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2015 Acceptance Thread


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I can also say I strongly suspect that they are not trolling about their attendance at UNC in the Fall, take it for what you will. 


But the mood of the thread seems to be rampant down-voting, so....

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How come so many of the "big" schools haven't released acceptances yet? Don't they usually release something by this time, if not earlier? Is it that they *have* released, and the applicants who were accepted just aren't posting on the gradcafe, or what?

Edited by riverstyx
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Can anyone confirm the Yale acceptance?


I put up an official notification based on 1) the posted acceptance, 2) aduh's comment that s/he knows someone who was accepted (it's a few pages back now), and 3) the timing. I took aduh's comment to be confirmation enough, though so far we don't have anyone reporting that they were themselves accepted.

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Guys, it might be best if we stop feeding the troll and keep this thread for its original purpose - announcing acceptances and congratulating each other on them.

Yes, can we all just ignore the obvious troll. Harvard, NYU, and Yale acceptances up, but not sure if legit.

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I'm doubting NYU's authenticity.


As am I, at this point. The two posts came within a couple minutes, are identical, and come much earlier than NYU's previous release dates. We'll wait and see, but I'm skeptical as well.

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Thanks Nathan! Do you happen to know when will UConn release acceptances/waitlists?

Unfortunately I've got no more information than you; they don't tell me any of the good stuff. Hopefully soon!

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Aw c'mon, Ian. Help a philosopher out and spill the beans :)


OK, I'm now privileged to say: NYU is calling people. David Chalmers called my good friend this afternoon to extend an offer of admission. My guess, based on the timing of my friend's notification (later in the day), is that NYU is not done calling people.


Copied from my update on philosophyadmissions.wordpress:

"A good friend of mine called me tonight to say that he was admitted to NYU in the later part of the day on Friday. The call came straight from David Chalmers. Based on the timing, I think NYU will continue to extend offers over the weekend. It’s also possible that all offers were extended today. If Chalmers calls you, it will likely be a New York City area code (as it was for my friend). Chalmers did not leave a voice message on his first attempt. (Ian Faircloud)"


I can give you more information about my friend. My friend's AOIs are metaphysics and epistemology. He's quite good and has been invited to present his writing sample at a few respectable conferences. His academic pedigree is impressive. He's also a very good person with an interesting personal background. He's not from an especially privileged background but sort of worked his way to the top. Anyway, I'm thrilled for him. He deserves it.

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I didn't apply to NYU. So I thought I'd switch things up: I just called David Chalmers. 


And I tried to up vote posts here, but unfortunately I have reached my daily quota of up votes. What a measly quota it is...

Edited by a_for_aporia
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Hey, sidebysondheim: Don't be greedy! :) You're doing QUITE well, from this angle.

Let him call to reject me then. I'm fine with that. 


I'd actually rather have Don Garrett call to accept me. He was my UG advisor's PhD advisor.  :)

Edited by sidebysondheim
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