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I applied to the distance program last year, but this year i'm applying with meridian as first option, pocatello 2nd and distance third.


Hi twinguy,


I thought you might be interested in some information I learned this afternoon about the ISU admissions process. I had called their office to request consideration for all three of their programs and Lexi informed me that they accept 18 students into each of the three campus programs. This year they are not saving any particular number of seats for Idaho state residents, but they do rank the top 54 applicants and fill spots according to campus preferences.


They rank students based on the various aspects of their application with a 40% weight on gpa, 40% weight on gre scores and 20% weight on personal statement and 20% weight on recommendations.

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Hi twinguy,


I thought you might be interested in some information I learned this afternoon about the ISU admissions process. I had called their office to request consideration for all three of their programs and Lexi informed me that they accept 18 students into each of the three campus programs. This year they are not saving any particular number of seats for Idaho state residents, but they do rank the top 54 applicants and fill spots according to campus preferences.


They rank students based on the various aspects of their application with a 40% weight on gpa, 40% weight on gre scores and 20% weight on personal statement and 20% weight on recommendations.


Thanks for the information Ballerina18,


I knew they had some sort of matrix they used but it's nice to see how much they weigh GPA, GRE, eTC.  The percentages you posted do not equate to 100% though.  Did you mean to say 30% GPA, 30%RE and then 20% each for personal statement and recommendations?  thanks again!

Edited by twinguy7
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Dream: UNC-CH acceptance


Hope: MGHI acceptance


Guess: Rej/waitlist @ UNC (just trying to be a realist); waitlisted/accepted into MGHI

I think the waiting has really made me second guess all my credibility!! And the fact that I misspelled a word on my SOP.... I guess we'll see what that leads to!

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Thanks for the information Ballerina18,

I knew they had some sort of matrix they used but it's nice to see how much they weigh GPA, GRE, eTC. The percentages you posted do not equate to 100% though. Did you mean to say 30% GPA, 30%RE and then 20% each for personal statement and recommendations? thanks again!

Yeah, I realized that after I got off the phone. I just figured that maybe they have a weird sort of scoring system that goes above 100, but it is entirely possible I heard wrong.


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Great thread! Getting me to think about my priorities. :)


My Hope is to get in somewhere...anywhere...I just want to go to grad school now and not have to worry about what I'll do in the mean time...


My Dream...let's do it like this:

My UNREALISTIC dream is to get into Vandy. It's been my dream since I was a little girl, but let's be real, I applied there knowing that I'm 80% sure I'll be rejected. I just knew I'd be kicking myself for the rest of my life wondering "What if?" if I didn't apply.

My REALISTIC dream is to get into LSU or Tennessee Knoxville. I love both of those programs and would be very happy in either Baton Rouge or Knoxville. :)


My Guess is that I know I probably will get into a program. I really think I'd be happy in any of the programs I applied to, I'd just be happier in some programs over others. The professors at my university have psyched us out thinking that you'll never be good enough to get into grad school, and that's just constantly on my mind now (let's be real, this site doesn't help much either :rolleyes:). Fingers crossed that these next few weeks come with tears of joy rather than sorrow!


Feels so good to get accepted - even if it's just a safety.  :) Now to see if a dream is possible...

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Hope: to be accepted to a program at all!!! Who doesn't hope this?!  :)


Dream: To get accepted to one of my top choices ;) (LLU, WCU, UCF, LSU, ETSU)


Guess: A little nervous to say, as I was rejected by all 6 schools I applied to last year, (two wait listed that turned to rejection) but I am hopeful to get a few acceptances at least, and have a choice. if I only get one, I will at least for sure know that's where I should go :) 

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  • 1 month later...

So fun to read back through these posts and see how many of you had your hopes and dreams realized! It's amazing to see how much can happen in a matter of a few months! Congratulations on your acceptances, and for those still waiting, hang in there and hold onto those dreams  :)
Best wishes everyone!

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I will start by posting what my hopes, dreams and guess is with the schools I apply to.


Dream to get an acceptance from @ least one school!


I HOPE to get acceptances from Fort Hays, Idaho State.


Realistically I Guess I would be happy to end up getting waitlisted at a few schools and one acceptance ultimately.  :)


Wow, I totalyl forgot about this thread.  I guess my dream of one acceptance and some wait lists has been realized!  :)  I am still hoping to come off of Idaho State's or FHSU's wait list, but am content with GVSU!  :)  

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Very great idea for a thread, Twinguy! 


My DREAM would be to get into NYU or UofW Seattle - I LOVE the prospect of a summer in Sweden with NYU, and I also love the sounds of the MedSLP program in Seattle.


My HOPE is that I get accepted anywhere at all so I don't have to take another year off.... :blink:


and my GUESS is that I will get into one school or two that is outrageously expensive for International Students and have a tough tough decision on my hands.


Feels good to get those out there! 

haha TwinGuy!!! My guess was pretty spot on! Accepted to NYU and wait listed at Seatte - NYU is outrageously expensive and I'm struggling!! Very funny to see this 2 months later. 

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how did everyone else's HOPES, DREAMS and GUESSES go??? 



Hope: I hope to be accepted to at least one school in New Jersey and one school out of state

Dream: My dream is to be accepted to every school that I applied to, with assistantship offers and funding

Guess: Realistically speaking, I'm fairly confident that I will be accepted to at least one school, but we can never be too sure


I've been trying to stay positive during these past few weeks! If something is meant to be, it will be. I've done what I can aside from rocking my interviews, so now all that's left is to hope for the best possible outcome!


My dream was lofty, but I wasn't too far off! I was accepted to at least one in-state and one out-of-state school, so my hope and guess both were true. I was accepted by six schools, waitlisted at five schools, and rejected by one school. Only one of my waitlists informed me that the waitlist has closed and I did not receive an offer, so that leaves four that I still need to hear back from. I received an offer for a half graduate assistantship and funding at URI, which I declined (very painfully), and an offer to interview for a full graduate assistantship at Montclair State University. I don't know how I got so lucky, but I couldn't have pulled through this long winter without all of the support from you guys!

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Hope: That I will look back someday and not regret all of the sacrifices I made to return to school...by getting accepted somewhere...anywhere?!?! :unsure: *Sigh*

Dream: McGill Acceptance. Dream school. Dream research. Dream location. Dream get-out-of-Northern Virginia. Dream leave America. All-around Dream.

Guess: University of Arizona MA Comm program. I don't mind the heat...it's the lack of moisture I can't handle. My totally awesome hair needs humidity.

Craziness!!! It's so fun to look back at this. My Guess was correct and almost happened, but my Dream was fulfilled! I can't imagine having gone through this app process without you guys. I feel like we've all been through war together or something lol. I hope we all continue to check in and check up on each other as we go through grad school.

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Dream: I will have a choice between my dream school (UBC in Canada) and an American program with funding. I honestly I don't know what I would do in that case! The Canadian masters is only 2 years but I can get my Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) in the US.


Hope: I will get into my top American program. 


Guess: I will get into one or two American programs. My stats are not that high and I have the disadvantage of applying internationally. You never know, though! 


Mine came true! To be honest, my plan was always to go to UBC but I never thought it would happen. I was afraid to even dream it would! I can take the Au.D. online later if I so decide :). Congrats to everyone else whose dreams came true! 

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