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  On 2/13/2017 at 1:34 AM, Puncherkid said:

Do you think they have notified all admitted applicants?


I'm not sure, to be honest. The list I generated was just for schools who we haven't heard any acceptances from yet. Hopefully we have more clarity over the next couple of weeks.

  On 2/13/2017 at 1:38 AM, csot said:

I'm not sure, to be honest. The list I generated was just for schools who we haven't heard any acceptances from yet. Hopefully we have more clarity over the next couple of weeks.


Thanks a lot!

  On 2/13/2017 at 1:11 AM, csot said:

I'm not sure about this week, but these are the schools (in the top 40 USNWR) that we are still waiting to start hearing acceptances from:

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Harvard, Northwestern, University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University, City University of New York, University of Massachusetts - Amherst, Vanderbilt, University of California - San Diego, and University of Virginia


I interviewed with the DGS at Virginia last week and he said they'll have decisions by the end of the month. Vanderbilt won't be making offers until after Prospective Student Weekend, also at the end of the month. Someone previously posted that they reached out to Penn and was told that decisions will be made by the end of February as well but I'm still hoping to hear from them soon. Every week I think it'll be the week I get my first acceptance but it looks like many schools are still working on reviewing applications.


Johns Hopkins looks like that will be at least another week (or more) until we hear back from them. They look like they are one of the later schools to notify (which kinda makes sense it was one of the last apps I did). I think, to add to the list of ones we should hear from/some I'm waiting on, UC Davis (waitlist, rejections, and potentially more acceptances) & WSU will hopefully be the same (only one acceptance so far).

  On 2/13/2017 at 4:59 AM, jipario said:

More UCLA rejections. Maybe there is a waitlist! (look at me, being all optimistic and whatnot!)


UCLA is my top choice. I wish they would send out the rejections at one time. I've been trying to stay optimistic as well, hoping for a waitlist.


Wondering what's up with Columbia- there are two acceptances via phone which I didn't really know was a thing- after I saw the first one, I figured it was a special circumstance with the individual's POI but now that there are two I'm wondering if they will all be phone calls? Or if they're done?

Also, congrats to all the NYU and Columbia acceptances- my eyes could not be more green <3


Yale, Brown, BU, Albany *(that one I have other issues with still) - So all those seem to have sent out acceptances - but my portal hasnt changed at all. Do we know if this means rejections, or if it may still mean a waitlist?


Stony Brook, Amherst, BC - Still not out


Brandeis and Northeastern - still not out but they arent sociology programs.  

  On 2/13/2017 at 1:11 AM, csot said:

I'm not sure about this week, but these are the schools (in the top 40 USNWR) that we are still waiting to start hearing acceptances from:

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Harvard, Northwestern, University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University, City University of New York, University of Massachusetts - Amherst, Vanderbilt, University of California - San Diego, and University of Virginia


Did Yale send out all of the offers? I saw the one post and the other about the "insiders' list" but I didn't see any denials thus I assume we were still waiting for an official response. 

  On 2/13/2017 at 3:39 PM, Planner101 said:

Did Yale send out all of the offers? I saw the one post and the other about the "insiders' list" but I didn't see any denials thus I assume we were still waiting for an official response. 


I think @csot was compiling a list of schools where no one (that we're aware of) has received an acceptance yet. I'm sure there are schools that may have sent out some acceptances but have yet to send out all of their offers, but this is a list of places where no one has been accepted yet.


As far as Yale goes, it seems like they've sent out their acceptances and the rejections will follow in a bit (they tend to send rejections several weeks after all of their acceptances... last year acceptances came in February and I wasn't officially rejected from Yale until March). 

  On 2/13/2017 at 1:39 PM, WorldPeaceMaker2010 said:

Yale, Brown, BU, Albany *(that one I have other issues with still) - So all those seem to have sent out acceptances - but my portal hasnt changed at all. Do we know if this means rejections, or if it may still mean a waitlist?


Stony Brook, Amherst, BC - Still not out


Brandies and Northeastern - still not out but they arent sociology programs.  


BU as in Boston U?

Anyone know what's going on with Boston University? I just saw someone posted a rejection, and a while back through the results board (NOT searching) I saw some acceptances... but I find that the search terms are really screwy with BU, probably because of all the other Boston schools?

I am fully expecting to be rejected from Boston, but I can't help but click refresh on the results board more and more each day. I just want it to be over with! UMich Ann Arbor I am not even checking on, just waiting for my rejection e-mail ?

