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Admission and Wait List Declines

Wait For It...

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I had a similar thought. It was suggested to me that the Waitlist thread was sufficient for this sort of thing..


The waitlist thread has A LOT of posts which can make it difficult to figure out whether anyone has declined an offer or waitlist spot from a school you're trying to get into. It's also full of a lot of posts that are off topic. I agree with Wait For It…, a new thread is a good way to go.   

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Does anyone have any info on Fordham?

I know a guy who was admitted a few weeks ago and another guy who was rejected a couple weeks ago. I don't know whether they're done accepting. I know that some schools keep some applications on hand---a back up wait list of sorts---just in case they burn through their wait list; if so, the fact that you haven't been rejected might mean that you're on such a "list." Have you emailed the department to inquire about your status? 

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I know a guy who was admitted a few weeks ago and another guy who was rejected a couple weeks ago. I don't know whether they're done accepting. I know that some schools keep some applications on hand---a back up wait list of sorts---just in case they burn through their wait list; if so, the fact that you haven't been rejected might mean that you're on such a "list." Have you emailed the department to inquire about your status? 


I'm on the wait list. I was notified about a month ago. I have e-mailed Dr. Drummond but was told I likely won't hear anything until 4/15, but I'm trying to glean whatever I can beforehand.


Do you know whether or not the guy who was admitted a few weeks ago is accepting the offer? (Presumably he was admitted off the wait list … )

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I'm on the wait list. I was notified about a month ago. I have e-mailed Dr. Drummond but was told I likely won't hear anything until 4/15, but I'm trying to glean whatever I can beforehand.


Do you know whether or not the guy who was admitted a few weeks ago is accepting the offer? (Presumably he was admitted off the wait list … )

He was not admitted off the wait list, actually. And, as of now, he has two offers and two wait lists; and one of the wait lists is his top choice, so I assume he'll try and "wait for it…" (I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it! haha) 


What I don't know is how Fordham stacks up against the other offer (or the other wait list). I can ask him next time I see him. Best of luck!  

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I was hoping that the waitlist thread would be sufficient, but I do know that it was cluttered with off-topic stuff I didn't want to wade through. For that reason, I feared a well-intentioned new thread might similarly become cluttered with off-topic stuff. So, I suggested against this thread because it would mean wading through more off-topic discussion, redundancy, etc. With that said, I do like the idea if people can stay on topic here.


As for me:

Declined Boston U acceptance on 3/21.

Declined UC Riverside waitlist (don't know position) on 3/21.

Declined Indiana waitlist (top) on 2/24.

FWIW, my interests are in German philosophy (Kant through Nietzsche) and ethics.

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I was hoping that the waitlist thread would be sufficient, but I do know that it was cluttered with off-topic stuff I didn't want to wade through. For that reason, I feared a well-intentioned new thread might similarly become cluttered with off-topic stuff. So, I suggested against this thread because it would mean wading through more off-topic discussion, redundancy, etc. With that said, I do like the idea if people can stay on topic here.


As for me:

Declined Boston U acceptance on 3/21.

Declined UC Riverside waitlist (don't know position) on 3/21.

Declined Indiana waitlist (top) on 2/24.

FWIW, my interests are in German philosophy (Kant through Nietzsche) and ethics.

Thanks for the contribution! I hope we can stay on topic on here. 

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Wait For It..., have you received any information from Loyola asides from the initial email? If offered admission, do you think you would accept?



We could speak about it through PM if you'd rather not discuss it here.

Just PM'd you. 

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I've turned down an offer from UVA, and I took myself off the wait-list at Arizona and UPenn.  I'll be turning down offers from two of the following within the next two weeks:  UNC-Chapel Hill, Duke, and WUSTL.  I've visited Duke and WUSTL, and I still have to visit UNC before deciding.  

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I've turned down an offer from UVA, and I took myself off the wait-list at Arizona and UPenn.  I'll be turning down offers from two of the following within the next two weeks:  UNC-Chapel Hill, Duke, and WUSTL.  I've visited Duke and WUSTL, and I still have to visit UNC before deciding.  

Very helpful and (for many) encouraging info! Thank you for contributing! 

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I just declined my offer from UCSB. I hope this helps someone else! 

Thank you! I'm in at UCSB but two friends have yet to hear anything. I'd love for one or both of them to be accepted too! I'll inform them that they are now competing with one less person. 

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