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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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Question for those who  applied to UPenn, what does the status of your application say?  Mine says "Ready for Review" when I look at the checklist but it's a recent thing since they thought I was missing documents previously.  Just curious.

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Congrats, ashiepoo! 


My POI/boss just asked if I knew when I would hear back about my apps. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing :/. We're in the midst of writing a grant so we've been flinging emails back and forth like crazy and that question kinda stopped me in my tracks. 

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Congrats, ashiepoo! 


My POI/boss just asked if I knew when I would hear back about my apps. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing :/. We're in the midst of writing a grant so we've been flinging emails back and forth like crazy and that question kinda stopped me in my tracks. 


Could it just mean he's out of the loop when it comes to notifications? I'd just be vague if you're uncomfortable answering. Like "I'm not sure, it seems to vary year to year."

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Could it just mean he's out of the loop when it comes to notifications? I'd just be vague if you're uncomfortable answering. Like "I'm not sure, it seems to vary year to year."

She said she was going to recuse herself from my apps due to potential conflict of interest (she wrote me a LOR and we're working on a grant/project together). It is possible she's out of the loop because she wants to be, I'm just not sure why she'd ask me. 


I just told her I haven't gotten a timeline yet, but hopefully in the next few weeks. 


I'm just in anxiety mode is all :P 

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Congrats to the Urbana-Champaign admit! What a great program :)


I'm sure you guys will hear good news in the coming days! I'm seriously looking forward to cracking open that patron with y'all to celebrate!

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Congrats, ashiepoo!

My POI/boss just asked if I knew when I would hear back about my apps. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing :/. We're in the midst of writing a grant so we've been flinging emails back and forth like crazy and that question kinda stopped me in my tracks.

My advisor asked me the same thing last week... He is the Grad Director... Had no idea what to make of that question...

Edited by Josh J.
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My advisor asked me the same thing last week... He is the Grad Director... Had no idea what to make of that question...

whew- glad it's not just me. 

Fingers crossed for both of us that it's something good? :) 

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Omg guys I think I died. I just got into Minnesota!

Congrats again! Let's see... you have been accepted at one school I previously applied to but did not get into (MI State), one great school that aligns with a lot of my interests but not all are in History (UC Davis), and one school I had thought about applying to before I did my MA (Minn).


I'm starting to get jealous. ;)


But on the off-chance that we both wind up at SUNY Albany, I'll let you buy me a tea to make up for it. ;) 

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