Posted (edited)
  On 2/13/2017 at 4:16 PM, Aucitronvert said:

BU as in Boston U?

Anyone know what's going on with Boston University? I just saw someone posted a rejection, and a while back through the results board (NOT searching) I saw some acceptances... but I find that the search terms are really screwy with BU, probably because of all the other Boston schools?

I am fully expecting to be rejected from Boston, but I can't help but click refresh on the results board more and more each day. I just want it to be over with! UMich Ann Arbor I am not even checking on, just waiting for my rejection e-mail ?


Ah finally someone else who applied there as well! Yes, not a peep out of them as far as I see. It looks like in past years results were out the last 1-2 weeks of Feb. so maybe this isn't late for them yet. 


I saw some acceptances though too, and thats why I thought maybe I'm rejected?

Edited by WorldPeaceMaker2010
  On 2/13/2017 at 4:26 PM, WorldPeaceMaker2010 said:

Ah finally someone else who applied there as well! Yes, not a peep out of them as far as I see. It looks like in past years results were out the last 1-2 weeks of Feb. so maybe this isn't late for them yet. 


I saw some acceptances though too, and thats why I thought maybe I'm rejected?


I just searched the Soc results (can't type Boston, wtf?) and found the one (?) acceptance from Feb 3 that was added on the 6th. I came to the same conclusion, that early February is too early to hear from them based on previous years, yet I'm telling myself that all of the acceptances have come and gone so that I don't get my hopes up! I don't know about you, but I wasn't a perfect match for my POIs by any means so I wouldn't be hurt about it. 


There was a blizzard in parts of the northeast. It hit Boston hard, so that will probably delay the BU, Harvard, etc. responses. 


Would anybody who's had an interview be able to tell me a little bit about what they were asked? I have one coming up and am not sure what they're going to ask, beyond what I already sent in with the application I'm not sure really what else there is. I know some people talked about it a little in this thread, specifically about statistics with a low quant GRE, but would anybody be able to speak to what the questions were like more generally?

  On 2/13/2017 at 4:37 PM, Aucitronvert said:

I just searched the Soc results (can't type Boston, wtf?) and found the one (?) acceptance from Feb 3 that was added on the 6th. I came to the same conclusion, that early February is too early to hear from them based on previous years, yet I'm telling myself that all of the acceptances have come and gone so that I don't get my hopes up! I don't know about you, but I wasn't a perfect match for my POIs by any means so I wouldn't be hurt about it. 


It was not my top choice (still crying inside about Yale and Brown *sigh*), but the fit was pretty good for me honestly. I def. could have formed a committee there and had quite a few choices on an advisor. I think since I've been considering it a rejection since I first saw that admit a while ago, I'm more over it now =P


At this point while I'm anxious to hear back from them all of course since I wouldn't have applied if I wasn't at least a decent match, I'm most stressed about Brandeis and Umass Amherst right now. 

  On 2/13/2017 at 4:40 PM, jipario said:

There was a blizzard in parts of the northeast. It hit Boston hard, so that will probably delay the BU, Harvard, etc. responses. 


I know, I live in the middle of it! I think maybe this might impact Amherst since we've had a day off and multiple delays just in the last week. However, the schools I think we're missing arent actually "late" is you look at their results historically.... we're just impatient! 

Posted (edited)
  On 2/13/2017 at 4:42 PM, sociologicalpizza said:

Would anybody who's had an interview be able to tell me a little bit about what they were asked? I have one coming up and am not sure what they're going to ask, beyond what I already sent in with the application I'm not sure really what else there is. I know some people talked about it a little in this thread, specifically about statistics with a low quant GRE, but would anybody be able to speak to what the questions were like more generally?


I had two successful interviews and they were really quite benign.  One was with the POI and the other with the DGA (who was also my POI) and they were mostly "get to know you" conversations were we spoke about my interests and how they would fit with the department. I wouldn't sweat it too much!

Edited by imv
  On 2/13/2017 at 4:43 PM, WorldPeaceMaker2010 said:

It was not my top choice (still crying inside about Yale and Brown *sigh*), but the fit was pretty good for me honestly. I def. could have formed a committee there and had quite a few choices on an advisor. I think since I've been considering it a rejection since I first saw that admit a while ago, I'm more over it now =P


At this point while I'm anxious to hear back from them all of course since I wouldn't have applied if I wasn't at least a decent match, I'm most stressed about Brandies and Umass Amherst right now. 


