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Has anyone else been having crazy dreams revolving around grad school? 


Here are my latest and craziest:


One of my top schools sends me a decision in the mail. Except it's a scratch off like a lottery ticket. I scratch off an entire sheet of paper using a penny just to find one word - rejection! 


I go to an interview at one of the schools and right before the interview another applicant gives me a piece of gum. During the interview the gum grows in size so that everything I say is mumbled and I have to apologize, get up, and spit it out. The interviewer tells me chewing gum automatically disqualifies me and to go home!  


Is it just me? Should I seek help LOL.


I posted this on another forum but had a pretty bad one too. I had a dream that I was accepted into one of my schools, was thrilled, but then "woke up" within my dream to realize I didn't really get accepted. Then still in my dream, I got a rejection from the same school but instead of just a simple rejection I actually got my application handed back to me in test format and scored something like a 17 out of 42 lol. There was a big X over one of my essays.


I guess you need help  :P


Just relax, drink some and have fun with friends, or try to focus on something (like puzzle or something) so you might be distracted. but whatever you do I guess you need to relax for a while since you see such nightmares :) 


I love this thread!!!


I had a dream that I had asked my landlord to write a letter of recommendation for me (of course I didn't in reality - he barely knows me), and I somehow got a hold of a copy of that letter. I open the letter, and it was filled with emoticons... like, "shuca is a pretty awesome girl and you should definitely let her in!! :):D YEAH! :wub: never late with her rent payment!! *high five*!!!!"


I woke up and was still confused about it, and was hitting myself for asking him to write a letter. (again, I didn't)


OMG Lisa19 and Shuca both of your dreams made me seriously laugh out loud!!!


I'm glad I'm not the only one. 


OMG AuD that's just awesome and comical - not that you got rejected but that you got rejected for chewing gum!

Theses dreams are just great!


I must share!


So, my choice school is Pitt. I have a friend who goes to school there (undergrad) now. I had a dream I went to visit to scope out the campus, meet people, etc. One day, he asks, "Have you seen my view?" I reply that I haven't, so he proceeds to open this curtain to a giant window...


All I can see is this beautiful picturesque skyline with the famous cathedral of learning in the middle...except it is a giant amazing amusement park! So, we then proceed to blow off all of the original, somewhat academic plans in favor of riding rollercoasters, going on giant waterslides, and driving bumper cars. 


I was not very happy when my cat woke me from that dream. It made everything feel okay!


In January right after submitting all my applications, I had a dream that all of my schools required a self-portrait drawn in kindergarten to be included with the letter of intent. All of my schools decided that my self-porttrait was so bad, that I was barred from ever applying to graduate school for the rest of my life.

You could say I'm a little anxious about this proces :/


Haha wow I thought I was the only one!  I had two separate nightmares:


1)  I got a really mean email from one of my schools saying that they can't believe they're actually reviewing my application, and that it could cost them THEIR jobs to even be caught with my app. (Somehow that made sense in my dream - my application was so terrible that they could get fired over even taking the time to consider it.  Haha!)


2) I got an acceptance from one of my top schools....in garbled Danish. Yeah. 


These are not so much about grad school as just an indicator of my frame of mind - I keep having dreams where I am handling fragile items that end up completely shattering. I've had two separate dreams where I end up breaking dozens of eggs and then another dream where I shattered a huge stack of delicate drinking glasses.


Haha!!! These are awesome!


I had a dream that I was with all my SLP post-bacc classmates, and we all lived together in a dorm/apartment type building, with our classrooms in the same building. And then, a bunch of the girls and I were chosen to take an 'excursion' with a professor. We were tromping around in the wilderness, dressed in camp, and carrying guns. We were led to this old factory looking building, and we were told that we were going to infiltrate a group of Russian spies. All of a sudden, our guns were gone, and all we had were pineapples. So the plan was to go into this meeting, and throw pineapple at the spies. I was so nervous and scared, and then all of a sudden, our professor told us it was all a big test to see how dedicated we were to the field of SLP!!! 


