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Application Anxiety Thread

Application Anxiety  

155 members have voted

  1. 1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your anxiety about applications?

    • 1 - What anxiety?
    • 2 - Maybe a little nervous, but nothing much.
    • 3 - Yeah, I'm pretty anxious about this.
    • 4 - I'm really anxious!!!
    • 5 - I'm freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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PUZZLES!!! :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

Are you a fan too, ImpulsiveNixie?? :) I love love love doing jigsaw puzzles and have been doing "adult" puzzles (err...I mean in piece-count, not in theme!) since I was like four. It's such a great activity because the number of puzzlers who participate is flexible and people can drop in/out whenever they want. Plus, you can talk or just enjoy the puzzle in silence; either way is perfectly fine and natural. A great solo or team activity all around! :)


Thanks Green Dino!  I'll take a look.  It'll be nice to have something to do that feels constructive!

You're welcome! Hope it helps!


UGH. I think I have the best interview fml story yet.


First...I am sitting here waiting for my host to come onto Skype and I decide to check my phone. Awaiting in my inbox is a rejection email from the University of Iowa. I mean, I knew this was coming but NICE TIMING! lol.


Then, as soon as I (nervously ) log in and the interview begins, my dogs see something outside and start barking madly. I excuse myself to go and tell them to kindly shut it. As soon as I sit back down, my cochlear implant battery DIES!!!!!! Why I didn't think to check this before, don't ask me. 


I think overall it went pretty well, until they asked me about my GPA, which is "lower than the rest of my application would indicate" and I kind of stumbled. I gave a generic answer that I wasn't as focused as I should have been in my first and second year but really amped up my act in my 3rd and 4th year.


I guess there is nothing to do but laugh and hope for other interviews/acceptances, right?  :P Thanks, bratty dogs/dead battery. 

Thank you for sharing, DeafAudi; it's good you did so with a silly smiley :P Best wishes and keep up the positive spirit! :)

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I have a Skype interview with the (only!) school I applied to, tomorrow morning.  I wish it could be in person because worrying about the technology failing or skipping is making me nervous, not to mention the eye contact issue with Skype.  On the other hand, I'm interviewing, which is a really good sign!  But still...I can't stop reading the forums and admissions pages looking for signs of others' experiences with this university.  I think if I was going to find something, I probably would have found it the first 100 times or so...


One tip I've heard in regards to Skype interviews is to stick a pair of googly eyes right next to the laptop camera so you're maintaining eye contact with the camera instead of  looking at their face on your screen, which translates to downcast eyes on Skype. I think even paper drawings of eyes would help with that. Good luck on your interview! 

Edited by PorqueMoi
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UGH. I think I have the best interview fml story yet.


First...I am sitting here waiting for my host to come onto Skype and I decide to check my phone. Awaiting in my inbox is a rejection email from the University of Iowa. I mean, I knew this was coming but NICE TIMING! lol.


Then, as soon as I (nervously ) log in and the interview begins, my dogs see something outside and start barking madly. I excuse myself to go and tell them to kindly shut it. As soon as I sit back down, my cochlear implant battery DIES!!!!!! Why I didn't think to check this before, don't ask me. 


I think overall it went pretty well, until they asked me about my GPA, which is "lower than the rest of my application would indicate" and I kind of stumbled. I gave a generic answer that I wasn't as focused as I should have been in my first and second year but really amped up my act in my 3rd and 4th year.


I guess there is nothing to do but laugh and hope for other interviews/acceptances, right?  :P Thanks, bratty dogs/dead battery. 

Oh how frustrating!!  Yeah, I'm worried my 3 year old son will need something or hurt himself or who knows what, so I'm sending him out on a walk with Daddy so I'll have to the house to myself.  One of the most predictable things about kids and pets is their unpredictability, right?  I hope it works out ok.  Those don't sound like they should be deal breakers, though (right??).

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UGH. I think I have the best interview fml story yet.


First...I am sitting here waiting for my host to come onto Skype and I decide to check my phone. Awaiting in my inbox is a rejection email from the University of Iowa. I mean, I knew this was coming but NICE TIMING! lol.


Then, as soon as I (nervously ) log in and the interview begins, my dogs see something outside and start barking madly. I excuse myself to go and tell them to kindly shut it. As soon as I sit back down, my cochlear implant battery DIES!!!!!! Why I didn't think to check this before, don't ask me. 


I think overall it went pretty well, until they asked me about my GPA, which is "lower than the rest of my application would indicate" and I kind of stumbled. I gave a generic answer that I wasn't as focused as I should have been in my first and second year but really amped up my act in my 3rd and 4th year.


