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MFA 2015 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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That's so awesome!!! Congrats!!! Are you going to take their offer? My stupid mail doesn't come until 5. Stupid waiting game!

I'm going to wait and see if I get anything out of SVA or NYU -- but the amount of money they gave me, I really can't pass it up. Thanks god they gave me until April to decide, I know some places want you to decide earlier. Good luck!

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Had Skype interviews with VCU and Austin last weekend both for painting... I think they went ok but VCU asks tough questions


Interviews with Tyler and SFAI this weekend and feeling way more prepared now that I had the other two previous interviews, I feel now like I know what to expect. 


Anyone heard from Berkeley, Columbia, Hunter, or UCLA? 


tcolcord, good luck with the SFAI interview! 


I was just accepted into their low residency program :) The interview I had with them was surprisingly casual and warm; it's good you're not stressing about it. They asked the standard "why do you want to study here?", but that was the really the only thing they asked me. They just seemed excited to see me & were really in-tune with my work;  they already had ideas of who I should work with/avenues to explore/other artists I should look into, so most of the interview was just a conversation really. I also visited the grad studios  (a 25 minute drive from the main campus) and spoke with some current students. Really inspiring work happening there, lots of craziness. There are 200 grads in the building and from what I gather,  the full-time MFA program is geared around complete freedom and experimentation, paired with heavy reading (theory/etc) and critiques. Overall, seems like a great school & I'm hoping I can make it happen financially. But you know, these private art schools come with a big price tag.


I also applied to Berkeley and no response yet, so im guessing that means I didn't make the cut... Hella lame.

Edited by Vinny51
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Since we're not expecting any news today, let's just talk about interviews. 

This is what I was asked in the only interview I have had so far (Alfred sculpture, second time applying):


-Why do you want to come here and how could you contribute to the program?

-Tell us about the materials you are working with.

-How do you incorporate your audience in your work?

-What is risk in sculpture?

-What are your passions besides sculpture?

-Question related to my statement.


I had decided I wouldn't prepare for this interview because I wanted it to be very natural and well...mistake. Honestly I believe it should be somewhere in between. The risk question is obviously meant to take you out of prepared answers, but I thought I could have been a lot clearer if I had prepared the other answers.


Anyone has any experience with Northwestern's MFA and their interview? 


I had a very similar experience with Alfred sculpture... I believe I was their first interview on Tuesday. I had prepared but was a little uneasy for some reason and then when I got to the interview my nerves really got to me. My only other interview has been with UO, it was a totally different format (only two professor, over the phone, and pretty quick and informal). I had felt I came across maybe a little too formal and overly-confident with UO, but with Alfred I felt very unclear and lacking confidence. So not to worry... at least once other had a weird Alfred interview. 


As for other schools I'm assuming I'm out of the running for UCI and UT Austin. The only other dangling out there is VCU sculpture. I've been applying away for other opportunities assuming I might need another year to get what I want. This has been my first time around and I've really learned so much

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Also waiting on Syracuse for MFA Photo!


If I'm not mistaken, folks were starting to hear back around time last year for interviews. I should probably go outside and take some pictures, yet here I sit...

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hi Tong2015, I received my acceptance to FSU by email today, much sooner than I had anticipated hearing back.

Sorry if this brings bad news for you. Good luck with your other applications! 

Congrats!!!! I think I'll ask them by email.

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I sent Tracy some post questions on the 11th, and I have been checking my phone religiously, haha... Well, I am going to assume that I got rejected, but I am very pleased with myself  on getting an interview! (Thinking positively)  I actually visited NIU and ISU and they were really awesome, each  gave some really good feedback for my work. This is also my second time applying to NIU, I applied back in 2013. Thanks for giving me the info, it's great knowing that there is another printmaker going through the waiting as well as applying to majority of the same schools! Good choices if I do say so myself!

I have a facebook, you can find me as Cecily Brooke and I also have a facebook page for my work; https://www.facebook.com/cecilybrookeprintmaker. Feel free to add me or comment on my work. My school only consists of two Grad Printmakers (me included) so I'm excited to branch out to meet new printmakers and other fine artists!  

