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Be honest... How many times have you checked your email today?

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Alright be honest, how many times have you checked your email or decision sites today? 


I have definitely checked my email between 20-30 times today and each decision site about 10 times each. 


Does anyone else feel like an email junkie? 

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Gosh, it's hard to count. I check my email every time the ping for a new message sounds on my phone. Since I have three email accounts total, two of which are spammed often with a lot of adverts, I'd say around 10 times today. Usually, it is much worse. If I add in gradcafe results searching, my total is more like 15. 


These two spammy accounts annoy the hell out of me for this reason. The only thing that makes up for it is the email header, "Harry Potter and the Meth" whenever ff.net sends me an alert for HP and the Methods of Rationality. At least then, I can get a chuckle instead of rolling my eyes at yet another Coldstone ice cream deal [those folks don't take "no" for an answer]. 

Edited by TXInstrument11
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I checked my email about 20 times today, although I primarily check 4 out of the remaining 8 pending apps: UPenn, Notre Dame, WUSTL and Carnegie Mellon. Columbia, Tufts, Vanderbilt and Dartmouth fielded no official offers for my subfield at this point (and the one offer from Columbia listed here was for experimental condensed matter, while all UPenn offers were for experimental particle)

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I use my university email service, which is low tech and doesn't give notifications. So, I have to manually refresh my inbox to check for emails.


I've refreshed what seems like an uncountably infinite number of times today. I even do this on the weekends. I'm not just waiting for result emails (only one program left to hear from), but also corresponding with profs and admin about visits, research interests, general program questions, etc..


It really hurts my productivity.

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Glad to hear that I am not alone. I wake up every morning telling myself that I'm only going to check it just once or twice. Before I know it I've relapsed and checked it 10 times before noon. The worst part is that I even check it between 2am and 5am when I get up for a sip of water. I'm always afraid that my fiancé is going to catch me checking it at like 3am so I go out to the living room for a quick fix haha  

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Glad to hear that I am not alone. I wake up every morning telling myself that I'm only going to check it just once or twice. Before I know it I've relapsed and checked it 10 times before noon. The worst part is that I even check it between 2am and 5am when I get up for a sip of water. I'm always afraid that my fiancé is going to catch me checking it at like 3am so I go out to the living room for a quick fix haha  


Awww. I'm not that bad. You'll get through this soon enough!  :)






Yeah. No. Who the fuck am I kidding? We're all hopeless addicts until the end of this application season.


"relapsed", LOL. Yep, I'm right there with you!

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I also have it pushed through, so frequently!  I also check my notification sites a few times, but I try to limit that to "reasonable" times and amounts.


To those that said they check at night/early in the morning -- I do not recommend it! I had a rejection come at 6:00am on Saturday (and I was within the same timezone as the program) :(


Let me tell you, rejections before coffee are not fun.

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I also have it pushed through, so frequently!  I also check my notification sites a few times, but I try to limit that to "reasonable" times and amounts.


To those that said they check at night/early in the morning -- I do not recommend it! I had a rejection come at 6:00am on Saturday (and I was within the same timezone as the program) :(


Let me tell you, rejections before coffee are not fun.

I have thought about that outcome... and I know a rejection would ruin my day but I still check! I also check my postal mailbox everyday...

I'm a Canadian applicant, so my waiting time has been about two weeks from deadline. Some American programs are taking forever! I truly feel for you guys who haven't heard anything! 

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I'm ridiculous. It's as bad as checking for final grades at the end of the semester. I'm so bad that I check at times of the night when I know they are not sending emails. Right now, for example, I realize that these committees are not meeting at all hours of the night, but I just checked a few places anyway. I have rationalized my behavior by saying that they could have features like the bank that update at midnight. Even I can't stand me right now. HAHA

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Just wondering if anyone else shares this trait? My evening "relaxation" consists of rereading my SOP, CV, and a LOR a professor gave to me before submitting it to my programs. I keep grading my application to no avail, since I have no idea what other people's applications look like. 

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Gosh, it's hard to count. I check my email every time the ping for a new message sounds on my phone. Since I have three email accounts total, two of which are spammed often with a lot of adverts, I'd say around 10 times today. Usually, it is much worse. If I add in gradcafe results searching, my total is more like 15. 


These two spammy accounts annoy the hell out of me for this reason. The only thing that makes up for it is the email header, "Harry Potter and the Meth" whenever ff.net sends me an alert for HP and the Methods of Rationality. At least then, I can get a chuckle instead of rolling my eyes at yet another Coldstone ice cream deal [those folks don't take "no" for an answer]. 

That book is great! I am trying to restrain myself from reading the last chapters until it is finished.


Most of the time I am working on my laptop with my mailbox open in one tab. Every couple of minutes or seconds, depending on how focused I am, I will just glance at it to see whether it has this anxiety inducing (1).

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I have thought about that outcome... and I know a rejection would ruin my day but I still check! I also check my postal mailbox everyday...

I'm a Canadian applicant, so my waiting time has been about two weeks from deadline. Some American programs are taking forever! I truly feel for you guys who haven't heard anything! 

Oh, for sure.  Even thought that I have learned it first hand, I still do it -- ha! For me, the email was sent at 6:00 and I, for whatever stroke of bad luck, happened to wake up and check my email at 6:05! If only I had woken up ten minutes earlier and missed it...


I also check the postal mail everyday, and my mail gets delivered so late.  It drives me insane!

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I've already heard back from all of my programs and I'm still obsessively checking my email. It's a bad habit now. I thought once I had heard back, my life would go back to normal, but now I'm anxiously awaiting responses from professors, updates on an old journal submission, etc. It's pretty sad.

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More times than I can count...unless I'm engaged in my other pastime: staring at my email continuously, as if I could will it to come in through mind control or something, lol! And when I was in the library yesterday, everytime I heard someone else's iphone "chirp," my anxiety level would soar through the roof...I think my brain has learned to associate that noise with anxiety, even when it's someone else's email!

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I have mine set so my personal email is on fetch only and my school email pushes (I TA and also commute two hours to get to campus so if a class is cancelled or someone wants to meet outside my office hours I need to get the notification ASAP).

So while I haven't been manually checking my email since it chimes every time I get one--I have been overly omg I need to look at this NOW since January. This week sucks because it's been nonstop weather info and I just came out of an interview weekend for my top choice program. Stop telling me it's icy! I know it's icy! I can look out my window, dang it!

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I work at a desk. My email and gradcafe are constantly open. I check the email tab maybe once every three minutes. I also have a Page Monitor plug-in for Chrome, which scans the results search for my still-pending application keywords about once every ten minutes. 


I also usually check my remaining application portals once a day, on the off chance a decision has been posted without my having been alerted. 


In the evenings, though, I've taken to cooking to distract myself. Tonight I'm going to try to make a pork belly quesadilla. 

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A lot and I've only been doing this recently. Ever since I've turned in my applications, I've made myself not think about it too much for about a month and a half (I was also super busy afterwards).  About 3 days ago, I called the admissions office asking on the status of my application and the person on the phone said that it has been reviewed very recently and that I should hear from them soon.  That call has been making me so anxious!


Yesterday, I was waiting for my friends at a restaurant and my friends walked in and looked at my face and said "uh oh... you look like you want to slit your wrist."  *Sigh* Today I will be going on a hike to distract myself from all the nonsense going on inside my head. 

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Last week I found a little note on the status update page for my top choice that said "status updates will be done every day at 7am" or something like that.  So, for the most part I've eased up on checking that (usually just once at 7:03am).  Email is another story. My email automatically shows up but that doesn't stop me from hitting refresh every time I'm within reach of a computer.    

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