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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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Even though I know they won't be notifying for Laurier until the end of February I am still jumping every time my phone dings hoping they miraculously finished early.  For better or for worse I'll  know within 3 weeks but I really want to know now!!!  I keep going back and forth between thinking I have no shot at all of getting in to thinking that I will totally get in.  Unfortunately you can't prepare for bad news and I know I'll be crushed if I don't get in.

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Not sure if this is the place to ask, but I've applied to the 2 year MSW program at U of T. We're not supposed to hear back until mid-April, so I was wondering if/how I should go about applying for funding. Is this endeavour even feasible before I've finished my undergrad classes and/or heard back from them? 

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Even though I know they won't be notifying for Laurier until the end of February I am still jumping every time my phone dings hoping they miraculously finished early.  For better or for worse I'll  know within 3 weeks but I really want to know now!!!  I keep going back and forth between thinking I have no shot at all of getting in to thinking that I will totally get in.  Unfortunately you can't prepare for bad news and I know I'll be crushed if I don't get in.

smplesh, I am like you, I am suddenly so excited I cant wait until the end of feb. Although I am not applying to Laurier(initially planned to), I am still so excited. also not sure sure what Ill do if I don't get in  :D fingers crossed!!!!!

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@Prairiegirl2015 where did you apply?


@Rox I am not 100% sure but I believe some schools will offer funding when they send their letter of acceptance, at least this is the impression I have from previous posts for applicants accepted to York's program. As for other scholarships and funding I believe some application deadlines have passed, but I am sure there are other ones.

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Hey @blh22 I applied to Carleton, York, U of T, Ryerson and Calgary. I hope I get into atleast one! I dont want to go back to work in the fall so fingers crossed for acceptance into school. Did you just apply to those two schools? Whats CFT/MFT? Is that like a counselling program?

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Hi lore - this is actually a thread for people applying for social work programs.  If you look on the main waiting it out page you will see a thread that is for anyone applying to any Canadian university.

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Hey @blh22 I applied to Carleton, York, U of T, Ryerson and Calgary. I hope I get into atleast one! I dont want to go back to work in the fall so fingers crossed for acceptance into school. Did you just apply to those two schools? Whats CFT/MFT? Is that like a counselling program?


Good luck! :) I looked into Calgary's program but I want to stay in Ontario so I decided against it, but their curriculum for their program definitely struck my interest. Do you have any specific specialization or streams in mind for any of the MSW programs? 


I have applied to 3 schools - 2 MSW's (Toronto and Laurier) and 1 for Couple and Family Therapy (Guelph). The CFT/MFT program is a counselling program, but not psychology-based and very clinically focused. Unfortunately, they only interview 16 students and accept 8 into their program. So, competition is extremely steep! 

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Hi, I got a rejection letter from York's two-year MSW program. I also applied for Uof T and U of Windsor for the two-year MSW, fingers crossed! Good luck to everyone! 


Hey there, I'm sorry to hear that, hope it goes better for you at the other schools!


General question for everyone though, isn't it early compared to other years to be hearing back from York? Last year I got my rejection letter close to May, did anyone get letters earlier last year? 

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@baozaifan, did they say why? 

@blh22 for calgary I applied to the clinical stream and to U of T I applied to the children and their families stream. I am looking to do something in trauma specifically children exposed to trauma! 


Did anybody else hear anything?

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Hi, I got a rejection letter from York's two-year MSW program. I also applied for Uof T and U of Windsor for the two-year MSW, fingers crossed! Good luck to everyone! 

Hi there! I have also applied to all those schools! I have not heard from York yet though, I thought this would be early?? Where did you see your status change?


Best of luck with the other schools!

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I just got this email from Carleton admin:


"Hello ______, we are hoping to have all decisions made by the end of February, and information can be obtained through the Carleton portal, but an email will be generated to the application when there is an action on their file.   If an offer of admission is approved by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs (FGPA) they will be sending the successful candidates the offer of admission by email.   Sue"

I applied to Carleton too!!! You scared me a little now that is so soon! it's good though, better to know!!! Good luck to you!!

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I have been reading this forum the past couple of months and I finally thought i should write a post!  I applied to couple of schools, really hoping to get at least one acceptance, I am eager to start this new step and get into the field!  It's been great hearing everyone's experiences, especially as we get closer to hearing back from schools :)


I am really hoping for U of T and Laurier, although from what I hear about Laurier it can be very difficult to get in!


Has anyone else heard back from York??? I read that someone had heard back already?



Applied to: U of T, Laurier, Windsor, York and Carleton






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I had the same reaction! I didn't realize it was so soon either! I was expecting to wait until April but I guess not! Did you apply for the 2 year or 1 year program? It's my first choice so I'm really counting on this, fingers crossed. Good luck to you as well :) 

I applied to Carleton too!!! You scared me a little now that is so soon! it's good though, better to know!!! Good luck to you!!