These are all hilarious and I think reading them and laughing is actually helping with the stress levels! Thanks for sharing guys and keep em coming! 


I've been dreaming every night for the last three months. Needless to say, my sanity is hanging on by a thread.


Of the ones I can still remember, I had dreams that:


1) The world was in chaos because zombies were taking over, and I was hiding in the upper level of an old brownstone temporarily. I was in a messy bedroom and my "boyfriend" was lying in bed cracking jokes about zombies. I laughed and walked over to the bed, and it was then that I realized my "boyfriend" was Andrew Lincoln, the guy who plays "Rick" on The Walking Dead.


2) A guy friend and I were falling in love, but my ex appeared and tried to steal him from me. The "guy friend" in my dream turned out to be Chris Hemsworth. I actually groaned in agony when I woke up from that dream.


3) I was fluently speaking French. I can speak French, but there is certainly nothing fluent about it.


These are hilarious! I know that I've had dreams about grad school, but I can't remember any of them. Now at least I'll have a place to talk about them!

Posted (edited)

Last night I had a dream that I was accepted into a program and living in a tiny dorm room again. I have a small dog but dogs were not allowed in the dorms and anyone caught with a dog would be kicked out. I needed to sneak my 8lb dog into my room for a few minutes while I packed a bag to take him to my family. I passed faculty in the halls but no one seemed to notice that I was carrying him. So, I put him down for a second to open my dorm room. When I placed him down on the floor he turned into my sister's 180lb mastiff!

Edited by pitt123

Great topic! :P Thanks for starting it, AudCSL :) I had some good laughs reading what you guys have posted so far.


I've been having crazy dreams for the past few weeks as well but have forgotten most of them by now. Here are two dreams I've had more recently. The first one is not funny at all, unfortunately :(


Dream 1: It seems I'm back in school and am attending some sort of social function. People are mingling and the atmosphere is super friendly and pretty laid back. I come upon an area where a group of girls are chatting. Some of them are wearing these really nice black and sparkly silver tops in different designs: horizontal stripes, vertical stripes, zig-zags going one way, zig-zags going the other way, etc. "You guys are dressed really nice," I say. Immediately all conversation ceases, and one of the girls (whom I now realize is the leader of the "pack") glares at me while expressing how disgusted she is that I didn't realize they're dressed that way because they're part of an elite social group. :(


Dream 2: Two of my stuffed animals are posting on the results page (I don't really know what), but they are referencing each other: "To the poster below..." That's all I can remember. :P


I just wanted to share this one. It isn't really grad school related, but I think it may have something to do with the anxiety/stress on top of my LOST binging over the past several days.


Last night, I couldn't sleep because I had coffee too late, and so I watched an episode of Lost before I went to sleep. I had wicked dreams about the island calling me and then when my alarms were going off this morning, I thought that they were indicators of time flashes. Every single alarm I woke up freaking out to my alarm! 


Hahahah I just can't stop laughing. 


Laughed so hard at this!!!


And all of these as a matter of fact!


I have dreams about this every other night, but nothing funny or too memorable. It really is nice to know I'm not alone in the insanity though!


My dream last night takes the cake. Usually when I dream about grad school, it's a nightmare, but this was an awesome dream that I didn't want to wake up from. I was in a large mall with a healthy smoothie bar in it. My mom and grandma were with me. We were supposed to travel to a graduate school somewhere to accept my offer, but the smoothie barista was new and kept delaying our ordering process. Once we finally got the smoothies, we realized that they were the most delicious drinks that we had ever tasted. However, we were late for our plane. Suddenly, someone shouted, "Bob Barker is here!" Yes, Bob Barker, the former host of the Price is Right. He was seated in a chair a few feet away from me. I went to shake his hand and tell him how much I respected him, and he said, "Hi Amanda! Peace, peace, peace, peace. I'll take you all to school." I don't know what the peace-ing meant, but I laughed so hard when I woke up.


