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FYI for those on alternate lists:

I just rejected NSERC offers at UVic, UBC, and McGill

I was an alternate for UofT, but that is the school I am going to.  Hopefully I will receive an offer soon!

Well you got three offers already, you are probably on top of the waitlist.

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This has some useful information towards the end.. Im not sure if all universities follow the same quota system as UBC though, which is somewhat confusing


This is interesting, thanks for sharing. 


I see Psychology is allocated 12 SSHRC awards. Not sure if I understand this correctly: if I'm an "Alternate", does that mean I'm in that extra 1/3? 

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I received an email this morning to go check the status of my application in the portal, same as the one on April 1. I was offered the award! Very happy right now, didn't think they would inform alternates this soon. Good luck to everyone on the alternate list, I think chances are really good since the new system allowed for multiple award winners and the universities were aware of that.


This is interesting, thanks for sharing. 


I see Psychology is allocated 12 SSHRC awards. Not sure if I understand this correctly: if I'm an "Alternate", does that mean I'm in that extra 1/3? 


And trajectory7, I think this particular allocation system is only at UBC. Not sure if other universities give out awards based on specific disciplines like this but based on the logic, I think that you would be 1/3. Best of luck!!!

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And trajectory7, I think this particular allocation system is only at UBC. Not sure if other universities give out awards based on specific disciplines like this but based on the logic, I think that you would be 1/3. Best of luck!!!

Thank you! And congrats on the award! 

Good to know we still get the same automated email if it changes. I guess I can stop frantically logging in to the Research Portal now...

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I received an email this morning to go check the status of my application in the portal, same as the one on April 1. I was offered the award! Very happy right now, didn't think they would inform alternates this soon. Good luck to everyone on the alternate list, I think chances are really good since the new system allowed for multiple award winners and the universities were aware of that.



And trajectory7, I think this particular allocation system is only at UBC. Not sure if other universities give out awards based on specific disciplines like this but based on the logic, I think that you would be 1/3. Best of luck!!!



Thanks for letting us know that you were accepted off of the alternate list. Congrats on the award! This is big news for those of us still waiting. So this answers one question, the next one is... where exactly are each of us on the alternate list? Am I #1 of 5 or #20 of 20? This one we may never find out for sure. Let's cross our fingers for each of us!

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Just to clarify, prior to all these CGS-M changes, schools were still limited by a quota of how many applications the school is allowed to forward to the national NSERC/SSHRC/CIHR allocation committee. These allocations were also split up into different categories. The main difference this year is that UBC itself decides who gets the award, and instead of UBC forwarding its own students to the national committee, departments now forward their own applicants (who come from all schools) towards their own school's committee. So, it's up to each school if they want to set 1/3 of their applicants as "alternates" or whatever fraction. It sounds like UBC decided that 1/3 is a good number to try in their first year, but I think this number may be different at other places (potentially higher at schools where top students tend to decline their offers).


As far as I know, from the main NSERC websites, there will still be an equal number of awards. This means that for bigger schools like UBC, Toronto etc, they are going to get a larger share of NSERC/SSHRC/CIHR awards. So if UBC has 12 CGS-M awards available for Psychology, that doesn't mean other schools will also have 12 awards available! Maybe that was obvious, but just clarifying that CGS-M are allocated based on school size!

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Yes, it does depend on the size of the school. Although not program specific, here is a list of the award allocations across universities... http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/CGSAllocations-QuotasBESC_eng.asp


Thanks for posting that! I looked for that information a few days ago and didn't find it for some reason. 


Congrats scholarlypartier!! I'm happy they are informing alternates as people turn down their offers. 

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I received an email this morning to go check the status of my application in the portal, same as the one on April 1. I was offered the award! Very happy right now, didn't think they would inform alternates this soon. Good luck to everyone on the alternate list, I think chances are really good since the new system allowed for multiple award winners and the universities were aware of that.



And trajectory7, I think this particular allocation system is only at UBC. Not sure if other universities give out awards based on specific disciplines like this but based on the logic, I think that you would be 1/3. Best of luck!!!

I was also sent an email saying my status has changed (same type of email as the April 1 email) and my status changed from alternate to offered (UofT NSERC). I am accepting that one

Congratz to all!!

