other improve our apps if we decide to apply again if all doesn't work out--I might also take you up on that!

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Glad I'm in good company! I'm not really sure if I'll actually do that, but it's one of my back up options. My fiancee has family in the Netherlands, so we have people to stay with until we get on our feet over there. And I've never been out of the country before.

If I recall, you and I also had a deal earlier where we would help each other improve our apps if we decide to apply again if all doesn't work out--I might also take you up on that!

That sounds amazing. How lucky! I've been told the Netherlands is beautiful and I'm totally jealous that's an option for you.

Yes! The offer still stands. I would be more than happy to have someone to share ideas and criticism and commentary with :)

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Same boat as you, precisely. The taking a year off and moving internationally bit sounds particularly inviting.


I recommend England! The food is actually almost as bad as everyone says it is, but leaving that aside, there's something about this country that really grips me, as a student of English. I wouldn't want to live here for multiple years--I've grown to miss too many things about the U.S.--but for a year or so, it's a wonderful place to spend time.

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I recommend England! The food is actually almost as bad as everyone says it is, but leaving that aside, there's something about this country that really grips me, as a student of English. I wouldn't want to live here for multiple years--I've grown to miss too many things about the U.S.--but for a year or so, it's a wonderful place to spend time.


I second that, especially about the food (though you can't really go wrong with take away). 7 weeks was not nearly long enough to enjoy Cambridge, but there are far worse places to get a Master's degree or spend time abroad.

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I second that, especially about the food (though you can't really go wrong with take away). 7 weeks was not nearly long enough to enjoy Cambridge, but there are far worse places to get a Master's degree or spend time abroad.


7 weeks... were you a part of PKP, by any chance??

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Didn't apply to UT, but I did apply to UVA and also have not heard anything. Even if an acceptance isn't forthcoming  (though, let's hope it is!), it's good to know we at least made it past that first round of cuts, right? Got to look for those silver linings....


"Congratulations, Davidipse! All required questions have been completed and your application has been successfully submitted."


That catches me off guard every SINGLE time I check the UVa online app. Can you sue schools for psychological abuse?

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I recommend England! The food is actually almost as bad as everyone says it is, but leaving that aside, there's something about this country that really grips me, as a student of English. I wouldn't want to live here for multiple years--I've grown to miss too many things about the U.S.--but for a year or so, it's a wonderful place to spend time.

I actually lived in England last summer and loved it :)

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Are we talking "English" food, or more along the lines of curry houses and other ethnic-based cuisines?

English and Scottish. I had some really lovely fish & chips and also some stellar pies. But I did eat a lot of Chinese and Asian and that sort of thing, too. Excessive Nando's.... Also some really great Sunday roasts and pastries, though. I liked the British stuff fine.

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English and Scottish. I had some really lovely fish & chips and also some stellar pies. But I did eat a lot of Chinese and Asian and that sort of thing, too. Excessive Nando's.... Also some really great Sunday roasts and pastries, though. I liked the British stuff fine.

When I lived in Glasgow, we ate nonstop Indian. Ugh, so good.

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When I lived in Glasgow, we ate nonstop Indian. Ugh, so good.


My short study abroad is the reason I love Indian food now.  We were in Burmingham...oh my God so wonderful.


I also liked the British food.  Didn't have a *ton* of it, but we found a place that did half-price meatpies after 5, and we ate there all the freaking time.  I miss it.


Also, weirdly, some of the best milkshakes I've ever had.

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Is it weird to think we could hear back from almost all of our schools between this week and next? Then it is over. Completely over. Cannot handle this. 

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Haha had a heart attack upon seeing an email from UNC Chapel Hill! It was a rejection though. Lol. It was a very nice email, at least they are considerate.

And thanks for the good vibes shortstack!! I hope it works. :) And it's so funny, we're the opposite, I would die to live in NYC! It's been my dream forever. I love the city.

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My short study abroad is the reason I love Indian food now. We were in Burmingham...oh my God so wonderful.

I also liked the British food. Didn't have a *ton* of it, but we found a place that did half-price meatpies after 5, and we ate there all the freaking time. I miss it.

Also, weirdly, some of the best milkshakes I've ever had.

I'm a vegetarian, so British food isn't quite as appealing! Oran Mor used to have veggie!haggis on their menu though and that was pretty tasty. (Basically, it's just the filling and no meat.)

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