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The Waiting Game - Fall 2014


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I was actually really scared that someone from the schools I applied to was going to see me freaking out on here and not accept me.  I've been kind of nervous to say where I've been accepted because I thought they would decide not to take me because of my unprofessional online behavior.


I've been thinking that too. But at the same time, I don't think I've said anything that unprofessional. And saying online that you've been accepted somewhere shouldn't be considered unprofessional. Obviously you're going to be excited. I bet most people post on facebook when they get in somewhere.

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Why are we getting so paranoid (myself included) about adcoms/faculty looking at grad cafe? Oh, right, because this entire process has pushed us to the brink of insanity. I actually caught myself wondering if some of the people PMing me were faculty asking me how I felt about their program. It's getting out of hand. We're going to turn on each other soon! :P

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Well, I plan on visiting this next year when I'm taking grad students since my job I got after graduation makes it mandatory to take grad students


That sounds great! Congratulations on the job offer :)

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OK, I lied about being comfortable with the silence. Now I just want my UCSD rejection to get it over with. And the same goes for every other school. I can't do this waiting thing anymore, and the longer I wait, the more I think about reapplying next year and get terribly overwhelmed about the idea of going through this process again. I've done it too many times already.


Sorry for whining. This has just been an especially stressful week :l

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OK, I lied about being comfortable with the silence. Now I just want my UCSD rejection to get it over with. And the same goes for every other school. I can't do this waiting thing anymore, and the longer I wait, the more I think about reapplying next year and get terribly overwhelmed about the idea of going through this process again. I've done it too many times already.


Sorry for whining. This has just been an especially stressful week :l


Aww skylarking, I'm sorry you're stressed *hugs*. I hope you get some news (preferably good ones), so you can get some relief.

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Has anyone heard from UPenn?. Please let me know. I really think I am a good fit for all of the sub-fields, but I applied for Medical.

Hey Dreams--UPenn is so far silent, but I know they don't have an official medical sub-discipline.  I assume you mean cultural?   

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OK, I lied about being comfortable with the silence. Now I just want my UCSD rejection to get it over with. And the same goes for every other school. I can't do this waiting thing anymore, and the longer I wait, the more I think about reapplying next year and get terribly overwhelmed about the idea of going through this process again. I've done it too many times already.


Sorry for whining. This has just been an especially stressful week :l

Don't be sorry. I feel the same way. I think I'm giving up hope that I've been accepted there, but it'd be nice to just hear something. My advisor is offering to help me find a job in Peru and I want to start doing that so that I can have at least some idea of what I'll be doing after graduation.

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Aww skylarking, I'm sorry you're stressed *hugs*. I hope you get some news (preferably good ones), so you can get some relief.

Thanks. Everything is just happening at once (like it always does) and all that combined with the waiting is really getting to me. Any news would be good, but I'd love to know even if I'm on a short list or something (there or at any of the schools to which I applied)



Don't be sorry. I feel the same way. I think I'm giving up hope that I've been accepted there, but it'd be nice to just hear something. My advisor is offering to help me find a job in Peru and I want to start doing that so that I can have at least some idea of what I'll be doing after graduation.


That's awesome of your advisor. I'm going to apply to work in the industry I want to study in my target country. I really need to get on that (but there's so much more to do this week between classes and extracurriculars and work D; )

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OK, I lied about being comfortable with the silence. Now I just want my UCSD rejection to get it over with. And the same goes for every other school. I can't do this waiting thing anymore, and the longer I wait, the more I think about reapplying next year and get terribly overwhelmed about the idea of going through this process again. I've done it too many times already.


Sorry for whining. This has just been an especially stressful week :l


Sorry to hear it, Skylarking. I am in the same boat, unfortunately. I am already applying to rolling admission MA programs in light of my (imagined) iminent across-the-board rejections. Hang in there, buddy, and don't be sorry for whining. If any place is meant for it, this forum is definitely the place. It is always nice to have comiserators. I have a wife and two kids and I still feel fairly alone in this whole process. It seems hard for anyone not going through it to fully understand the heart-wrenching agony of it all; but I am grateful for this forum for the little bit of comeraderie and complaining it provides.

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Sorry to hear it, Skylarking. I am in the same boat, unfortunately. I am already applying to rolling admission MA programs in light of my (imagined) iminent across-the-board rejections. Hang in there, buddy, and don't be sorry for whining. If any place is meant for it, this forum is definitely the place. It is always nice to have comiserators. I have a wife and two kids and I still feel fairly alone in this whole process. It seems hard for anyone not going through it to fully understand the heart-wrenching agony of it all; but I am grateful for this forum for the little bit of comeraderie and complaining it provides.


I am in the same boat as well!!! Just threw in 3 more applications for master programs because I am not holding my breath for the remaining PhD programs. Is it bad that I am still hoping for miracles? Because I can't help it :(


Just know you are not alone, Skylarking. I found that it gives me so much strength knowing someone else is going through the same process and literally in the same situation with you. I am so glad we have each other for support.

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Thanks, y'all. I definitely appreciate all of you being so understanding. I've got some friends going through this with me, too, but they're not in my hemisphere right now, and this week (on top of the shitstorm of travelling to the East Coast in that hellacious snowstorm and presenting about my project I want to take into PhD) has been particularly heinous and just all around not excellent. It'll all be over tomorrow and I just need to get through it. Thanks for letting me vent, seriously. And congrats to whomever got that Madison acceptance today! Maybe I will be among your ranks soon.

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Sorry to hear it, Skylarking. I am in the same boat, unfortunately. I am already applying to rolling admission MA programs in light of my (imagined) iminent across-the-board rejections. Hang in there, buddy, and don't be sorry for whining. If any place is meant for it, this forum is definitely the place. It is always nice to have comiserators. I have a wife and two kids and I still feel fairly alone in this whole process. It seems hard for anyone not going through it to fully understand the heart-wrenching agony of it all; but I am grateful for this forum for the little bit of comeraderie and complaining it provides.

very similar.

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I really just don't understand why it takes a month to send out rejections? I'm speaking of NYU, and since i've heard on these boards that they had already chosen their 10 candidates, I am confused as to why the results page shows a history of rejections in late March? 


I'm just being frustrated I suppose. I know I'm on that reject list since I never had an interview, but without a formal rejection I just keep on hoping and checking SMTS updates.  Oh what this process has turned me into... :mellow:

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I'm supposed to be reading. But...I've now watched all episodes 2 times. It has to have something to do with Tuttle huh? Also, what about Woody's father-in-law? 


I think the FIL is definitely part of the cult and involved Hart's older daughter, explaining her drawings in 1995 and acting out in 2002.

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