I had a recurring nightmare leading up to gradschool interviews. I was sitting in the interview and my jaw was stuck, so I couldn't open my mouth to speak to the professors interviewing me no matter how hard I tried. I would always wake up in a cold sweat. (End of dream) AND THEN, the week of my interview, IN REAL LIFE, I lost my voice because of a cold!!!! My dream was totally a premonition! It was crazy.

  On 3/5/2014 at 4:05 PM, argslp said:

My dream last night takes the cake. Usually when I dream about grad school, it's a nightmare, but this was an awesome dream that I didn't want to wake up from. I was in a large mall with a healthy smoothie bar in it. My mom and grandma were with me. We were supposed to travel to a graduate school somewhere to accept my offer, but the smoothie barista was new and kept delaying our ordering process. Once we finally got the smoothies, we realized that they were the most delicious drinks that we had ever tasted. However, we were late for our plane. Suddenly, someone shouted, "Bob Barker is here!" Yes, Bob Barker, the former host of the Price is Right. He was seated in a chair a few feet away from me. I went to shake his hand and tell him how much I respected him, and he said, "Hi Amanda! Peace, peace, peace, peace. I'll take you all to school." I don't know what the peace-ing meant, but I laughed so hard when I woke up.

Bob Barker?  Hehe, I love dreams that have you laughing when you wake up :P


  On 3/5/2014 at 4:13 PM, sheranik said:

I had a recurring nightmare leading up to gradschool interviews. I was sitting in the interview and my jaw was stuck, so I couldn't open my mouth to speak to the professors interviewing me no matter how hard I tried. I would always wake up in a cold sweat. (End of dream) AND THEN, the week of my interview, IN REAL LIFE, I lost my voice because of a cold!!!! My dream was totally a premonition! It was crazy.

Sorry about your nightmare and about losing your voice in real life :( I hope you were able to manage!



I have two new crazy dreams to contribute...


Dream 1: I'm in rural Southeast Asia and don't have my contact lenses with me, so I need to get fitted for eye glasses. This salesman guy recommends a new "scholar's" model for me. He has one of his assistants run into the village to fetch an actual pair off of the area's most renowned scholar. The assistant comes back with a pair of glasses that's actually affixed to a wooden square board that you wear on your head, kind of like a graduation cap. I put it on, but the lenses are way too far from my eyes. Then I realize I'm wearing it backwards. I adjust it, and a feeling of scholarliness washes over me.


Dream 2: I come upon a small "Fisher-Price"-looking wagon made of colorful, hard plastic (the kind Legos are made of). The wagon has a cover over it and a handle by which to pull it. I realize it's essentially a rolling backpack made of hard plastic. The neat thing about it is that in order to put books inside, all you need to do is lay the book on top of the cover, and the book gets "eaten," kind of like how a CD gets "eaten" when you insert it into a disk drive. I study the dimensions of the wagon and conclude that if it were just a tiny bit bigger, it would be PERFECT for grad school.


I so look forward to sleep these days. Not because I'm sleep-deprived and bordering on utter lunacy from this entire process, but because I'm excited to "see" what crazy dreams my tortured mind will create next. 

Posted (edited)

Loll I had a dream that I was in my old job at the bakery, and Cher came into the store and said,"hey where yah been, I miss you making my coffee. " I was so flattered that I was like," Cher I miss making your coffee too but I've been busy." She was like,"Don't worry I wrote you a letter of recommendation. " I'm not sure why but I thought I could get into any grad program with Cher's letter meanwhile I don't even listen to Cher. It can only mean one thing, I'm meant to meet Cher and ask her for a letter. ..Lmao Jk Btw congrats PsychD, I saw your acceptances!!

Edited by LDadvocate

lol LD that was hilarious!

And thanks! I'm sure I'll have a dream soon that all of my schools made a mistake and rescinded their offers lol

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