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Based on things I heard from someone who is currently in the program, apparently once the social work department at York gets all the applications from the central graduate applications at York, they do a round of rejections purely based on GPA (I don't know if there is an absolute GPA cutoff or if it's done as a percentile and I have no idea how strict/extensive it is), so it seems likely that the committee hasn't gone through applications in depth yet and anything happening now is purely based on GPA. I know last year I didn't find out I was rejected until late April and the person I know in the program now found out they were accepted within the first few days of April, so they probably haven't gone through applications in depth yet.

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I had the same reaction! I didn't realize it was so soon either! I was expecting to wait until April but I guess not! Did you apply for the 2 year or 1 year program? It's my first choice so I'm really counting on this, fingers crossed. Good luck to you as well :)

I applied to the 2-year regular track!  I am really nervous because of all the hours they require, i met those requirements but it makes me think that people are applying with a lot more!  At least we won't have to wait much longer to know, looks like its the first school that will be sending responses. What does your status say currently?

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Based on things I heard from someone who is currently in the program, apparently once the social work department at York gets all the applications from the central graduate applications at York, they do a round of rejections purely based on GPA (I don't know if there is an absolute GPA cutoff or if it's done as a percentile and I have no idea how strict/extensive it is), so it seems likely that the committee hasn't gone through applications in depth yet and anything happening now is purely based on GPA. I know last year I didn't find out I was rejected until late April and the person I know in the program now found out they were accepted within the first few days of April, so they probably haven't gone through applications in depth yet.

That makes sense, i was wondering why my status had no changes in either direction. Thanks for the info!

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Carleton definitely does require a lot of hours, but if you've met the requirements I think that's half the battle. I'm sure they probably eliminate a lot of candidates because they lack the required amount of hours. I'm worried because they only accept 25 people, that's so low in comparison to the other universities. Granted, not as many people apply to Carleton but still... They also seemed really lenient with their application. For the personal statement, I had contacted Sue Brady (the admin woman) and had asked her if they wanted mini essays for each questions, or one long essay and about the word count. She has simply said that they like to give the choice to the applicant and you could do as you please. That worried me because I didn't know what was best etc. I ended up writing 1 long essay. 


So many feelings! I'd love to know before midterms start happening because I'm finding it so hard to concentrate on school when I really want to know whats going on with my life in the next 6 months. haha. How are you juggling work/school with the waiting game? 


My status currently says: "Review under progress by the department" You?


We are literally finding out in less than 21 days!

I applied to the 2-year regular track!  I am really nervous because of all the hours they require, i met those requirements but it makes me think that people are applying with a lot more!  At least we won't have to wait much longer to know, looks like its the first school that will be sending responses. What does your status say currently?

Edited by purplegrey
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Hey everyone! I posted once before a few months back. Just was wondering if anyone has heard back from the MSW programs at Waterloo or Western?

I received an email yesterday that I have been accepted into the University of Windsor but I really want to hear back from the others before I make my decision!


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Carleton definitely does require a lot of hours, but if you've met the requirements I think that's half the battle. I'm sure they probably eliminate a lot of candidates because they lack the required amount of hours. I'm worried because they only accept 25 people, that's so low in comparison to the other universities. Granted, not as many people apply to Carleton but still... They also seemed really lenient with their application. For the personal statement, I had contacted Sue Brady (the admin woman) and had asked her if they wanted mini essays for each questions, or one long essay and about the word count. She has simply said that they like to give the choice to the applicant and you could do as you please. That worried me because I didn't know what was best etc. I ended up writing 1 long essay. 


So many feelings! I'd love to know before midterms start happening because I'm finding it so hard to concentrate on school when I really want to know whats going on with my life in the next 6 months. haha. How are you juggling work/school with the waiting game? 


My status currently says: "Review under progress by the department" You?


We are literally finding out in less than 21 days!

Oh gosh I did not know that they accepted so few people!  Do you know how many apply?  That brings my confidence down a bit but what will be will be! it would definitely be a big move for me If i were to go there but at this point i just want at least one acceptance so i can get my degree moving haha!  as for the personal statement i also did 1 long essay, I think that is better because you really get your whole story out that way so we did that well I think!  Are you doing your undergrad right now?


That is my status right now too.  i was reading the past forum and someone had something about a change in their status to something longer so I was wondering if that was suppose to be good news or not haha just looking out for any clues! i don't know how i will last the next couple weeks.....

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Hey everyone! I posted once before a few months back. Just was wondering if anyone has heard back from the MSW programs at Waterloo or Western?

I received an email yesterday that I have been accepted into the University of Windsor but I really want to hear back from the others before I make my decision!


So nice to hear that another person on here applied to Western! I haven't seen too many. Congratulations on getting accepted to Windsor! What is your preference?

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Hi everyone!


I have been just following along with the posts and finally decided to join in! I applied to University of Windsor's 2 yr MSW and Lakehead's 1yr HBSW.

Congratulations to FeistyFem for getting accepted into Windsor! If you do not mind me asking...what kind of volunteer experience do you have?

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Hi there! I have also applied to all those schools! I have not heard from York yet though, I thought this would be early?? Where did you see your status change?


Best of luck with the other schools!

Thank you aleksp, I received a letter from York, saying that I do not meet their requirements. I checked my online status after, it showed"unsuccessful".  :(

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