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Acceptances/rejections/funding in MTS/M.A./M.Div for 2014??!!


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YDS is sham. I got generous funding (80-90%) to Vandy and Candler (everywhere else I applied) and didn't even get into YDS. Did I mention that I do TFA, graduated with honors from a t-10 undergrad, and my pastoral rec came from a minister on their distinguished alumni board? Congrats to all who got in, please tell the rest of us who to fellate for those blue bloods in New Haven to send out an admit to someone without BullDog ejaculate all over their faces already. And I hope someone from their adcomm reads this because you all BLOW.


Maybe they picked up that you are an entitled baby from your application materials. 

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Congratulations to all who got in at Yale! Sadly, I did not. Spent yesterday and most of today in tears, but I'll get over it. There is always next year and other programs! I'll just use the upcoming months to improve my GRE scores and to work on my languages (right now I've only got two). But anyways, I wish everyone who got in somewhere (and got the necessary funding) the best of luck next year!!! And as for the people who'll be applying again next fall, you'll be seeing me again! In writing! Cue maniacal-evil genius laughter: MUAWAHAHAHA!!!!!


(I don't feel like editing this, so I am just going to say it now, it has been a tough 36 some hours, so just let the crazy fake evil-totally not someone's minion-genius-person laughter slide people.)

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Maybe they picked up that you are an entitled baby from your application materials.

Praise be! The pope has arrived to protect the virtue of anonymous online complaining boards.

I'd be happy to let you read my essays and find out that I moved out of an incredibly abusive home and became homeless at 16, then accomplished all the above regardless.

But you're right, entitled, brat, etc.

Sorry, however, for diminishing the accomplishments of those who were admitted. I just know when I've been denied something I've earned (and Candler and Vandy seem to agree).

Edited by wonedy
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'I can't believe I wasn't accepted to this Divinity School, allow me to make these degrading sexual remarks about the AdCom.'

You saying adcomms don't exchange favors for admission? Ha! Hahaha. Ha. Still, I'm sure most wouldn't settle for JUST a bj.

Edited by wonedy
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You might want to look up the meaning of non sequitur.

After you've looked up 'enlightenment,' 'non sequitur,' and spent a bit more time in a dictionary in general, then please go to urbandictionary.org and look up 'pwn' 'ostrich' and 'fail.'

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After you've looked up 'enlightenment,' 'non sequitur,' and spent a bit more time in a dictionary in general, then please go to urbandictionary.org and look up 'pwn' 'ostrich' and 'fail.'

Ohhhh entitlement. Yeah. Sorry for misreading. Yes, I am entitled to go to YDS. Period. I earned it. They are mistaken in their decision. Experts in the field would agree. Including their distinguished alumni board.

I'm actually not 'entitled' in a general sense at all tho. Once you spend a year of high school in a homeless shelter you learn a thing or two about grace.

Edited by wonedy
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Ohhhh entitlement. Yeah. Sorry for misreading. Yes, I am entitled to go to YDS. Period. I earned it. They are mistaken in their decision. Experts in the field would agree. Including their distinguished alumni board.

I'm actually not 'entitled' in a general sense at all tho. Once you spend a year of high school in a homeless shelter you learn a thing or two about grace.


It disturbs me that this is how someone applying to an MDiv, the ministerial preparation degree, would respond to being rejected. Especially the idea that "earned" would be a relevant category, and that any amount of work you do should get you what you want by manner of course.

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It disturbs me that this is how someone applying to an MDiv, the ministerial preparation degree, would respond to being rejected. Especially the idea that "earned" would be a relevant category, and that any amount of work you do should get you what you want by manner of course.


I can imagine the horror that the pastor on the "distinguished alumni board" would feel if he saw someone he endorsed behaving like this.

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I can imagine the horror that the pastor on the "distinguished alumni board" would feel if he saw someone he endorsed behaving like this.

It's so easy to troll you self righteous types

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Look at the dramatic difference between these two responses below.


No class:



YDS is sham. I got generous funding (80-90%) to Vandy and Candler (everywhere else I applied) and didn't even get into YDS. Did I mention that I do TFA, graduated with honors from a t-10 undergrad, and my pastoral rec came from a minister on their distinguished alumni board? Congrats to all who got in, please tell the rest of us who to fellate for those blue bloods in New Haven to send out an admit to someone without BullDog ejaculate all over their faces already. And I hope someone from their adcomm reads this because you all BLOW.


(Even if this person were Albert Einstein, I would want to reject him/her, if I were on the AdCom.)




Congratulations to all who got in at Yale! Sadly, I did not. Spent yesterday and most of today in tears, but I'll get over it. There is always next year and other programs! I'll just use the upcoming months to improve my GRE scores and to work on my languages (right now I've only got two). But anyways, I wish everyone who got in somewhere (and got the necessary funding) the best of luck next year!!! And as for the people who'll be applying again next fall, you'll be seeing me again! In writing! Cue maniacal-evil genius laughter: MUAWAHAHAHA!!!!!


(I don't feel like editing this, so I am just going to say it now, it has been a tough 36 some hours, so just let the crazy fake evil-totally not someone's minion-genius-person laughter slide people.)


(Totally would accept this guy/girl!)

