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Is anyone reading this forum a student / faculty / graduate of Vanderbilt? If so, care to tell us what the environment is like for grad students? I am also curious about the state of IR subfield there. It seems there are only two IR faculty, so I wonder if they are planning to hire anyone soon.  

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Is anyone reading this forum a student / faculty / graduate of Vanderbilt? If so, care to tell us what the environment is like for grad students? I am also curious about the state of IR subfield there. It seems there are only two IR faculty, so I wonder if they are planning to hire anyone soon.  


They have just made an offer, but it depends on if the guy/girl will accept it

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Is anyone reading this forum a student / faculty / graduate of Vanderbilt? If so, care to tell us what the environment is like for grad students? I am also curious about the state of IR subfield there. It seems there are only two IR faculty, so I wonder if they are planning to hire anyone soon.  


Why do you say only two? The website has 5 listed specifically as IR, and another 2 (probably comp?) with IR specialties.



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3 of those 5 are non-tenure track faculty who likely don't teach or work with grad students. And Chiozza is apparently leaving. I've heard VAndy is trying to hire; no sense of how that has proceeded.

Wow! Chiozza is leaving? Big loss, hard to replace. He was my POI too. I don't know what to do about this now. 

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Thanks Penelope. In any case it seems unwise to rely on working with Chiozza there. I find it a bit odd that a school with such resources as Vandy pours so much on American and leaves the IR subfield unattended with or without Chiozza. Still, I guess it is possible that restructuring the IR subfield is the next big thing on their agenda. 

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Submitted my last application today. Very anticlimactic, but glad to be done with that step. Now the waiting begins... starting first week of February and stopping at the end of March. That's going to be quite a two-month period.


I'm thankful that I have 2 (maybe 3) conferences during those months. Our classes in Germany end in early February and don't start up again until April, so you can be sure I'll be staring at my e-mail non stop until (if) I get at least one funded offer...

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Sorry to hear that. I believe that's also slowed down some LOR progress for me and, I can only assume, others as well.

 If it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure at least one letter for every application was at least a day late and it didn't impact my apps in any way that I know of. I think one letter was almost a week late.

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Feel demoralized that numerous POIs of mine will not serve on admission committees. 

All on leave.

My question is: should I still stress that I and this particular professor have similar research interests in my SOP or not? Of course, I will mention more than four names. However, do you think I should still list his/her name first? 

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Feel demoralized that numerous POIs of mine will not serve on admission committees. 

All on leave.

My question is: should I still stress that I and this particular professor have similar research interests in my SOP or not? Of course, I will mention more than four names. However, do you think I should still list his/her name first? 


Absolutely! You're NOT writing for the adcom, you're writing for the department as a whole!

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