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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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So nobody has heard back from Georgetown about history, right? DC is not my first choice for places to live, but the program and my would-be adviser are such great fits. I'm hoping I at least hear this week...


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Me too! I was just lurking on the public history thread and saw that someone got funding at NCSU, and I was like what?!?!?!


Also, congrats Heimat Historian!


KBHistorian you got an official gw rejection?

@jdlsutton-I know! The only thing I can think of is that it's tied to our concentration. I think that person who already knows their funding is archives or library studies, so maybe we'll hear soon?

@Heimat Historian-Yes I did! But I was the museum studies applicant so I think that's different departments technically.

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Josh, I'm right there with you. Having seen the waves of acceptances roll past, I'm ready to get my formal notifications, be done with it, and take the next steps. Whatever they are.

Congratulations to all of the recent admits though! Boulder really is awesome, and despite Nashville's inability to handle snow it isn't too shabby of a place to live either.

Edited by JJWS
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Josh, I'm right there with you. Having seen the waves of acceptances roll past, I'm ready to get my formal notifications, be done with it, and take the next steps. Whatever they are.

Congratulations to all of the recent admits though! Boulder really is awesome, and despite Nashville's inability to handle snow it isn't too shabby of a place to live either.


Good luck mate, the wait must be so frustrating! Personally hoping you get the UNC acceptance ASAP.


I like your status update btw...

Edited by Gambaosaka1
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Holy whoa, looks like yesterday got active!! Congrats to everyone who got good news!! 


Everyone still waiting (or sadly crossing another one off the list), sharing your pain over here. 


JJWS, you're so right about the notifications and next steps. This week all my job hunt stuff is coming together and it's becoming a little overwhelming in the light of just not knowing where I stand. Had an awesome interview at a lovely company, got contacted by a headhunter from a seriously huge travel brand... Suddenly there's this huge range of salaries and contract types and start dates flying around, and it's like a puzzle of best fit vs. finances vs. relocation, all in the shadow of the not knowing. What if I get in somewhere and have to abandon a permanent job? Or take a 5-month role, counting on an acceptance that never comes, and have to repeat the job hunt AND the application process at the same damn time? 


So I may have an inkling of what you guys with multiple offers are going through, too.


So much stress.

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This is for Stanford, right? I didn't think they had any medievalists - at least, their department web page says they don't.


Just to tidy up this conversation, our Chair officially emailed us yesterday that Fiona Griffiths (who was visiting from NYU) will be with us permanently. Thus the admission of a medieval admit, because the program is underway once more. (This is what I had heard unofficially but didn't want to confirm until I had official word.)

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Boulder is awesome! Congrats Heimat! JJWS, great status and don't worry you'll hear back. I finally did, and it was somewhat of a relief even tough it was one school of eight and a rejection.

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Just to tidy up this conversation, our Chair officially emailed us yesterday that Fiona Griffiths (who was visiting from NYU) will be with us permanently. Thus the admission of a medieval admit, because the program is underway once more. (This is what I had heard unofficially but didn't want to confirm until I had official word.)


Glad to see it's up and running again! More medieval is more better!

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So, lately, to pass the time at home away from the computer, I've started watching Bosch on Amazon Prime and knitting a lovely hat.  It helps me take my mind off the application statuses.  Time away from the computer is good, especially since I spend all day on the computer at work. 

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Ya, I tell people to expect a response from UofT sometime in 2016. I don't know why it takes them so long. If I remember right it took them until April when I applied for the MA program. I was probably waitlisted though they did not tell me. I took another offer that came in early February and which offered a scholarship and teaching assistantship. I was angry with UofT for taking so long.

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I heard yesterday that I have been accepted to the PhD program at the University of Western Ontario with a substantial funding package. I do not know the nature of that funding...if it purely scholarship or involves a teaching assistantship...but I am excited none-the-less. I only submitted the application 2 weeks ago so I am surprised to have heard this soon. It is nice to know that whatever else happens I will be doing a PhD somewhere!


Now it is a waiting game. I do not expect to hear from Toronto, Oxford or Cambridge for at least another month.

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At this point, that's all I really want, I just want to know I've been accepted somewhere so I know I'll be studying (and no longer working my current job) next year so I can start wrapping things up around here.

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Perhaps this should go in the decisions thread, and I will go ahead and copy/paste, but...Is it bad form or rude to let a school know that you would like to accept their admissions offer, but you really can't 100% commit until you know what kind of funding they will offer?  My acceptance to OU is wonderful for me, but I have also been waiting three weeks to see what kind of funding they will offer me.  I already have enough debt to choke on, and I cannot add to it, so if I am not fully funded, I really can't attend.  I don't want to accept and then pull back either.  Thoughts?

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