Yeah! I would be proud of getting an interview, and I know they weren't sure on funding yet so if you got an interview you're likely to be in their tops if someone declines!  I got an email from NIU about an hour ago with not good news, but it was a very personal and surprisingly uplifting email for what it was haha! So I hope you heard otherwise.  I actually creeped last night (your username isn't really a cipher haha) and in my intro to print class we're starting monoprints so I showed them some of yours, I'll be sure to look you up on the social media a bit later. 


Also, I definitely recommend checking out Kent State, that's where I did my undergrad and where I"m teaching now and they have some great printmakers, resources and excellent funding.  It's within 45 minutes of Cleveland which is a good hub for art and printmakers.  Plus you'd be in a huge brand new shop in the fall.  Let me know if you have any questions about that, I believe they're still accepting applications.

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My friend was just interviewed over the phone for UCLA MFA (Painting) yesterday. He said they only contacted a handful of people, so it's safe for me to assume I am out. I'm expecting the formal rejection in March.

Edited by DENA
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My friend was just interviewed over the phone for UCLA MFA (Painting) yesterday. He said they only contacted a handful of people, so it's safe for me to assume I am out. I'm expecting the formal rejection in March.


c'mon UCLA. no whammies.

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Yeah! I would be proud of getting an interview, and I know they weren't sure on funding yet so if you got an interview you're likely to be in their tops if someone declines!  I got an email from NIU about an hour ago with not good news, but it was a very personal and surprisingly uplifting email for what it was haha! So I hope you heard otherwise.  I actually creeped last night (your username isn't really a cipher haha) and in my intro to print class we're starting monoprints so I showed them some of yours, I'll be sure to look you up on the social media a bit later. 


Also, I definitely recommend checking out Kent State, that's where I did my undergrad and where I"m teaching now and they have some great printmakers, resources and excellent funding.  It's within 45 minutes of Cleveland which is a good hub for art and printmakers.  Plus you'd be in a huge brand new shop in the fall.  Let me know if you have any questions about that, I believe they're still accepting applications.


Kent State was on my original list, I checked the site and it said the deadline was Feb. 2nd, but if things don't go so well this round I'll be sure to apply to them for the next round!  Thank you for showing my prints to your class, that makes me feel pretty awesome.  I haven't heard anything from NIU (just checked my email) so here is to hoping that's a good sign!  Michael Barnes is an awesome guy, and his personal litho press kicks apple! When I got rejected a couple years ago, I was checking the portal and saw the rejection.


I also creeped on you as well, so no worries. Also, when I visited Illinois State, they told me they only accepted people that they have money to fund, which rumor has it, is two for the upcoming Fall. They were also waiting for a greenlight to start a new building complex for the visual arts and getting upgrade their printmaking facilities. I don't know what the status of that is, at the current moment. I don't know much about Ohio University, on funding or how many they are taking in. I think IUB is taking in 4 printmakers for the upcoming Fall at least that's speculation that my friend (IUB Ceramics Dept.) told me earlier today. 

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I had a very similar experience with Alfred sculpture... I believe I was their first interview on Tuesday. I had prepared but was a little uneasy for some reason and then when I got to the interview my nerves really got to me. My only other interview has been with UO, it was a totally different format (only two professor, over the phone, and pretty quick and informal). I had felt I came across maybe a little too formal and overly-confident with UO, but with Alfred I felt very unclear and lacking confidence. So not to worry... at least once other had a weird Alfred interview. 


As for other schools I'm assuming I'm out of the running for UCI and UT Austin. The only other dangling out there is VCU sculpture. I've been applying away for other opportunities assuming I might need another year to get what I want. This has been my first time around and I've really learned so much

Iaaru, I was notified today I was admitted to Alfred (phone call). I have 10 days to decide!!! I am really happy, considering I've heard it's a great program and it is a full ride. I hope you got the call as well. I still haven't heard from half the schools I applied to (I have an interview with Northwestern and Cornell), but Alfred is definitely one of my top choices, so I'll have to seriously think about it. Good luck with your interviews :)

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Check out this article of advice….  "The Grad School Letter Arrives ... Now What?"   

Thanks, that was a very practical reading!


I am not sure about the april 15th deadline, last year (I was waitlisted)  someone said certain schools do ask for an early decision, probably a strategy to have the candidates select them haha.

And about location, yeah, I know Alfred is not the most urban place to live for 2 years, but oh well, I can still travel to NYC once a month and it will be great forcing myself into concentrating on my work the rest of the time. 

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