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Weekend Replies and other False Hopes


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Any other impatient types like myself hoping against hope that, for the special occasion of notifying you, they are working on a Saturday to get out those personalized emails? I can dream, can't I? I was curious if anyone has heard (other than via snail mail, which could have been sent at any time) on a Saturday or, less likely, Sunday. Emails, phone calls, website notifications? I am looking to justify my perpetual log-ins. =) Also wondering: anyone get a package/acceptance/rejection from another kind of mail service besides US Postal Service (UPS/FedEx/DHL/etc)?


Helplessly Hoping

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My last acceptance came on a Saturday; I got an email from the prof who'd been assigned as my temp. advisor. And one week later (yes, Saturday again) the admissions office emailed me with the official decision. So it is possible.

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Well I didn't received notice today (Saturday)... perhaps Sunday? ok I know that sounds silly, however one of my prospective schools categorically stated that they will give results no later than March 15th... oh.. maybe they were just lying or something... probably will have to write them an e-mail on Monday or something....

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I actually got an acceptance emailed to me from the department head at like 5:30 pm local time on a Sunday which surprised me to say the least. The school has spring break next week so I guess they just wanted to push the emails out before then to get it over with. They had told me earlier this week to not expect anything till the last week of March so it was a pleasant surprise.

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I received a hefty packet in the mail from Oregon. Backstory: I was rejected from the program to which I applied about three weeks ago.

I opened it, thought "What the hell?" because it was information on housing in the area. It was dated March 9th. Two weeks after my rejection.

Not only was it a waste of paper and money on their part (I thought OR was a very "green" state), but it got my hopes up. I was pissed. The letter enclosed said something to the effect of, "This isn't an acceptance letter. It's simply information you might find useful."

... Nope. Not really.

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I received a hefty packet in the mail from Oregon. Backstory: I was rejected from the program to which I applied about three weeks ago.

I opened it, thought "What the hell?" because it was information on housing in the area. It was dated March 9th. Two weeks after my rejection.

Not only was it a waste of paper and money on their part (I thought OR was a very "green" state), but it got my hopes up. I was pissed. The letter enclosed said something to the effect of, "This isn't an acceptance letter. It's simply information you might find useful."

... Nope. Not really.

wtf is THAT all about? :? eff those guys.

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Just wanted to say the school that categorically stated that they will answer by March 15th.. did answer last Sunday... they sent all remaining applicants a really polite e-mail asking us to wait a couple of weeks more... 8)

Well, at least they didn't lied about answering us no later than March 15th... However, we were silly to hope that their answer would be regarding our applications' final status...

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I received a hefty packet in the mail from Oregon. Backstory: I was rejected from the program to which I applied about three weeks ago.

I opened it, thought "What the hell?" because it was information on housing in the area. It was dated March 9th. Two weeks after my rejection.

Not only was it a waste of paper and money on their part (I thought OR was a very "green" state), but it got my hopes up. I was pissed. The letter enclosed said something to the effect of, "This isn't an acceptance letter. It's simply information you might find useful."

... Nope. Not really.

I agree with the WTF? If you weren't accepted why would they think you would want housing information for that area, because you applied so you must love it so much that you'll move there anyway? Sometimes I don't know what these adcoms are thinking. Huge waste of paper too. Sorry they jerked you around like that.

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  • 11 months later...

Glad I found this tread. I had the same question and am happy to see that it is possible to hear about an admission decision by email during a Saturday or Sunday. Will keep checking my email account and online application site for updates.

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Checking the (snail)mail today was tough...when there was just some junk mail and a magazine in there. I was just thinking I will have to wait until Monday. I suppose there is still a chance I could get an email today (although it is kinda late).

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I'm not sure about the weekend, but sometimes decisions are sent after-hours on business days. I received an acceptance e-mail that was sent at 7:15pm from one of my schools. Before I had assumed that if I didn't hear anything by 5 I'd have to wait until the next day.

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Any other impatient types like myself hoping against hope that, for the special occasion of notifying you, they are working on a Saturday to get out those personalized emails? I can dream, can't I? I was curious if anyone has heard (other than via snail mail, which could have been sent at any time) on a Saturday or, less likely, Sunday. Emails, phone calls, website notifications? I am looking to justify my perpetual log-ins. =) Also wondering: anyone get a package/acceptance/rejection from another kind of mail service besides US Postal Service (UPS/FedEx/DHL/etc)?


Helplessly Hoping

It's totally possible - I got an acceptance email at nine o'clock at night on a Sunday, and that was from an east coast school.

Hang in there.

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I got a call from UPenn during the week telling me I got in, then the official letter came in a PDF at 3:10 AM on Saturday (aka late Friday)...which I'm not sure is 3:10 Austin time or Philly time, but surprising nonetheless....

I, too, have been manning the snail mail. I didn't receive any mail (like the postman didn't show up) on Saturday, and yesterday he didn't come until 6pm. I ran outside, expecting a full financial aid packet at least.....but nothing.

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