I guess there is nothing to do but laugh and hope for other interviews/acceptances, right?  :P Thanks, bratty dogs/dead battery. 


Oh my goodness! Man, I am SO SORRY to hear that! Great that you're keeping a positive attitude, but that sounds like enough to frazzle even...I don't know, someone really unfrazzleable. Dumbledore? The Dalai Lama? (I love how those are the two examples I came up with, lol.)


It sounds like, despite all that, that your actual interview went pretty well. Even the question that you feel like you stumbled on it sounds like you gave a pretty good answer despite all the chaos that was going on around you. Giant kudos and hopefully you'll be hearing good news from them!!!! :D

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Aww thank you to everyone who posted words of consolation about my interview. I guess there is no point stressing over it or being upset. I still have 7 schools to hear from (I was rejected from one today and two I'm going to assume I'm rejected from, including this one). Hopefully one day I will look back at this and laugh! Also, after mulling over it a bit, I'm starting to realize that maybe I wasn't a good fit for this school based on the interview. 


ETA: I just got my second (unexpected) rejection of the day, at one of my top choices :( so make that 6 schools to hear from. 

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Wow, Green Dino, I watched the TED talk--that was great!!!  It had me tearing up at the end, too.  That's such great info for me to have at my disposal, since I feel one of my biggest weaknesses is how shy I am.  I'm definitely going to practice some power poses before I make the Skype call tomorrow!

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Wow, Green Dino, I watched the TED talk--that was great!!!  It had me tearing up at the end, too.  That's such great info for me to have at my disposal, since I feel one of my biggest weaknesses is how shy I am.  I'm definitely going to practice some power poses before I make the Skype call tomorrow!


Yay! So happy to hear this :) :) :)

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Aww thank you to everyone who posted words of consolation about my interview. I guess there is no point stressing over it or being upset. I still have 7 schools to hear from (I was rejected from one today and two I'm going to assume I'm rejected from, including this one). Hopefully one day I will look back at this and laugh! Also, after mulling over it a bit, I'm starting to realize that maybe I wasn't a good fit for this school based on the interview. 


ETA: I just got my second (unexpected) rejection of the day, at one of my top choices :( so make that 6 schools to hear from. 


Wow, it sounds like this application season is just being brutal to you! So sorry :( On the happy side, the six schools you have yet to hear back from are more than I applied to overall. So you have PLENTY of schools left to hear back from.

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I have been on edge about hearing from graduate schools probably for about a week or two. I even had a dream last night about grad school, seems like I cant get away from it :/ This is my 2nd yr applying and since the first time I applied I have taken 3 graduate courses to earn my Autism Certificate at KSU, got a 4.0 in my grad classes, raised my GRE scores, formed relationships with professors who wrote me stellar LORs and volunteered in my profs lab. Even though I have done so much, the anxiety and stress of waiting is killing me. So far, Ive only heard from OU (which I got waitlisted at) but im pretty sure they waitlist everyone. Does anyone know?

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I have been on edge about hearing from graduate schools probably for about a week or two. I even had a dream last night about grad school, seems like I cant get away from it :/ This is my 2nd yr applying and since the first time I applied I have taken 3 graduate courses to earn my Autism Certificate at KSU, got a 4.0 in my grad classes, raised my GRE scores, formed relationships with professors who wrote me stellar LORs and volunteered in my profs lab. Even though I have done so much, the anxiety and stress of waiting is killing me. So far, Ive only heard from OU (which I got waitlisted at) but im pretty sure they waitlist everyone. Does anyone know?

Hey there! Just saw that you were from Kent, I'm from Canton! I'm stressing out this week too! You're definitely not alone! Where all did you apply? Both in state and out of state?

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You guys I am SO NERVOUS right now! I feel like I've gone through an anxiety roller coaster ride. Way back when I created this thread (the end of January) I was super stressed and wondering how on earth I was going to make it until March 1st (when I had thought I'd have at least one answer by). After a while of being freaking out levels of anxious I dropped all the way down to the 'maybe a little nervous but nothing much' levels (which were really nice, let me tell you). But then the school moved the March 1st date, the date I was supposed to have heard back, to March 15th. And ever since the 1st, I've been getting more and more anxious. Like, when I started this post I was back to freaking out levels of anxious.


Only now I'm calmer, because I just logically reasoned through my two biggest fears. (Which were 1) what if they filled all their slots because I applied right before the deadline and 2) what if they reject me because I won't have the prereqs done until the summer?) Because either way, I can't change those. Anxiety isn't going to help me any,  and those shouldn't be particularly big factors counting against me anyways.


