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Asian Studies 2014

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You've been awarded the FLAS. Unfortunately all schools are reapplying for the FLAS money this year. Basically, if the federal government gives Berkley the money, you're good. You probably won't know until the summer, though. Every school is in the same situation for FLAS right now.

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Congrats spottedzebra! I was accepted into OSU's MA in East Asian. Are you going to go? PM me!

aha, I have also been accepted into OSU. I am still waiting for the funding results. Supposed to come out next week?

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Holy crap, so I looked through previous admissions results and didn't know you could see peoples' stats too! 

They were highly discouraging, with people with 3.8's and 165+ GREs getting rejected from the programs I applied to... :( (UCLA, Yale, Stanford, etc.)


With my low stats looks like I won't be getting into my top choices. :( :( :(


Oh well, at least Binghamton accepted me - maybe I'll end up going there after all! :P

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Holy crap, so I looked through previous admissions results and didn't know you could see peoples' stats too! 

They were highly discouraging, with people with 3.8's and 165+ GREs getting rejected from the programs I applied to... :( (UCLA, Yale, Stanford, etc.)


With my low stats looks like I won't be getting into my top choices. :( :( :(


Oh well, at least Binghamton accepted me - maybe I'll end up going there after all! :P


Looking at other poster's scores is pretty entertaining, but ultimately fruitless as a gauge of acceptance / rejections. All programs are looking for more to the package than simply a good GPA / GRE. Only thing that can hurt you is extremely low V / AW (for our disc) or GPA maybe under 3.5 (for UG), but I bet exceptions are made to this all the time for apps with stellar SoP / Writing Samples, etc.


Hang in there, and feel hope every time you see a GPA / GRE lower than yours that was accepted! 

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Well my Verbal of 163 and a.w. of 5.0 aren't bad but my GPA arghhhh 3.3 something 


Thanks for the reassurance Saltome! I guess you're right - it's very hard to gauge the subjective factors involved :P 


Still rather unnerving though, but at least some guy with a 3.1 GPA got into U. Oregon with a fellowship, albeit he had really high GREs.

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Well my Verbal of 163 and a.w. of 5.0 aren't bad but my GPA arghhhh 3.3 something 


Thanks for the reassurance Saltome! I guess you're right - it's very hard to gauge the subjective factors involved :P


Still rather unnerving though, but at least some guy with a 3.1 GPA got into U. Oregon with a fellowship, albeit he had really high GREs.


Yes, GRE / GPA isn't everything. I have been accepted to two programs (one my top choice) with one of those two things lacking. Though in my case it was GREs that were pretty poor (especially my Q), but my GPA was alright (3.6+).

The point is, if you are an attractive candidate, it seems they are willing to looking over one or two smudges on your application.


Good luck!

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Is there any one who has an information about Columbia EALC phD? There are only masters on "the result". Has the Phd decision not been made yet? 

I got a positive response back about three weeks ago via informal POI contact, and I got the formal response (application page updated with acceptance letter) about two weeks ago. I think I have seen some other positive notifications on the results page as well. 

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Someone on the results page posted saying they got into UCLA East Asian Studies master with a 15k funding package!!!

Did anyone else hear back? If we haven't heard back yet, what does that mean?


It probably means you aren't at the very top of the list. Doesn't mean rejection, and it doesn't mean no funding (though it isn't necessarily a good sign). I know the feeling, I have been waiting to hear back about PhD from there and a few people have posted acceptances as far back as two weeks ago...

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I posted the UCLA decision.


Just some more info: I'm out of state, and that fellowship basically just helps to cover the out-of-state fee. It's only for the first year, but California state schools allow students to apply for in-state tuition the second year (and most everyone gets it, according to the EAS office at UCLA), so with the fellowship I can go to UCLA at the cost of being an in-state student. Pretty cool.


What do you guys think about the EAS MA at UCLA? I've heard it's good, but the website is really bad and doesn't have much info so I'll be calling them tomorrow morning. Does anyone have more info on the program?

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Well first congrats on the UCLA acceptance!


I'm out of state as well. Currently in Illinois for college but from New York.


They seem like a good program (I mean, it's UCLA after all!) but I agree the website is shoddy.


I think my biggest weakness was my language background. By the time I graduate undergrad, I'll only have one year of my target language (Korean). Although I did propose to do a summer program to up my language skill.


What were your stats? And what'd you mention in your SOP?

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Well first congrats on the UCLA acceptance!


I'm out of state as well. Currently in Illinois for college but from New York.


They seem like a good program (I mean, it's UCLA after all!) but I agree the website is shoddy.


I think my biggest weakness was my language background. By the time I graduate undergrad, I'll only have one year of my target language (Korean). Although I did propose to do a summer program to up my language skill.


What were your stats? And what'd you mention in your SOP?


Thank you! I got into UVA a few days ago, and I was convinced I would go there, but UCLA is just a much better program.


In terms of my stats, I had a 3.78 GPA as a history major from a university that isn't famous. My Gre's were okay: 166 Verbal, 153, Quant, and 4 writing. I think my writing sample kicked ass, I spent two years working on it. My transcript was nice in terms of demonstrated preparation: 7 semesters of Chinese, 18 credits of East Asian area studies courses, and a A+ in an independent study I did on National Identities in Qing China. I had three awesome letters from professors that are great and know my work well, but who are admittedly young and not heavy weights in their fields yet.


