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Playwriting MFAs


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Everyone. I still haven't heard anything from SFSU's Program, but I'm already scouting what programs to apply for next year and just keep writing! I don't think I can give up something that is me... no matter how much I try and want to. Break a leg to all you writers out there!

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  • 5 months later...

Is this thread completely dead? Would love to hear how things worked out for everyone who has posted over the last couple of years. The few who were accepted - how were the programs? Those who weren't - are you still applying?

I read through this whole thread from start to finish today - was kind of like a reality show!

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I'm applying for the first time this year, but I'm here too! I hope some of the seasoned posters will come back, though. The more I look at my list of things to do, the more insane it seems.

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Hey teethwax and shockingnew -- I'm applying to programs for Fall 2013 too! Hope this thread comes to life soon as there is so little info out there comparing MFA programs and application processes. Where are you two applying?

My current list is Brooklyn, Brown, Iowa, Ohio University, and Indiana at Bloomington. My basic criteria are: no massive debt necessary and teaching possible if not encouraged, as a big reason I want an MFA is to be able to teach. I also really don't want to take the GRE -- this is my first time applying, and since it looks like everyone gets rejected the first round, I'll save the extra GRE expense for when I'm a more experienced hand.

I went to NYU's Dramatic Writing program for undergrad so I have a BFA with a playwriting concentration. What are you guys looking for? Heard anything new about any programs? Are you having as hard a time figuring out due dates as I am?

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Hey tjack,

My current list is pretty ridiculous -- Brown, Yale, Juilliard, NYU, Columbia. I know the odds are against me, but my criteria are 1) incredible program, 2) in or near a great theatre scene, 3) no GRE required. I haven't taken a math class since I was 16, and the time and effort required to get up to speed seems like a waste of resources.

I think I know what my due dates are -- 12/1 through early January -- but I'm nervous as hell about letters of recommendation. My advisor from college is very ill and a letter from him would have been a huge help; so far I haven't had any responses to my emails to others. I'm hoping the play I'm working on will carry me through.

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Hey guys,

The thread will come to life eventually once deadlines get closer. Tjack, I'm applying to some of the same schools you have on your list. Deadlines are: Brown: December 15 / Iowa: January 15 / Ohio: March 15 / Indiana Bloomington: February 1st.

I also don't wanna take the GRE so I'm only applying to those that don't require it. This is my second year applying, last time I applied to three and got to the final Interview with Indiana but didn't make it.

Teethwax, your list looks pretty intimidating. Good luck!

Shockingnew, those that got into a program probably will not be checking this forum again, but there are always new people coming in and sharing info so keep checking in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also don't wanna take the GRE so I'm only applying to those that don't require it. This is my second year applying, last time I applied to three and got to the final Interview with Indiana but didn't make it.

I get this feeling, but you really should take the GRE. While I can't directly quote specific people who run these programs, I can say that the GRE for an MFA writing program seems to be something that is required by the school. While the program probably would like to know that you aren't a complete slug re: English language, I don't think your GRE score matters that much to them. I say this because I got into a grad program, and while my score was above average, it was nothing to sneeze at.

Also, I don't think there are "throwaway years," to just apply, so you can get rejected and reapply next year. First time applicants get in all the time. These babies cost so much money and time; don't throw it down just for kicks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

MonkeyKing, thanks for the advice. I certainly am not considering this year a throwaway year, they really are too expensive to be throwing them away. I just meant I wouldn't take the GRE this year because most of the schools I'm interested in getting in to don't require it. I know some schools do (San Diego is one of them), but fortunately most of the others do not. And I agree, even to those that do require it, it seems like they really don't care too much about them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So here's a question that might make me look pretty dumb, but that's okay. Is there a way to submit letters of recommendation electronically for Iowa?

The website keeps directing me in circles and the closest I've gotten to instructions on LOR is this: http://grad.admissions.uiowa.edu/sites/default/files/uploading/files/gradrecform.pdf

But I don't want to have to print out that form, fill it out, scan it, send it to my recommenders, etc. -- that seems way too complicated to be the only option. Is there even a way to request the letters online?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Like you, Decaf, I read this thread from beginning to end. Amazing! There were definitely howls of laughter mixed in with empathy for folks whose hearts were broken.

So, I'm taking the plunge and applying to:

- NYU (app is in)

- Brooklyn College

- Yale

- Columbia

I'm hopeful. What else can you be, right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who else is in the midst of their Brown application? Tons of fun! What are people doing about the 15 pages of a second play? First 15 of another full length is what I think I'm going to do, but I also have a lot of short plays that I think are better. Curious to know what everyone is doing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey folks! I'm also applying for Playwriting MFAs this year.

My list is:


- Brown

- UT Austin

- Columbia


- Northwestern

- Yale

I'm applying to the dream schools this year, and if they all fall through, I'll probably expand my list for next year/subsequent years.

And to tjack-- for my Brown application, I'm submitting a complete 14-page short play as the supplemental work, as I thought it was stronger than a selected part of a different full-length.

Good luck to all!

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Here are my schools (no surprises - and no safety schools on here - going for broke!)







tJack, I was planning to send Brown one full-length and a 10-minute play, but now am thinking of a 15-page sample from a full length that I just finished. Untested and scary but probably a better play. Who knows? What do others plan to do? And any insights on the current realities at these programs?

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Hi Trilogy Fan,

The goal is to always send in your best work - and best means that you've worked on that particular piece a LOT. As you know, plays are always a work-in-progress so sending in an "untested" sample is probably not to your advantage. Before you send it, have your actor friends read it out loud so you can hear it. Because from what I've learned of this process, the writing sample is what will put your application on the top above everything else. That writing sample could be the difference between you being a finalist and receiving a rejection letter.

I submitted a full-length play to all the programs that required one (the play I submitted has been developed and won several awards and contests.) Many programs also accepted one-act plays. NYU, for instance, wanted a 80-page max portfolio, so I submitted the first act of my full-length and two 10-minute plays. This requirement allowed me to show the variety of my writing which was great.

I hope this perspective helps. :)

Edited by EccentricDreamer
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I ran across forum while looking over playwriting programs one last time. I'm applying to four or five schools for the fall semester and it's all pretty overwhelming. I would appreciate any advice, especially because some of you have applied before, and am grateful for what I've read so far.



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Hi Trilogy Fan,

The goal is to always send in your best work - and best means that you've worked on that particular piece a LOT...

I hope this perspective helps. :)

Thanks, Dreamer! I appreciate your thoughtful reply. Ultimately I decided that the excerpt from the new play was stronger than my 10-minute, and as I am a really new playwright with no real production history (my first is in Feb 2014) there isn't much to choose from! 

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I ran across forum while looking over playwriting programs one last time. I'm applying to four or five schools for the fall semester and it's all pretty overwhelming. I would appreciate any advice, especially because some of you have applied before, and am grateful for what I've read so far.



Hi Misssharai, 


Where are you applying? Are you finding one aspect more overwhelming than the other? Many of the deadlines are already gone or coming up on us fast, so I figure that like me you are in the middle of the storm right now. And I am doing all this while traveling in Europe! Hope all's going well.

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Hi Misssharai, 


Where are you applying? Are you finding one aspect more overwhelming than the other? Many of the deadlines are already gone or coming up on us fast, so I figure that like me you are in the middle of the storm right now. And I am doing all this while traveling in Europe! Hope all's going well.

Because of the deadlines it feels like I'm never going to get it all done. I'm applying to Texas Tech, University of Iowa, and still trying to decided between Indiana-Bloomington and Southern Illinois. At least I know I'm not alone in the storm now. :) I hope you manage to still have fun in Europe!

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