Wow, even this post was a mini anxiety roller coaster.

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Only now I'm calmer, because I just logically reasoned through my two biggest fears. (Which were 1) what if they filled all their slots because I applied right before the deadline and 2) what if they reject me because I won't have the prereqs done until the summer?) Because either way, I can't change those. Anxiety isn't going to help me any,  and those shouldn't be particularly big factors counting against me anyways.


Wow, even this post was a mini anxiety roller coaster.


Regarding #2, I only had two prereqs completed at the time I applied (ONLY TWO!), and I've already been admitted into two different schools.  My prereqs won't be done until the summer either.  Try to relax and remember that your stats are amazing and you are a strong candidate!  You'll hear some positive news soon. :)

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Regarding #2, I only had two prereqs completed at the time I applied (ONLY TWO!), and I've already been admitted into two different schools.  My prereqs won't be done until the summer either.  Try to relax and remember that your stats are amazing and you are a strong candidate!  You'll hear some positive news soon. :)


sayjo, you rock! Thanks, that really does help. I can't beat you by much with the prereqs, btw, I only have three done myself, although I'm enrolled in four more and taking three more classes this summer. And congrats on your acceptances! :D

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sayjo, you rock! Thanks, that really does help. I can't beat you by much with the prereqs, btw, I only have three done myself, although I'm enrolled in four more and taking three more classes this summer. And congrats on your acceptances! :D

Thanks!! Isn't so hard to stay focused on classes with all these grad school notices coming in?  I keep getting distracted...

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I'm starting to feel physically sick over these decisions. I've had the worst stress migraine since seeing all of the NYU decisions posted last night... and I even had a dream about it.


:unsure:  :(  :huh:

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I'm starting to feel physically sick over these decisions. I've had the worst stress migraine since seeing all of the NYU decisions posted last night... and I even had a dream about it.


:unsure:  :(  :huh:


Right.. if only we could just fast forward through the next couple weeks and just know if there are any admittances and go from there!

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Waiting to hear back from a school that has already started accepting people is the worst. I wish they could just tell everyone at once (I'm looking at you, UNC!!). I feel for you argslp! I hope you hear good news soon <3

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I'm starting to feel physically sick over these decisions. I've had the worst stress migraine since seeing all of the NYU decisions posted last night... and I even had a dream about it.


:unsure:  :(  :huh:

Although I didn't apply to NYU, I am barely able to sleep because I am so nervous!  I just want one acceptance so I can relax.

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Although I didn't apply to NYU, I am barely able to sleep because I am so nervous!  I just want one acceptance so I can relax.

Same here! I was only able to sleep a few hours last night and can't seem to relax enough to nap! I just want one acceptance!

Fun fact: I have a fitbit that tracks my sleep and I have been super restless the past few nights. It's interesting to see that as more schools are notifying!

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Same here! I was only able to sleep a few hours last night and can't seem to relax enough to nap! I just want one acceptance!

Fun fact: I have a fitbit that tracks my sleep and I have been super restless the past few nights. It's interesting to see that as more schools are notifying!

Oh that's so cool!  I should get that too! haha I'll be wicked restless as the dates get closer for the schools I applied to 

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I had an interview a few weeks ago and the best/most helpful advice I received was to come up with 4-5 strong, well-rehearsed stories that I could tweak to answer various questions.


Most schools want to know why you are considering their school or why you would be a good fit to their program. Make sure you have a story/answer to share for questions along those lines.


Also, it is good to have an "elevator story" or "get to know you story". A story that walks them through how you got to where you are now, but in a concise 1-2 minute answer. I was able to use my "elevator story" to answer the question "What made you interested in the field of Speech Pathology".


Another example...I had a story about a time I received feedback at work. This was a story I could tweak and use to answer questions regarding how I handle feedback, how I handle stress, how I handle hard projects/situations, how I work with groups, etc.  


I also had a few stories I rehearsed from my experiences working as a volunteer in a special education classroom. I used these stories to answer questions like, "Tell about a time when you worked with a difficult child" or "What sets you apart from the other applicants" or "What are your areas of interest", or content related/field based questions.


Hope this makes sense :)


The second best piece of advice I received was to be myself. I had a lot of feedback to present myself this way, that way, or the other, but when it came down it, I was most comfortable and confident when I was genuine and showing my true personality. The interviewers do this year after year so they can detect a genuine person from a façade so might as well just be yourself.


Good luck!

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