Edited by Averroes MD
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Something in your app likely reflected how you are speaking now. It's really not all that bad, to be honest. Many 'people,' as you no doubt discovered in your younger years living in a homeless shelter, use sexual slander as rhetorical device. Many people also know when to turn this off and on, me included, though not without years of fucking up. Just know that acting/talking like this will keep you out of the running for competitive jobs and degrees in the future. No need to feel bad about it. Shame won't work with you. Shame and hate is likely what got you through all that great schooling before. Now it's time to grow a bit. Let the hate go, mate. But, for now, you got into some good schools. Good luck. <3

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I'm going to redirect this thread...

Those of us/you who have been accepted to their desired school, how do you feel? For me, now I just can't wait to start at HDS and keep imagining myself there. Pretty excited but strange period between now and then.

Also, it's weird because I really don't have more than one or so people to truly celebrate with since nobody seems to understand what divinity/religion school is.

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Praise be! The pope has arrived to protect the virtue of anonymous online complaining boards.

I'd be happy to let you read my essays and find out that I moved out of an incredibly abusive home and became homeless at 16, then accomplished all the above regardless.

But you're right, entitled, brat, etc.

Sorry, however, for diminishing the accomplishments of those who were admitted. I just know when I've been denied something I've earned (and Candler and Vandy seem to agree).


From your clarification, I can see why you're upset and appreciate that you are venting and not trying to insult others on the forums. I just want to point out that -- like most of us -- you've posted enough information about yourself to be easily recognized by any of the schools you applied to as well as your future cohort. It's not the best foot to lead with.


Much of admissions is also about "fit" more than passing judgment on your achievements, and "fit" is not about passing judgment on who you are but finding a match for your interests, goals, and perspective, some of which might be shared by other applicants.


Congrats on Candler and Vandy, and I hope you find yourself content at whichever one you choose.

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I'm going to redirect this thread...

Those of us/you who have been accepted to their desired school, how do you feel? For me, now I just can't wait to start at HDS and keep imagining myself there. Pretty excited but strange period between now and then.

Also, it's weird because I really don't have more than one or so people to truly celebrate with since nobody seems to understand what divinity/religion school is.


Part disbelief, part anxiety about the reality of going back to school after many years. While I also want to celebrate, I've actually only told a few people who supported me through the process. I want to be blabbing it all around town but don't feel the "why?" and "what are you going to do with that?" and "how are you paying for it?" are useful voices to add.

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Part disbelief, part anxiety about the reality of going back to school after many years. While I also want to celebrate, I've actually only told a few people who supported me through the process. I want to be blabbing it all around town but don't feel the "why?" and "what are you going to do with that?" and "how are you paying for it?" are useful voices to add.

Same here. I'm an older untraditional student.

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Same feelings as browncow, entirely.


I was anxious and looking forward to Yale, and while their rejection stung - I have to be honest to myself and admit that part of the enthusiasm was because of the name. As I looked more into Vanderbilt and its possibilities, I came to realize that it really is the best fit for me.


I'm really interested in the intersection of psychology and religion, and ethics as it pertains to suicide and how the Church has handled it, on an academic level but also practically. Perhaps even further working in advocacy on some level to develop tools to assist clergy in 'being' more compassionate and alert to those that were "left behind." This was reinforced for me when I had two separate faculty members at Vanderbilt contact me and express interest in my work after they became aware of my writing sample and the content in my recommendation letters.


So - I'm anxious, enthusiastic, scared, and everything in between as I move forward with this new chapter.

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I'm going to redirect this thread...

Those of us/you who have been accepted to their desired school, how do you feel? For me, now I just can't wait to start at HDS and keep imagining myself there. Pretty excited but strange period between now and then.

Also, it's weird because I really don't have more than one or so people to truly celebrate with since nobody seems to understand what divinity/religion school is.


I am basically having the same experience.  I often find myself daydreaming about life in Cambridge, and I'm especially looking forward to basking in the intellectual environment at HDS.  Others have expressed ambivalence about sharing their excitement with others because of a general lack of understanding with respect to "religious studies."  Actually, I've found myself in this position for years now.  Having attended a state university in a "progressive" and "enlightened" city like Portland has garnered me a lot of blank stares over the years when I tell people I'm interested in religion.  I find that when people aren't openly hostile to religion as such, they are generally indifferent to it.


So I think I'm most excited to be in a place where I can engage in constructive and meaningful discussions about a subject that is so deeply meaningful to me.  I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone here who will be at HDS next term!


On the other hand, I'm starting to freak out a little when I think about the logistics of the whole thing.  I'm going to have to pack up my life, leave behind so many of my beloved friends, and drive across the country.  By August.  AUGUST.  That's right around the corner!  Then I'm going to have to settle into life in Cambridge.  I've never been to New England, and, as a life long West-coaster, its all pretty intimidating.


So, I guess my feelings are teetering between excitement and anxiety.  An emotional rollercoaster.

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Wow. This thread has become a teaching aid in self reflection, self assessment, maturity check and why we should take a deep(often weeklong ) breath before emails and internet posts. Omg. I truly invite wonedy to pm me.aNd all hds accepted students to pm as well

Edited by mdiv2014
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