But I think the biggest thing may have been my out of college experience. After graduation in 2012 I spent two years working in Beijing and studying Chinese. I don't know how I would rate my Chinese, but it's certainly beyond the third year level that's required to graduate from the MA. In my SOP I was just as specific as possible, presenting a clear idea of what I wanted to study and who I wanted to work with. I was able to name professors at UCLA whom I had already contacted about my interests and who were willing to work with me.


I'm still hoping for Stanford, but I'm more than happy with UCLA, it's a dream come true and I'm extremely grateful.


Hope that helps,


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Wow you have quite the impressive application!


Good luck on Stanford, hope you get in! I applied there too. 


Hmmmm yeah I definitely didn't put as much effort into my UCLA application as you did :( 



Now, if only Yale would get back to me ;) 

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Thank you! I got into UVA a few days ago, and I was convinced I would go there, but UCLA is just a much better program.

In terms of my stats, I had a 3.78 GPA as a history major from a university that isn't famous. My Gre's were okay: 166 Verbal, 153, Quant, and 4 writing. I think my writing sample kicked ass, I spent two years working on it. My transcript was nice in terms of demonstrated preparation: 7 semesters of Chinese, 18 credits of East Asian area studies courses, and a A+ in an independent study I did on National Identities in Qing China. I had three awesome letters from professors that are great and know my work well, but who are admittedly young and not heavy weights in their fields yet.

But I think the biggest thing may have been my out of college experience. After graduation in 2012 I spent two years working in Beijing and studying Chinese. I don't know how I would rate my Chinese, but it's certainly beyond the third year level that's required to graduate from the MA. In my SOP I was just as specific as possible, presenting a clear idea of what I wanted to study and who I wanted to work with. I was able to name professors at UCLA whom I had already contacted about my interests and who were willing to work with me.

I'm still hoping for Stanford, but I'm more than happy with UCLA, it's a dream come true and I'm extremely grateful.

Hope that helps,


Grats on UVA and UCLA, Kevin! Hopefully you'll also get some good news from Standford as well. Anywhere else you are waiting to hear from? We have similar experience and stats, in addition to both coming from "not famous" schools. What period of china are you interested in for grad school? I am focusing on contemporary / modern. Also, I feel the same way about my Chinese.. I have no idea what my level is, except it is prolly over the 300-mark -- maybe with the exception of vocab, which I need to accumulate ;). At any rate, looking forward to getting back into classes for structured learning of the language!

MastersHoping, I wouldn't take it as a terrible sign that UCLA hasn't contacted you yet -- could be anything, like Higehiru said. I was in a similar boat regarding Berkeley's decision, and it arrived over two weeks later than everyone else's (seemed to) -- and I was wait listed, which I considered totally awesome. Hopefully your situation is something similar with good news at the end!


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Grats on UVA and UCLA, Kevin! Hopefully you'll also get some good news from Standford as well. Anywhere else you are waiting to hear from? We have similar experience and stats, in addition to both coming from "not famous" schools. What period of china are you interested in for grad school? I am focusing on contemporary / modern. Also, I feel the same way about my Chinese.. I have no idea what my level is, except it is prolly over the 300-mark -- maybe with the exception of vocab, which I need to accumulate ;). At any rate, looking forward to getting back into classes for structured learning of the language!

MastersHoping, I wouldn't take it as a terrible sign that UCLA hasn't contacted you yet -- could be anything, like Higehiru said. I was in a similar boat regarding Berkeley's decision, and it arrived over two weeks later than everyone else's (seemed to) -- and I was wait listed, which I considered totally awesome. Hopefully your situation is something similar with good news at the end!



Thanks man, and good luck on Berkeley.


I also applied to Yale's program, but to be honest I think I would choose UCLA over Yale: Yale's program is only one year, which for me (as someone who loves school and can't wait to go back) is a bad thing.


I want to be a PhD of Chinese history someday, so my focus in the EAS MA will be on History, specifically the late Qing and early-Republican/Warlord periods. My writing sample was about Zuo Zongtang (of General Tso's fame), his reconquest of Xinjiang in the 1870's, and the political philosophies that motivated his post-conquest reforms of the region and his life as a whole.

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I called UCLA today. They still have quite a few acceptances to send out. If you haven't heard back, it probably just means you didn't get a fellowship.


It sounds like an awesome program, I talked the program coordinators ear off about it.

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Arghhh well a fellowship would be nice but since I plan to complete each program in one year a little bit of debt isn't the end of the world. 


Haha it's interesting how for you Yale being one year is a disadvantage whereas for me it was one of the things I was looking for when applying! But I guess it makes sense since you're applying to Ph.Ds. I don't plan to get a Ph.D so one year is super helpful. 


Kanaganarana, in my (completely uninformed, unknowledgeable opinion) UC Berkeley would be better. Though I don't know much about South Asian Studies, just browsing through the websites it would appear to me that Berkeley is better. 

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To be honest, my notion that "I'm going to spend twice as much money for two years because I love school LOLZ" is really foolish. I miss school, but I really should finish in one year. This is the real world, and money matters: I need to remember that.


UCLA can be done in one year, if you have enough language under your belt going into it. I think I can do it in one year, so I'm going to try!

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