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Thanks for letting us know that you were accepted off of the alternate list. Congrats on the award! This is big news for those of us still waiting. So this answers one question, the next one is... where exactly are each of us on the alternate list? Am I #1 of 5 or #20 of 20? This one we may never find out for sure. Let's cross our fingers for each of us!

If you got offer to at least one place, you are high. If not you are probably in the bottom.

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Apart from the two lucky people who already posted here, have any more alternates heard anything?

I'm a SSHRC alternate at Memorial and haven't heard anything yet. Maybe just wishful thinking on my part, but could it be that some schools contact alternates immediately, whereas some wait (possibly to Apr. 22)?  From an administrative standpoint I could see how grad studies offices might prefer to make second offers as a wave. And much of the documentation refers to "rounds":


"Universities will be required to draw up a list of applicants to whom awards will be offered in the first round of competition results to be published on April 1st of every calendar year, as well as a list of alternate applicants to whom awards will be offered in subsequent rounds, if applicable."


I'm happy to have made it as an alternate at all, but in some respects, this purgatory business is more stressful than rejection.

Edited by acv025
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Apart from the two lucky people who already posted here, have any more alternates heard anything?

I'm a SSHRC alternate at Memorial and haven't heard anything yet. Maybe just wishful thinking on my part, but could it be that some schools contact alternates immediately, whereas some wait (possibly to Apr. 22)?  From an administrative standpoint I could see how grad studies offices might prefer to make second offers as a wave. And much of the documentation refers to "rounds":



I'm happy to have made it as an alternate at all, but in some respects, this purgatory business is more stressful than rejection.


I know what you mean I am constantly checking my email. I'm waiting to hear from the University of Manitoba if I get the SSHRC. I know an semi-insider who has said that they will likely letting the alternates know after the deadline date. It isn't certain, but that is what I was told was likely the case. If anyone reading this has received a second round acceptance for UofM, let me know. I've got the jitters waiting...

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If it's any helpful - those at U of T waiting on CGS N SERC or SSHRC have had a greater chance of moving up on the alternate list than those waiting for CIHR (= me :( ) - since U of T is allocated greater numbers of NSERC and SSHRC than CIHR.




But acv025 you're right - it's still pretty awesome that we were at least placed on the wait list! as much as this grey-area sucks, it's still (in some sort of way) an honour :blink::wacko::) ?

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I know what you mean I am constantly checking my email. I'm waiting to hear from the University of Manitoba if I get the SSHRC. I know an semi-insider who has said that they will likely letting the alternates know after the deadline date. It isn't certain, but that is what I was told was likely the case. If anyone reading this has received a second round acceptance for UofM, let me know. I've got the jitters waiting...

I'm also an alternative at the UofM, and it is such a relief to know there is a chance alternates will be contacted after the deadline date! I have not received a second round acceptance or heard of anyone else getting them at the UofM. I had talked to the grad coordinator and she was not able to provide any information like that or where I even rank on this list. So stressful! Best of luck to all the alternates out there though! Does anyone know if alternate status can at least be cited on a CV? Or would that just look silly haha.

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Looks like everything is still quiet on the alternate front. Just a few hours before the long weekend is upon us. Then what? Might we hear the morning of the 21? The morning of the 22? Or maybe some will hear nothing at all. Will "alternate" statuses at some point be changed to "not offered", when schools have given everything out? I'm starting to feel like a conspiracy theorist over here.  :lol:  

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Looks like everything is still quiet on the alternate front. Just a few hours before the long weekend is upon us. Then what? Might we hear the morning of the 21? The morning of the 22? Or maybe some will hear nothing at all. Will "alternate" statuses at some point be changed to "not offered", when schools have given everything out? I'm starting to feel like a conspiracy theorist over here.  :lol:  


Yes, this is what happens in past years. But I also know some cases where the "alternate" became "offered" in late August and/or September!

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Yes, this is what happens in past years. But I also know some cases where the "alternate" became "offered" in late August and/or September!

Well that's kind of nice to hear. I'm an alternate for SSHRC at UofC and although I've been offered a pretty nice scholarship already SSHRC would really help out. Good luck to everyone! Can't wait to hear more "offered" statuses :) 

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Still on alternate, are there applicants who really can't decide where they want to go still??