I felt decent about the match but I felt much stronger about my matches with Boulder and was rejected from there, so I feel your pain! I only applied to four schools this year (well, 5 counting my current institution as a safety school) because I had such a hard time matching with potential chairs... everyone in gender seems to study family or organizations which I do neither of so... but I was so absorbed in applying to Boulder that I can't even remember who all I requested to work with at Boston, Michigan and South Carolina... but I know that every program I applied to I was really excited about.

I do not envy you. I hope you hear from your other schools very soon! Now that I've been rejected from my top choice and waitlisted at my second (eh, second but more like wild card) choice, my anxiety about acceptances has turned into anxiety waiting for the inevitable rejections so that I can move on with my life and plan the next year and a half since I may not be packing up my apartment, partner, and cat and moving away from home for the first time! It'd be a very pleasant surprise at this point if I were accepted from Boston or Michigan... Michigan is NOT happening though, lol.

  On 2/13/2017 at 4:56 PM, Aucitronvert said:

I felt decent about the match but I felt much stronger about my matches with Boulder and was rejected from there, so I feel your pain! I only applied to four schools this year (well, 5 counting my current institution as a safety school) because I had such a hard time matching with potential chairs... everyone in gender seems to study family or organizations which I do neither of so... but I was so absorbed in applying to Boulder that I can't even remember who all I requested to work with at Boston, Michigan and South Carolina... but I know that every program I applied to I was really excited about.

I do not envy you. I hope you hear from your other schools very soon! Now that I've been rejected from my top choice and waitlisted at my second (eh, second but more like wild card) choice, my anxiety about acceptances has turned into anxiety waiting for the inevitable rejections so that I can move on with my life and plan the next year and a half since I may not be packing up my apartment, partner, and cat and moving away from home for the first time! It'd be a very pleasant surprise at this point if I were accepted from Boston or Michigan... Michigan is NOT happening though, lol.


Umass Amherst has a lot of gender work actually, if you do end up doing another cycle, def. give them a look! 

Do you know where on the waitlist you are? Maybe that'll work out!


Hi everyone.

I'm completely new to gradcafe (didn't even know it existed), so not sure if this is the proper thread to be asking this on. I've been accepted to a few programs, and am on schedule to visit some of them to help make my decision. Can anyone give me tips on what to wear/bring? I'm a woman, coming straight from undergrad. I want to look professional, but I'm not sure exactly how to dress. I know I'm already accepted and that what I wear won't make or break anything, but I'm still really worried.

Any help (or redirection to another thread) would be greatly appreciated.

  On 2/13/2017 at 5:00 PM, WorldPeaceMaker2010 said:

Umass Amherst has a lot of gender work actually, if you do end up doing another cycle, def. give them a look! 

Do you know where on the waitlist you are? Maybe that'll work out!


I looked into them a tiny bit but I will admit that I didn't give myself enough time to seriously consider enough schools! No one stood out to me there iirc, but now I know next year that I should be casting a wider net for sure. I was very fixated on embodiment/identity gender this year. Thank you, I'll look at them much more carefully this time!

I just emailed the folks who waitlisted me last night after reading some good advice on grad cafe to ask how they rank the list/where I'm on it! You're right, it may work out :)

  On 2/13/2017 at 5:00 PM, soci said:

Hi everyone.

I'm completely new to gradcafe (didn't even know it existed), so not sure if this is the proper thread to be asking this on. I've been accepted to a few programs, and am on schedule to visit some of them to help make my decision. Can anyone give me tips on what to wear/bring? I'm a woman, coming straight from undergrad. I want to look professional, but I'm not sure exactly how to dress. I know I'm already accepted and that what I wear won't make or break anything, but I'm still really worried.

Any help (or redirection to another thread) would be greatly appreciated.


Where do you have acceptances to?


I would suggest you bring a few different outfits if the visits are overnight, or have a few different "events". Bring a more professional look for most of it - like black slacks, a nice blouse, maybe a professional type jacket. Then a more dressed up type of look in case they have a dinner thing - a cute (but not revealing!) dress round knee length or a skirt and nice top to go with it. I would also bring a more casual outfit in case the next morning there's like an informal breakfast or meet and greet tours with current students - nice jeans (no tears, and darker in color tends to look nicer normally) and a nice sweater (if your touring a colder region)

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