My current theory is this:

1) There was that document posted here earlier from the early days of the harmonization program, which said that results would be released to alternates the day after the first offer expiry deadline. That was talking about May 15/16, which seems to have changed.

2) At least going by postings on this forum and Twitter, we know that some schools (U of T, UWO, some others) have already pulled the trigger and contacted alternates (presumably right as first rounders declined), whereas at least some schools seem to have stayed "silent".

3) One possible scenario, therefore, is that some schools have gone ahead and contacted immediately, whereas others have been following the original "day after first round expiry" plan. Given that schools weren't allowed to announce first offers before Apr. 1, maybe some decided to play it safe and not offer second offers until after this date.


4) If so, and depending on how they count 3 weeks from Apr. 1, we should see a number of offers from previously "silent" schools coming out tomorrow or Wednesday. Or really any time after that.




There are holes in this theory, because it could be that all schools have been contacting alternates all along and those lucky souls just haven't put their success up on the Internet.

At any rate, a few spots across the board could be opening up soon as the first round expiry date passes.


Hang in there, everyone.

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My current theory is this:

1) There was that document posted here earlier from the early days of the harmonization program, which said that results would be released to alternates the day after the first offer expiry deadline. That was talking about May 15/16, which seems to have changed.

2) At least going by postings on this forum and Twitter, we know that some schools (U of T, UWO, some others) have already pulled the trigger and contacted alternates (presumably right as first rounders declined), whereas at least some schools seem to have stayed "silent".

3) One possible scenario, therefore, is that some schools have gone ahead and contacted immediately, whereas others have been following the original "day after first round expiry" plan. Given that schools weren't allowed to announce first offers before Apr. 1, maybe some decided to play it safe and not offer second offers until after this date.


4) If so, and depending on how they count 3 weeks from Apr. 1, we should see a number of offers from previously "silent" schools coming out tomorrow or Wednesday. Or really any time after that.




There are holes in this theory, because it could be that all schools have been contacting alternates all along and those lucky souls just haven't put their success up on the Internet.

At any rate, a few spots across the board could be opening up soon as the first round expiry date passes.


Hang in there, everyone.


Actually I forgot, it is Easter Monday today...

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Hello guys,


I just confirmed that my "Alternate" status has changed to "Offered" status in the portal and got official notification e-mail from school's graduate studies office.

My application is for University of Waterloo, NSERC only.


I hope this information is helpful to you guys.


Also, thank you for everyone who posted valuable information so far on this forum site!


Just one question. I have offer of NSERC CGS Master and OGS at the same time. Which scholarship should I choose? I heard that NSERC is little bit better, right?

Edited by Gyuchull Han
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Hi all,


I was a SSHRC alternate at Queen's and my status changed to "Offered" on April 16th. As with others, I received an e-mail from Reserach Portal to notify me that my status had been changed.


What a relief!


Hope that helps a bit with this whole Alternate/Offfered mystery. Seems as though Queen's is also doing the whole "offer as others decline" method.

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Hello guys,


I just confirmed that my "Alternate" status has changed to "Offered" status in the portal and got official notification e-mail from school's graduate studies office.

My application is for University of Waterloo, NSERC only.


I hope this information is helpful to you guys.


Also, thank you for everyone who posted valuable information so far on this forum site!


Just one question. I have offer of NSERC CGS Master and OGS at the same time. Which scholarship should I choose? I heard that NSERC is little bit better, right?

It pays more I think, so yeah. I envy you so much...I am still on alternate lol

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Hello guys,

I just confirmed that my "Alternate" status has changed to "Offered" status in the portal and got official notification e-mail from school's graduate studies office.

My application is for University of Waterloo, NSERC only.

I hope this information is helpful to you guys.

Also, thank you for everyone who posted valuable information so far on this forum site!

Just one question. I have offer of NSERC CGS Master and OGS at the same time. Which scholarship should I choose? I heard that NSERC is little bit better, right?

DEFINITELY take the NSERC. It's more prestigious, and when you're applying for future funding NSERC looks a lot better on your CV.

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